Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

Herbal Supplements Increase Male Sexual Performance – Confirmed?

Do Herbal Supplements

Hi Guys,  Today something for my fellow men.  This post is especially for those having trouble in the bedroom.  I know embarrassing!  Right?  Not something many men will want to talk about.  But did you know Herbal Supplements Increase Male Sexual Performance?    I have personally heard a few things – about consuming the right kind … Read more

Best Brain Supplement Reviews: Nootrogen

nootrogen review

For today’s post another topic inspired by one of the questions I got asked on Quora – Best Brain Supplement Reviews: Nootrogen…  Now, I have briefly looked at brain health here on this website. A few products I have reviewed have claimed to be able to help boost brain function; including my recent review for Turmeric … Read more

Do Blood Pressure Supplements Really Work? ~ And How To Test Them Out ?

do blood pressure supplements work

Hey there,  So I have been meaning to write a post like this one for a while now.  About Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure Supplements. So, today I have come up with a title for this new post – Do Blood Pressure Supplements Work? Actually, It is better now that I have left it this … Read more

Raspberry Ketone Plus Review – Another Keto Supplement?

raspberry ketone plus review

Hi,  So in my last post I wrote about a BHB Ketone Supplement called Keto T-11, and in this, I said my next post would be my Raspberry Ketone Plus Review. And HERE IT IS…  Another review for products made by Vitapost, and most likely NOT my last.  So, I know, I might as well rename … Read more

VitaPost ACV Pure Review – All Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Extract ?

Vitapost acv pure review

VitaPost ACV Pure Review – Apple Cider Vinegar  Hi Guys,  For today’s post this will be my VitaPost ACV Pure Review.  This an Apple Cider Vinegar supplement made in the USA with pure fermented apple extracts.  I have decided to review this product as this has been recommended by one of the new vendors that I … Read more