What is the Best CBD Oil in the USA for 2022? Just in case you’re wondering. If you have looked online you might find yourself feeling a bit confused with so many CBD brands out there to choose from. This is a huge industry that will only continue to grow bigger and anyone that has searched online should be able to tell you this.
About just how difficult finding a good CBD product can be. But what about CBD Essence?
So I decided to start a category for CBD on this website (see here) after I did my original post about Using CBD Oil for Pain Management. That was an eye-opener in terms of how saturated the CBD market was/is and I learned that a lot of people were struggling to find decent products.
I mean a lot of people online will diss one product or a brand just to try and trick people into buying another. This is one problem but then just having so many businesses all releasing their own CBD products is really the main issue. Plus so many differing opinions…
But then there are ways to find good products I think. Customer Reviews are one such way and actually this product I am going to review CBD Essence I found out about through the reviews on Trustpilot.
Take from this what you will but here is the CBD Essence Review score on Trust Pilot… ⏬
So, the screenshot above is over a year old now. There are more reviews that have been added since but still, CBD Essence has a trust score of 4.8 out of 5 stars. There are 28 pages of 5-star reviews and only a very small % of 1-star reviews.
*Note all negative reviews have all been responded to by Don Balou himself the owner of the CBD Essence brand.
Which, honestly, I think is a really cool thing but Is This The Best CBD Oil in the USA?
CBD Essence – Is This The Best CBD Oil in the USA? (2022)
Product Name: CBD Essence
Owner: Don Ballou
Website: CBDEssence.net
Company Based: Florida, USA
What I Like: Lots of good reviews
What I Don’t Like: Only available in the USA
Do I Recommend: Yes, if you don’t mind the wait.
One thing that I think is quite special about CBD Essence Inc. is how they operate on a smaller scale. I am not really sure how small but according to the owner Don Ballou, this is to help ensure the best quality comes out in the end product.
This can be a bit of a nuisance when ordering because sometimes you will be put on a waiting list but apparently the wait is well worth it.
FTC Disclosure:
Please note that I am an affiliate partner of CBD Essence Inc. I don’t actually work for this company but if you do make a purchase due to my recommendation through my affiliate links in this article I may receive a commission. You will not pay any more than you would usually.
Any questions please feel free to ask – my email is chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com
Why Take CBD Oil?
So, I’m guessing if you’ve just stumbled upon this post you might already be familiar with CBD. I mean hopefully, you have found this page through google and you are possibly already even aware of the CBD Essence company already.
Cool, if this is the case but seriously for anyone that isn’t familiar with CBD here is a quick breakdown of a few things related to this popular new health supplement.
So, CBD if you didn’t know is actually the name of one of the compounds found inside the Cannabis plant. CBD is short for Cannabidiol which is incredibly just one of 113 identified Cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant.
It might sound insignificant given this fact, but interestingly CBD on its own accounts for some 40% of the whole Cannabis plant.
THC is another prominent Cannabinoid and it is known for its psychoactive effects but CBD is extracted mostly because it does not have these same effects. Plus it still has many of the same supposed health benefits that come from the Cannabis plant.
As a herbal remedy, Its rise in popularity in recent years is because of most changes in the law. Especially in the United States but one big factor in the surge in CBD’s popularity can most certainly be attributed to the case of Charlotte Figi – a young sufferer of Dravet’s Syndrome (a form of Epilepsy) who made national headlines in the USA because of her successful treatment using CBD Oil. (R)
This was apparently something that created quite a demand from others that wished to use CBD oil for themselves. Indeed and since this time it has come out that many different health benefits can come from the use of CBD Oil.
This diagram below from the CBD Essence goes some way to show the benefits of using CBD but really this is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is quite a list here… and even this picture only shows some of the things CBD can help with. You can bet there are more too.
But What Is The Best CBD Oil in the USA?
Some brands to consider are;
- cbdMD
- Charlotte’s Web CBD
- Joy Organics CBD
- Touchstone Essentials Calm CBD [Read My Review HERE]
These are just what I have looked at thus far but Don Ballou CBD Essence is the one I think stands out.
Who Are CBD Essence Inc?
Well, CBD Essence Inc. is a CBD Oil company (obviously!). It is a company that went into business in 2014, with its headquarters based in the Netherlands. Their owner is a man called Don Ballou.
Don runs CBD Essence with the help of his wife Suzie Salah and managing director Robert Emma. To date, CBD Essence is a company that has launched several different successful products including CBD Gummies, CBD Taffy and CBD for Pets.
Don Ballou’s vision for CBD Essence, in the beginning, was to market a very different type of commercial CBD.
Being a sufferer of ADHD since a young age Don Balou often used CBD prior to the launch of CBD Essence to treat his condition. Taking CBD for ADHD is actually a quite popular remedy but what Don found was none of the products he tried would work in the way he wanted.
This led him to investigate further and experiment with creating his own CBD oil and this is what led to the CBD Essence we all know today.
A very special product that only uses the finest hemp with the very best methods of CBD extraction.
What Products Do They Sell?
In its 8th year in business, CBD Essence has quite a range of different products that include everything from tinctures, edibles, topicals and vapes. There is even a CBDs for Pets range.
Also, the main CBD oil tinctures sold by CBD Essence Inc. come in 7 different flavours!
These are as follows;
- Natural
- Cinnamon
- Spearmint
- Grape
- Mango
- Lemon and
- Unsweetened
So one other thing to note CBD Essence only make their tinctures as Full Spectrum CBD – this means that these all contain a very small amount of THC (<0.3%). This may worry people because of the psychoactive effects but this should not be a big concern as THC must be consumed in a much higher dose to notice these effects.
You also get the option of Extra Strength and Full Strength CBD Oil Tinctures. See product list below;
- Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture 1oz – 300mg CBD Oil
- Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture 2oz – 600mg CBD Oil
- Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture 8oz – 2400mg CBD Oil
- Extra Strength CBD Oil Tincture 1000mg CBD Oil
- Max Strength CBD Oil Tincture 2100mg CBD Oil
But of course you might wonder…
Does CBD Essence Really Work?
There is a few things to know about CBD Essence that help further its case as the best CBD oil in the USA for 2022.
I will not list these down but of course if you are interested check out this infographic below;

I mean I think this pretty much shows the companys stance on whether these products work or not but further to this if you visit the CBD Essence website [Click Here for 20% Off] you can see there that each product you click on has its own reviews – some well into their 100’s.
I will delve deeper into customer reviews soon but plenty of customers can testify that CBD Essence does work and it’s a great product to look out for in 2022 and beyond. You can also read more about other CBD brands that I recommend [HERE]
But just to put this in context…
What Are the Pros and Cons
- Lots of positive reviews [Check out Trustpilot]
- More positive reviews [See Website]
- Co2 Extracted
- Produced in small batches to ensure better quality.
- 100% Organic, Non-GMO Ingredients
- Highly Absorptive Formula
- Not suitable for under 18’s
- Not suitable for pregnant or nursing mothers
- You may need to speak to a GP before you take
- Only available in the USA and Canada
- All products contain THC (less than 0.3%)
- Only produced in small batches so may not be available.
So nothing to bad really – a lot of care definitely goes into producing the CBD Essence range of products and I don’t think its too much of a long shot to call it the best CBD oil in the USA. However, it is like any health product its alays sensible to talk to a GP before taking, and it may not be safe for under 18’s or breastfeeding mothers. Also, this brand is only sold in USA and Canada and because it is manufactured in such small batches the other problem is you may have to join a waiting list if the product is not currently in stock.
But ultimately the customer reviews on Trust Pilot and the CBD Essence website really do speak volumes.
Some of these I will share below;
CBD Essence Inc. Customer Reviews
So, I’ve already shared a screenshot of the Trustpilot score but there are quite a lot of reviews on the CBD Essence website as well. To be honest, I don’t usually trust reviews on a product’s website. They are too easy for the company to delete the bad ones and keep the good ones – if they don’t like them. But I will trust them if there is enough there and they keep the bad ones as well as the good ones.
Below I will share screenshots of both good and bad from the CBD Essence website.
Positive Reviews;

Negative Reviews;

Overall, there are 400+ reviews mostly positive. If you’d like to read more;
Visit the CBD Essence website HERE [Also bear in mind if you use this link you can also get a 20% off discount]
The price of course might not be for everyone but I will share a bit more information about this below;
Where to Buy CBD Essence
To buy CBD Essence there is only one place – it is sold exclusively on their own website. Amazon is not allowed to sell any CBD products so it is really just as well. The benefit of this is that by buying from CBD Essence’s official website you will only get the real product.
See the banner below;
My Final Thoughts
I think I covered this pretty much in my other post – CBD for Pain Management. CBD has massive potential for lots of different things. Even for pets, and for all the stigma that has surrounded Cannabis use since the first half of the 20th Century the popularity of CBD now is truly remarkable. The experience of unwell people that have tried CBD for everything from epilepsy to ADHD, sleep disorders and back pain, and so on really does take precedence.
So, I chose CBD Essence for this post because of its excellent reputation. Whilst looking to find the Best CBD Oil in the USA for 2022 this is definitely the one that really caught my eye. I think that there are many quality health supplements but CBD I think is very special.
It’s certainly something that I think is worth a try if you never have before, and i think the likes of CBD Essence, CBDMD, Joy Organics, Touchstone Essentials and so many more brands have so much to offer and in the coming years this will be more and more apparent.
All things considering trying out CBD oil for better health may just be the solution you have been looking for.
Finally, I hope you have found this review helpful. If you would like to leave your feedback, questions, or your own experience with CBD oil; especially CBD Essence please let us know in the comments below.
Also, if you have found this review useful and think it could help others please share far and wide.
Many thanks and of course;
Stay Dynamic x
Alexander B. Chivers
Contact Us at: chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com

Because of the car accident that I was in when I was younger, I have this chronic back pain that I have to rely on the Over the counter pain killer. However, as we all know there are many side effects from that so I like to limit my intake. Thank you for your review on CBD Essence Inc. I love the fact that the tincture comes in many flavors but I always prefer the unsweetened one but wouldn’t hurt to give spearmint a try. 🙂
Hi Nutanee, Sounds like you’ve had a bit of a tough time over the years. You try CBD Essence for sure they are definitely a company I trust. I’m pretty sure they do a discount as well if you check out the link on my page I think they are still doing it. Otherwise, another product I’d recommend is Arctic Blast if your back pain is down to inflammation this could help as well.
How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation? – Arctic Blast Review 2021 (dynamicideas4life.com)