Perhaps you have heard of weight loss tea before? After all, the health and wellness market, generally speaking, is pretty saturated when it comes to tea-based weight loss products.
Maximum Slim Tea, Java Burn and Flat Belly Fix (Tea) are some I have reviewed on this website already but of course, there is quite a list of others – which brings us to PT Trim Purple Tea, a new dietary supplement created from a blend of a rare purple tea variety from the Jungle regions of Kenya.
Flush 1 pound of fat every 24 hours with this incredible formula that has kept the indigenous population of The Nandi Hills in Kenya slim, healthy and disease-free for many hundreds of years. Living well into their 90s as fit and healthy as they were in their younger years.
But Does PT Trim Purple Tea Really Work For Burning Fat?
According to its creators, YES IT DOES!. By simply drinking PT Trim Fat Burn for just 10 seconds every day you will notice the lbs continuously start to fall off. From the belly, waist, thighs and hips – your body will begin to completely transform in just a matter of weeks. All without dieting and giving up on your favourite foods.
Certainly, some BIG claims here for sure but do these have any merit? After all, this wouldn’t be the first supplement to make such audacious claims.
Indeed, If you believe there is some magic secret out there that will help you lose weight fast then you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Before anything else, you must understand that you can not just lose weight without putting in the effort first. There is no magic key or pill that will just melt away the unwanted pounds overnight.
However, despite all this, there are some things about this supplement that are supported by science. For example, Purple Tea and PT Trim’s other 3 ingredients are packed full of antioxidants.
So it does seem that PT Trim Fat Burner really might be worth its salt but really IS IT?
Please keep reading to find out more about PT Trim and Purple Tea for Weight Loss…
Now, so…
Does PT Trim Purple Tea Really Work For Burning Fat? Before and After Review (2022)

Product Name: PT Trim Fat Burn
Creator: Liz Watkins
Price: $59 for 1 Bottle, with Discounts for Multi Buy on 3 or 6 Bottles. Also, get $10 OFF!
The Good: Kenyan Purple Tea is an actual thing for weight loss and 180 Days Money Back Guarantee.
The Bad: Not enough information about the creator or manufacturer.
Recommended (Yes/No)? I will let you decide. I am a bit dubious but still some things about this I like the sound of.
Judge for yourself [Find Out More Here<<]
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What Is PT Trim Purple Tea?

Now, so, what is PT Trim Purple Tea? If this is your first time hearing about this – PT Trim Purple Tea is a recently released dietary supplement designed to help cleanse your body weight of unhealthy excess fat.
It is a metabolism booster that is triggered by high levels of EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and Catechins.
Catechins and EGCG are found in Green Tea and Coffee also but apparently, the Purple Tea Leaves used for PT Trim Fat Burner are especially strong. Something backed up by studies from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition whose research suggest that taking high levels of Catechins daily has been found to;
- Lower BMI,
- Body Weight,
- Waist Size,
- Body Fat Mass
- Subcutaneous Fat Levels. [R]
>>Read More about PT Trim Fat Burn and Its Weight Loss Benefits Here<<
I personally, think this could work for a number of reasons. As well as the ECGC and Catechins another possible fat-burning chemical inside of Purple Tea is Anthocyanins. [R]
So, as shown in the screenshot above anthocyanins are known for their antioxidant effects. These are useful for fighting unstable molecules called Free Radicals which damage healthy cells and increase the risk of diseases.
If you didn’t know this includes metabolic diseases such as obesity. By fighting back against free radicals the body can defend itself better against disease and start to repair biological issues that prevent things like adipogenesis – which the body needs to transform unhealthy white fat into healthy brown fat (Brown Adipose Tissue).
Something that is basically key to the body metabolizing fat into energy rather than just storing it.
Blueberries and Black Currants are both rich in Anthocyanins but besides these fruits, you can also find these same flavonoids in strawberries, raspberries, aubergines and purple broccoli.
However, apparently, none of these whole foods is as rich in Anthocyanins as Purple Tea leaves. In fact, nothing else really compares to this powerful Mutant Tea plant. The Purple colour is a very good indicator of this.
According to the makers of PT Trim Purple Tea, can help a wide range of different people.
Some big claims definitely but you have to admit this does sound like something that could really work. But does it? Please keep reading if you’d like to learn more about Purple Tea and especially the PT Trim Fat Burn Supplement.
Who Is The Creator of PT Trim Purple Tea?
If you look at this Before and After PT Trim picture above this is apparently Liz Watkins from St. Louis, Missouri.
Apparently, Liz made the discovery about the Kenyan Purple Tea that inspired the creation of PT Trim.
This happened after her own weight issues almost caused her to have a miscarriage with two of her three children.
As the story goes a very desperate Liz had tried several diets and exercise programs over the years and nothing had ever worked for her. It got to the point where she never believed she would ever lose the extra pounds that made her so miserable day after day. Apparently, it was just one disappointment after another.
However, one day her friend, a fitness coach shared on Facebook an article by the National Library of Medicine.
This was not about Purple Tea but about how every person has their own “set point” when it comes to their weight. So basically this means that some people will reach a certain size and the body then programs this in the DNA.
So once you start losing weight you will naturally become hungrier and your metabolism will slow down so your body can get back to its set point. If this is say 350 pounds and you lose 50 pounds your body will want to naturally get back to 350 lbs.
It sounds crazy but this is your body programmed to prevent weight loss which it will do no matter what your size and this in the scientific community is known as asymmetric biological control.
I can’t actually find ANYTHING on google for this term but the weight loss set point thing is REAL (R)
But Back To Liz’s Story…
OK, now maybe this is fictional. Liz Watkins is most likely a made-up character but all this is good information to know if you’re looking to lose weight. So apparently Liz went to the doctor one day for a post-pregnancy check-up. She broke down in tears when he asked her why she hadn’t tried to lose any weight.
This led to her opening up about her research and it was with this that the doctor explained that she could reprogram her body’s natural set weight. She just had to figure out a way how and this was when the doctor simply wrote down on a piece of paper Purple Tea…

Sounds like BS right? I have to admit that I DO NOT think this is a real story but perhaps there may just be something to drinking Purple Tea. After all Green Tea and Green Coffee are marketed for their weight loss benefits. Catechins and ECGC from Green Tea are very often discussed within the weight loss community but how about this rare Purple Tea from Kenya – what is the deal here? I think this is very interesting…
>>>See What PT Trim Purple Tea Is All About – Find Out More Here<<
I think kind of so far so good but…
Is It Natural?
The most natural way to lose weight according to Liz Watkins and her doctor is with Purple Tea. If you want to try Purple Tea then you guessed it – one such product is PT Trim Purple Tea Fat Burn. However, this is actually not the only one. Both Amazon and eBay have various Purple Tea products currently listed. Although, this one is apparently very special.
I kind of find this hard to believe this is completely unique but just bear in mind you can try this product risk-free for 180 days. Maybe you can find something cheaper that does exactly the same thing but maybe this is true – who knows?
It’s a bit suspect if you ask me but back to the question “Are the Ingredients Inside PT Trim Natural?”.
Well, according to the website YES!, PT Trim Purple Tea is 3rd Party tested and GMP certified to prove it is made with only the purest and cleanest ingredients. No mention of natural, organic or GMO-free but close enough I guess
I will need to email them to find out more but yes that is something I suppose.
So, Purple tea extract is the main component of this formula, alongside Green Tea, Berberine and Garcinia Cambogia. Together these ingredients all have been shown repeatedly to have digestive effects as well as metabolism-boosting benefits. But how about this? Is PT Trim really Natural? Does It Really Help with Weight Loss and Is It Worth Your Time?
It is not actually my top pick for a weight loss solution (See This Here) but I do think if it really uses potent enough sources of these ingredients as mentioned then it is possibly a good alternative.
So Does PT Trim Purple Tea Really Work?
I am kind of convinced. I hadn’t heard of Purple Tea before coming across PT Trim and I was a bit sceptical about this product (I still am to a certain degree) but the way I see it is that this isn’t just some made-up nonsense. Kenyan Purple Tea is marketed as a solution for weight loss. It isn’t just PT Trim Purple Tea making these wild claims about this plant.
From what I know Anthocyanins, are the pigments that make this plant look purple, and these are flavonoids that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which help fight inflammation and hormonal imbalances.
I know this from researching other weight loss products. They all kind of draw the same conclusion. If we can cleanse the body of certain pollutants then we can kickstart natural functions that will benefit our overall health.
It is very complicated I know but long story short PT Trim Purple Tea is designed to help with this. Especially with fat burning which can be affected by not only the body’s weight set point but also the things preventing us from doing more to lower it.
So for example Leptin Resistance is caused by oxidative stress. When we have this it is much harder to control our appetite and as a result, this makes it more difficult to reset our body’s set weight.
Also, other hormones such as cortisol, adiponectin, ghrelin and Insulin are further things that are affected by free radicals. Once we can get these under control we are in a much better position to start losing weight.
Which is something that PT Trim Purple Tea certainly seems to be a solution for but…
What Are The Side-Effects?
Now, as I mentioned in the beginning many supplements and diets do not work correctly. In fact, some may even cause health problems rather than helping to solve them. PT Trim apparently does not fall underneath this category.
Oxidative stress can cause many negative side effects including metabolic disorders such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Even Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be another serious condition linked with oxidative stress. So countering these problems are possible positive effects of drinking PT Trim Purple Tea.
However, it is worth noting that dietary supplements such as this can also have their own side effects. According to the sales page and the product label, this must not be taken by any under 18’s or pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Those taking any existing medications should consult a physician to discuss any possible negative interactions and this product must be kept in a cool & dry place. Just the usual really don’t exceed 2 capsules a day and discontinue use if you have any problems. There are no other reported side effects besides this.
What Are The Ingredients of PT TRIM?
Within PT Trim Fat Burn 4 powerful ingredients combine to help you burn fat and lose weight. By taking this weight loss supplement you can improve your general quality of life in addition to helping you lose weight and reducing your risk of obesity issues. A single capsule weighs 1.3 grams. The Ingredients are:
i.) Purple Tea Leaves

The main ingredient in the PT Trim Fat Burner supplement is an extract of Purple Tea Leaves from the Nandi Hills of Kenya. These by themselves are packed full of powerful antioxidants. From the purple leaves are high levels of anthocyanins which give the plant its purple colour and this is apparently caused by the scorching African heat.
The plant itself is the same species as Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) and like its Asian counterpart is also packed with Polyphenols such as Catechins and ECGC which by themselves work as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
Although, by comparison, Purple Tea has less caffeine and more antioxidants than green tea. Many companies are capitalizing on its health benefits as a superfood and whether you try Purple Tea via PT Trim or via another product it is definitely worth looking into.
Now, besides Purple Tea Leaves inside PT Trim Fat Burn is…
ii.) Green Tea Extract
As well as Purple Tea Leaves also inside the PT Trim Purple Tea supplement is Green Tea extract. This is quite a common ingredient in a lot of weight loss supplements because Green Tea which is the purest kind before undergoing the fermentation process is packed full of polyphenols (Catechins & ECGC).
This is no doubt added as a booster to the Purple Tea extract and is itself packed full of antioxidants and anti-Inflammatories. In fact, Green tea itself has a whole plethora of benefits and it is believed to make those that drink it live for longer and stay free from diseases – even cancer. [R]
However, no mention is made of the quality of Green tea extract used in PT Trim Fat Burn so this is one potential issue.
iii.) Berberine Hydrochloride
Found in Barberries, Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, and Tree Turmeric the next ingredient in the PT Trim Purple Tea blend is Berberine Hydrochloride. Popular in TCM and Ayurvedic Naturopathy for thousands of years, Berberine is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity effects. It is also anti-bacterial and it is thought to be able to treat conditions such as sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis.
Often it is used in Blood Sugar Support Supplements and it is believed to treat several metabolic health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and heart problems. According to some studies taking Berberine daily can not only lower BMI but is also thought to boost the metabolism by activating healthy brown fat (BAT / Brown Adipose Tissue). [R]
iv.) Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract
Besides the other three ingredients mentioned above the PT Trim Purple Tea blend also includes Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract. This is very commonly found in a lot of weight loss and blood sugar support supplements. One way this fruit may help is because the active ingredient in Its rind is hydroxycitric acid, or HCA.
HCA works by blocking an enzyme called citrate lyase, which the body uses to make fat. It also has been found to raise levels of the pleasure chemical serotonin which itself can help reduce cravings.
Overall studies are quite a mixed bag over whether Garcinia Cambogia is really that effective or not but some studies have found it to beneficial for lowering unhealthy cholesterol, reducing inflammation and improving Insulin Sensitivity. [R}
Other Ingredients
Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silica and Microcrystalline Cellulose. Basically, the usual stuff is used to make non-vegan friendly capsules. If you are looking for something which is vegan try this instead<< Now, maybe you have read enough already or maybe not but if you are still considering giving PT Trim a shot…
What Are The Overall Benefits of PT Trim?
So I have a few points to make here. The main goal of taking PT Trim Purple Tea is obviously weight loss and this is done in a number of different ways. It is interesting to remember the body’s natural set point for weight – say 300 lbs or 20 Stone. To lower this you will need to both control your food cravings and speed up your metabolism for the best results.
Here is how PT Trim Purple Tea may be able to help.
i.) By Reducing Stubborn Fat
One of PT Trim’s biggest claims is that it can help you lose weight from the belly, waist, thighs and hips. When we consider the antioxidant effects of anthocyanins this is certainly plausible. So reducing stubborn fat that you just couldn’t get rid of before definitely makes this product seem worth a try.
ii.) Tones Your Muscles
In addition to reducing fat, another benefit that PT Trim may also offer is that it increases muscle tone. It builds lean muscle mass and boosts metabolism. Through increased muscle mass and tone these capsules help to develop a slender body.
iii.) Increases Vitality
By improving the metabolic cycle, PT Trim’s Fat Burn formula can help raise energy levels. Due to the fat you burn, you’ll feel more energized, which will keep you more active and busy throughout the day.
iv.) Reduces food cravings
The likelihood of becoming obese and overweight increases when eating habits are poor. Food cravings and hunger are reduced by PT Trim’s Fat Burn Formula. As a result of PT Trim Purple Tea, your caloric intake is reduced. Thus helping you maintain a healthy weight where you are in more control of what you eat and what you don’t.
Who Is PT Trim Purple Tea For?
Anyone looking to try supplements to lose weight may be interested in trying out PT Trim Purple Tea.
As mentioned already It is not recommended for anyone under 18 or pregnant or breastfeeding women. Mostly this is just a precaution but for everyone else over 18, this surely is something to consider.
If you are struggling with weight loss and looking for something new to try this might just be for you.
Or Check Out My Alternative Pick Here<<
Is PT Trim Fat Burn Safe?
Natural herbs and antioxidants are what make up the majority of the ingredients in this dietary supplement. It’s completely safe to consume for most people in their early 30s to late 80s. It doesn’t say much about under 30’s except that under 18’s and pregnant/nursing mothers should not take this supplement as a safety precaution.
Also, people with health problems should consult their doctors prior to taking PT Trim. Especially anyone that already takes medication or who suffers from any serious pre-existing health conditions.
Is PT Trim Purple Tea Legit?
Yes, as this is sold through Clickbank as its main vendor there should be no issues with checkout or receiving a refund.
In this respect, PT Trim is definitely legit and also because the company offers a full 180 Days money-back guarantee this does suggest that this supplement must work.
However, certain important details are lacking about PT Trim. All the website indicates is the creator is Liz Watkins who is likely just a pen name and besides this, the only details are the email address and the return shipping address; Jetpack Shipping, 1140 S. Highbrook St. Ste. 4, Akron, Oh 44301
To be fair Clickbank are notorious for this but you have to admit there are a lot more legitimate companies online by comparison.
For instance, see my top recommended pick for weight loss supplements here.
Honestly, I’m not saying PT Trim Purple Tea doesn’t work. The 180 Day Money Back Guarantee really does make for a good argument, but then this is not the only product that offers such a guarantee.
In fact, my alternative pick (see here) offers a full year, is cheaper in price and is made by a company that is much more legitimate with a real owner, real reviews and a website with a social media presence.
Need I say any more…
Now just to summarise PT Trim Fat Burn isn’t exactly what I would recommend for anyone that wanted my help with weight loss. You can find out what that is in my links above but before I finish up here – here is what I like and what I don’t.
So, let’s begin with the Pros
What Are The Pros?
First of all the ingredients especially Purple Tea are scientifically proven to aid digestion, boost metabolism and curb cravings. All aspects of weight loss.
Also, the other main claim by PT Trim on their sales page about having a set point for our body weight is another thing that is scientifically proven.
On these grounds, PT Trim seems to be bang on the money.
The 180 Days Money Back Guarantee, the $10 Off discount, multi-buy discounts and free shipping worldwide if you purchase 6 bottles are the other pros.
Plus there are the 3 digital bonuses;
- The 14-Day Flat Belly Diet…
- The 24-Hour Fat Melting Protocol…
- PT Trim Slimming Smoothies…
Not bad really especially the bonuses and $10 discount but then of course it isn’t all positive.
So What Are The Cons?
Now, there is the fact that are many more reputable supplements available. There are also much cheaper options if you want to try Purple Tea for Weight Loss. Just take a look at some of the alternatives available on eBay and Amazon. You can definitely save a bit of money here but then what PT Trim claims is these are all cheap knock offs.

This could be true of course but surely not. And how about that PT Trim can melt away 1 pound of fat every 24 hours.
False claims are another possible con about this product. You could put this down to marketing and getting one up over the competition. After all the weight loss industry is worth Billions. Even the best products can suffer from a lack of hype. In that respect, it really boils down to personal results.
However, this is another con – where are the customer reviews? You can put this down to PT Trim being new but this definitely a con…
and finally there are a few more things.
- So PT Trim is not Vegan Friendly as it is made with Gelatin capsules
- There is no indication that PT Trim is non toxic, GMO-free or FDA approved.
Also, there is no allergy information. Although the ingredients are plant-based still it doesn’t mention whether the factory produces other products that could risk cross-contamination.
Final Verdict
So I do not recommend PT Trim Purple Tea as my top pick (See This Here). I think the lack of information about the company that makes this supplement is very shady. I don’t know whether this will be something that changes in the future or not but this is the problem I think.
Yet, from what I’ve learned about Purple Tea I really think this is worth trying for weight loss. The whole part about catechins, anthocyanins, antioxidants and resetting the body’s natural weight is very interesting.
I am actually quite sold on this but I do wonder about the Purple Tea Leaves for sale on eBay and Amazon.
Maybe they are better but then as you can basically try PT Trim Fat Burner risk-free for 180 Days I am curious.
But I shall leave the rest up to you. Let us know what you think in the comments section below along with any questions, and feedback on today’s review.
Also, if you know anyone that might like to read this please share it with your friends and contacts by all means.
Many thanks for reading and #StayDynamic
Best Regards
Alex B. Chivers
Contact me at
If you are struggling with issues regarding your weight I hope this information has been of some benefit to you. If you would like to contact me privately my email address is I am not a qualified medical professional and my advice is not intended to replace that of any doctor or any healthcare professionals.
However, perhaps I can help based on my research from my 2 years running this blog. I am not looking to exploit anybodys health situation but I may recommend products if I genuinely think they can help.
Also, on occasion, this might be a company I am affiliated but I will disclose this information in advance.
Oh and just in case you are genuinely interested in PT Trim checkout the website below ⏬

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Thanks for sharing this information Alex as my friends and family are also into natural health products. PT Trim Purple Tea which you explain as a new dietary supplement created from a blend of a rare purple tea variety from the Jungle regions of Kenya is a product with which I am not familiar but you have explained its benefits well. I appreciate knowing about this.
Your welcome Joseph I wasn’t really familiar with it either before I come across this product. I knew about Rooibos Red Bush Tea but not this although I see there are actually a lot of Purple Tea products on the market. Not totally sure how this compares but definitely something to look at for weight loss I think.