Note: Anyone reading this post right now. Leptitox has stopped trading. If you are looking for a suitable weight loss supplement check out our Main Page For >>How To Lose Weight Here<<
Now, this is a product that I first heard about back in December 2019. I knew very little about it back then. Only that this was a potential Weight Loss Solution that could be used to detox the liver. Mostly, used to treat something called Leptin Resistance.
I’d also never heard of this condition either but this is probably the thing I found the most interesting about Leptitox.
But is Leptitox Legit?
Well, to begin with, I really thought this product was special. I think if I never made my first few sales of Leptitox as an affiliate I would have never carried on with this website. Reading about this product as well is what really got me interested in nutrition and supplements.
All reasons for why I will always have an affinity for this product, but here is the truth.
I have some good things to say about Leptitox Nutrition but I am definitely NOT here to only make this review all one-sided.
From the sales, I made as an affiliate I did not have any negative reviews or refund requests as a result. Maybe Leptitox worked for these people I don’t know. However, I have found more reviews for Leptitox recently and they are hardly all positive.
It may not work for everybody (that’s for sure, without a doubt). From the reviews I’ve read, I have come across a good mixture of people that this has and hasn’t worked for. IF you have tried Leptitox Nutrition please let us know in the comments.
FTC Disclosure:
Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links I may receive an affiliate commission. The price you pay will be affected. Also any of these products that I do not recommend I will try my best to give a fair warning about in advance.
Leptitox Supplement Review – Is Leptitox Legit?
Leptitox Supplement Review
Product Name: Leptitox Nutrition
Creator: Morgan Hurst and Sonya Rhodes
Overall Rating: 3.0/5.0 Stars ⭐⭐⭐
Short Summary:
Leptitox Nutrition is supposed to be – an all-natural homoeopathic detox remedy. It is said to target a condition called Leptin resistance. Taking this supplement helps you to gain better control of your appetite and eating habits.
Inside it contains 22 powerful antioxidant ingredients designed to repair the root cause of leptin signal damage. This can then help fix slow metabolism, boost energy and help you to start losing weight.
Plus apparently, it is also an effective remedy for Oral Health.
Now, Let’s Begin Shall We?
My Honest Opinion.
So, what Leptitox is said to do for people like ourselves with body fat issues is very interesting ?.
It is said to Detox our Body and Reverse Leptin Resistance. Quite fascinating and its evaluation of Leptin Resistance is what makes it sound so good. As it is believed that this physical condition (discovered in 1994, after 20+ years of research) is one of the main causes of obesity, and becoming overweight. Leptitox is said to help make this go away.
Now, this video I found explains how Leptin Resistance affects us, our appetite, how much we eat and how this makes our brains respond.
We obviously don’t need Leptitox to Reverse Leptin Resistance. If you visit the Leptitox website it of course says it is a ready-made cure. However, before we continue I just want to point out that Leptitox is not the only remedy for Leptin Resistance.
More so, it certainly is not the only supplement available for weight loss. Several of these you can find out about in my other reviews;
Definitely take a look at some of those. I will be adding to this list in future but for now, if you are really interested…
Here is my …
Leptitox Supplement Review 2021 –
Honest Truth ? – Is This Legit?

Now, What Is The Leptitox Supplement?

For anybody that is interested in getting back into shape, this may be just the thing. In this Lepitox Supplement Review, I will try my best to explain why and whether or not I think this is a safe treatment. Not only this but I will be answering the main question is Leptitox Legit?
In hindsight, I will also be looking at Leptin resistance and how this causes us to store unwanted fat. If you feel your weight issues are to do with this and appetite control hopefully you can find this information helpful.
I will tell you all about this shortly but just quickly… again…
What is Leptitox? You might wonder.
So, this is a Supplement made in the USA developed by Morgan Hurst, alongside medical researcher Sonya Rhodes. It is made with 22 different antioxidant ingredients and is both FDA & GMP approved.
According to Hurst the idea for Leptitox comes from a secret recipe taught to him by the islanders of Langkawi. An Island off the Malaysian West Coast.
I don’t really want to go into this story here. It’s a bit long and I think it’s just a made-up sales pitch, to help sell this product. It could be true (I don’t think it is) but any way you can check this out on the Leptitox website (if you really wish).
Anyway, Leptitox is apparently a very powerful detox blend that can help cleanse the liver and balance out the hormones that cause us to put on weight. These include Leptin, Ghrelin and Insulin.
In fact, once you can understand Leptin Resistance a little bit better this all begins to make sense.
What is Leptin Resistance?
Well, this I will try to explain the best that I can. Leptin Resistance is a chemical process that occurs when our body develops a resistance to the hormone Leptin. Leptins are a hormone in our body created by the adipose cells and enterocytes in the small intestine.
Leptin Resistance occurs when our brain fails to respond to leptin signals.
So, what occurs during Leptin Resistance essentially is that our brains falsely tell us we are hungry when we are not. This is due to the increased release of Ghrelin because our brains are not being signalled to stop releasing this hormone. Which, really is what we need Leptin for.
For this reason, Leptin is sometimes known as the starvation or satiety hormone.
It is essential for the Leptin/Ghrelin cycle and if we never had this hormone (leptin) we would never stop feeling hungry. Exactly why Leptin Resistance is such a big problem.
The Secret Recipe for Good Health ?
So what Hurst was told is that a recipe for effectively treating Leptin Resistance existed. One that had been quietly hidden from the rest of the world for centuries. Information that was only given to him because of the dire situation with his sick wife ?
The sales page tells this story a little bit better than I can – it does sound just a little bit suspect to me (as I have said), although how Leptitox Nutrition is said to work is actually very interesting.
I found that once I started doing my research the first thing that caught my attention was what ingredients are inside. If you look at the image below you will get a good idea of what this health and nutrition supplement is all about;

About Leptitox Weight Loss? ?
Above is a very good summary of information about the Leptitox Weight Loss Supplement. It shows at the top what the main benefits of taking Leptitox are. The main ingredients and other important information.
As you can see it says Leptitox can help support;
- Heart Health,
- Lower Blood Sugar
- Restoring Energy + Sex Drive
- and Fat Loss.
- Removal Of Toxins (Detox)
- Appetite Control
It definitely makes a lot of bold claims – the supposed ingredients inside though are very interesting.
For anyone desperate to shed the pounds you should really look into what some of these ingredients are said to do. The full list of these 22 different natural ingredients I shall cover in the next section.
I haven’t written about all of them but this should definitely give you a vague idea of what to expect.
Many you can find in other diet and weight loss supplements. (See my list above)
But, this combination for one is something you should expect to work…
Leptitox Ingredient List #1

Now, let’s look at these ingredients, and see why I think that Leptitox could be the real deal. Here is what I learned from my research.
Breakdown of Leptitox Ingredients;
#1 Marian Thistle (aka Milk Thistle)
This is used to detoxify the body (especially the liver) and brain from something called EDC’s. Especially a kind of EDC known as BPAs. BPAs are industrial chemicals most commonly found in hard plastics such as water bottles, dental fillings, and sealants etc.
This toxin is one of the main types to which people are most widely exposed. These can even be in our food and water and are believed to be a primary cause of leptin resistance.
*EDC is short for Endocrine Disrupting Chemical
*BPA is short for bisphenol A
2#- Apium Graveolens (Celery Seed)
Another common EDC found in plastics are called DEHP’s. Di(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate is added to plastics to give them their shape. They are another type of EDC that we frequently are exposed to. Apium Gravolens has been found to be especially helpful in detoxing away this toxic chemical. Which certainly does not belong in our human body!
#3 – Grape Seed Extract
This ingredient is added to help detox away toxic heavy metals such as Arsenic, Lead, Mercury and Cadmium. These also are elements that have no place inside the human body and are definitely not good if we want to start losing weight.
#4 – Jujube Seed (Dates)
Jujube Seed is added for the removal of another endocrine disruptor known as ZEA. This ZEA (short for Zearalenone) is one of the most hazardous, naturally occurring EDCs. If you think Leptin Resistance is the cause of your unhealthy size then you better believe that this rogue mycotoxin is partially responsible.
Indeed, and these are just four ingredients so far I will tell you a bit more about the rest soon.
Before I do…
What Does Leptitox Do?
Right, so if have read above you can see how these first 4 ingredients have been chosen to detox our body’s from unwelcome EDCs. You should have a pretty good idea about what EDCs are now.
But just to elaborate on this a little bit further.
EDC’s essentially are what cause a massive interference to our Leptin Signalling (apparently). We don’t stop eating because we are not told to stop (pretty much).
Our appetite is basically controlled by a combination of the leptin hormones which send a signal and leptin receptors that receive them.
When this does not work this is what is called Leptin Resistance.
It has nothing to do with how many leptins we have. Bigger people actually have more as they are made in proportion to our size, but when these signals stop working this is believed to be a big reason for these health problems. As they cause us to store too much fat.
Actually, if you think about the use of plastics since the 1950s and view the graph below you can see the correlation between Obesity since then and EDC exposure!
– See Graph Below –

⚠The Toxic Truth About EDCs ⚠
Now, taking this data into account how common was it for people in the 1940’s and the 1950’s to drink out of plastic bottles? Milk, for instance, is a good example.
Back then you would drink your milk and leave the empty bottles for the milkman to collect the next morning. All glass. Just one example.

Now, how many different products use plastic packaging? Compared to the 1950’s – how much MORE plastic do we use in modern times?
What a coincidence, that ever since then there has been a rising problem with obesity! Not just obesity but diabetes as well caused by insulin resistance.
I wrote about this also in my other article about the Halki diabetes remedy. How there has also been since this time a rising number of cases of diabetes. Coincidence I think not!
Although, I also believe this to be a result of the breakdown of the sulphur cycle and the increased use of GMO rich vegetable oils. Read more: Animal Fats Vs Vegetable Oils – What Is Better?
Now, This is maybe not the common mainstream idea, but isn’t it strange that since this time the human race has progressively been consuming more, and more toxic shite into our body’s?
Like, look at how the world has changed in 50 years, and how many adverse medical conditions have become more common?
Why is Leptitox Might Be The Answer?
Now, I can’t guarantee that Leptitox will work for you. I don’t want to make false promises. This is not some kind of wonder drug. As you will see from the customer reviews soon it does have some very clear opponents.
However, if the more positive claims are true this is an all-natural homoeopathic remedy for somebody with bodyweight issues, It is 100% safe to try. Both FDA and GMP approved, lab tested, GMO-free, and Non-toxic.
Plus Leptitox is Vegan Friendly and made with Veggie Capsules.
See the full data in the label below;

As you can see there are 8 main ingredients and a proprietary blend. Of a further 14 ingredients. These do not include the 30mg of Zinc. This is added to boost these antioxidant effects even further. Not to mention to help improve hormone regulation.
So, anyway if you are maybe a bit curious about what these ingredients are then I shall tell you.
Leptitox Ingredients List #2
#5 Alfalfa
A detoxifying plant that replenishes vitamins and heals your liver. 2 of 4 liver detox ingredients.
#6 Chanca Piedra –
Supports healthy inflammation responses, healthy kidney function, and digestive health.
#7 Taraxacum (Dandelion) Leaves –
High in Vitamin K. Protects bone health and cleanses the liver. Another Liver Detox Ingredient.
#8 Brassicas (Purple Broccoli) –
Overflowing with Cysteine, a nutrient needed to create both Glutathione and Sulforaphane.
Two of the body’s most important antioxidants. (I said about the Sulphur Cycle above)
#9 Barberry
Abundant with Berberine. Which not only helps prevent fat storage but also with healthy HDL cholesterol levels and brain function.
The other ingredients listed are;
#10 N-Acetyl Cysteine,
#11 Burdock Root, (4 of 4 Liver Detox)
#12 Choline,
#13 Chicory Root,
#14 Methionine
#15 FeverFew,
#16 Ginger,
#17 Red Rasberry,
#18 Beet Root,
#19 Yarrow,
#20 Yellow Dock,
#21 Turmeric,
#22 L-Cysteine
but here is the big question I think.
Will all these different ingredients could Leptitox really help you?
Leptitox Supplement Customer Reviews
Here is my verdict. Is Leptitox Legit? I’ve said enough nice things I think but here is the kicker. Leptitox DOES not appear to be a unique supplement. G Force Teeth and Steel Bite Pro which are both Oral Health Supplements have pretty much got exactly the same ingredients.
As for customer reviews. If you visit the BBB (Better Business Bureau) website and search for Leptitox Nutrition there are 27 complaints from buyers that have not lost weight, and NOT been able to claim back a refund. Of course, it is ONLY 27 people but it is enough for me to warn you NOT to buy!
However, TrustPilot is a bit more thorough and they actually have some good reviews…

Final Thoughts!
So, coming to the end of my Leptitox Supplement Review 2021 ? The Truth! ? – Is Leptitox Legit? and I am not really sure what to think.
Only that… their return policy sucks (you get 60 days from order date – not delivery date), they are not even bothering to defend themselves on TrustPilot & BBB, and there is divided opinion whether this supplement works or does not.
I am actually sorry to say this but I no longer recommend Leptitox as a solution for weight loss. I would like to think it might be worth a try for a liver cleanse but this is yet to be determined.
Instead, I recommend another product HFL Lean Optimizer by Dr Sam Robbins
– Read my Review Below…
Unless you do really want to give this a try. It’s on sale for a good price, and It comes with a 2nd free product – Leptitox Colon Cleanse when bought as a pack of 3, or 6.

So, why wait if you would like to find out if the Leptitox Supplement can help you.
Visit the website below to find out more.
Also, if you hover over the page for a moment you can usually get a 15% off discount.
You should see this pop up more often than not.
Check it out here;
Your Feedback
Before I go, if you have any questions regarding this Leptitox Supplement Review, or would like to leave a comment or feedback about this product and your experience as a consumer this is as always most welcome. See the comments section below.
Also if you would like to contact me directly this is my email
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Many thanks and Stay Dynamic x;
Yours Sincerely;

#Leptitox Supplement Review 2021 #Is Leptitox Legit? #What is Leptitox Weight Loss #Leptitox Does It Work? #Where to Buy Leptitox #Customer Reviews Leptitox
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When the body is too big, it takes a toll and adverse effects on one’s heart, it is better to be lighter and fitter to enable the heart perform well. Weight loss is important, keeping fit is very important to our health. Knowing what to eat and what not to eat and what makes us grow more fat is we should always consider. I have heard of this product before and now I am seeing this article about it, it’s description shows that it has a lot to offer. I have overweight nieces, I will surely recommend this for them.
Hi Sami, So true if you could maybe share this post would be a big help cheers.
This was an interesting, introductory article to something I have heard about but needed to learn much more, Leptin resistance. You have given a lot of great detail about the composition of this supplement and the value of each ingredient. I am very interested and will look into a bit more in terms of possible side affects, cost and FDA rating. Thanks for this information. Its a thorough easy to follow article that really has started me thinking that Leptitox might be a great supplement for me.
Hi Anastazja, about FDA rating I am not sure but this is definitely FDA and GMP approved. The possible side effects I haven’t heard about and the cost I should maybe update the post here I think but I know they do a deal on 3 and 7 packs which also come with a free product called Leptitox Colon Cleanse and there is I think another 15% discount that comes up when you watch the video
I am concerned about my health . I need to lose Weight. I am trying so many products but it does not work. Recently I have been using this product and the result is amazing. I recommend you to buy this product if you want to lose weight. It works amazingly. Thank you very much for posting this important article.
Thank you
Hi Alan, Excellent thank you for sharing this I was hoping to hear from a few people this has worked for so thank you for commenting.
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with me and I am very aware of what this product can do for your health. Some time ago I was overweight and it looked awful to me but then I used Leptitox in your article to lose weight and I got amazing results. For me, it was a good supplement that worked. Also, I would recommend this product if others want to lose weight and I hope they get their desired results very quickly. I didn’t find any side effects.
Lastly, I hope everyone reading your article will benefit greatly and share their new experiences with you soon
Hi Shanta, Thank you for sharing this. If you could share on social media yes please this would be great.
Wow! This product is amazing. I recently read about the Leptitox weight loss supplement in my search for a good weight loss supplements. What I admire about this product is that it is made with about 22 natural ingredients which work together to form the basis of a fat-fighting formula that has been placed under intense scrutiny. I love this product, can’t wait to place my order.
Hi Evagreene,
Glad to hear. Best of luck.
Many of us continually struggle to lose weight and there are many solutions that we do not know about. Some contain good ingredients but definitely natural is the best and I think that these leptitox pills can be good starting with detoxifying the liver and from there to reducing weight, I believe that they can work.
Hi Hector, No complaints so far I’ve had maybe 10 sales through my links. I know it’s not a huge lot of people but all good so far. They must have worked if they haven’t activated the 60 day guarantee
Amazing information I also promote promote some of the dieting that was on your site I didn’t have some of those recipes I thought that was a terrific Idea I would have never thought to do that awesome site and setup was so easy to find things and kept you interesting in wanting to read more. Amazing site and Information was outstanding.
Hello Karen, Thank you for taking the time to comment. If you have enjoyed reading than I would like to invite you to join our email subscribers list.
Most Helpful. Thanks!
I ordered this product, I received dark blue bottles instead of white ones. Please can someone let me know if they have received the same dark bottles. Thank you,
Hey Abhilasha, I have noticed there was some fakes being sold on Amazon. Where abouts did you order from?
I think my parents might find great use in these products because they are currently injured and cannot exercise to lose weight. Thus, they are gaining weight without hesitation. This is becoming very dangerous for them and they are obviously in need of supplements like this one. I will be forwarding this article to them. I am sure they will love it
Thanks Misael, If you could share would appreciate it. Cheers
First off I want to thank you for this very insightful review about Leptitox! At the age, I am now I’m starting to look for ways to better my health. After ready this review, I believe this product would be something great to use to help me with a healthier lifestyle! I think I will be trying this product in the near future! Thank you again for this great information.
Your Friend,Johnny
Cheers Johnny Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for your review on Leptitox. I am happy to hear that this product works for you. I have to say that personally, when it comes to diet supplements, I am very skeptical over it because I know deep down that it is all about changing my eating habits and lifestyle but a little help won’t hurt as well in my opinion. i love the fact that I can pronounce all the ingredients in this product. How long have you taken it to see the result?
Hello Nuttanee; I have been an affiliate of this product since January. I haven’t personally tried but I have had a good number of happy customers.
I have always heard mention of Leptin, but never had an explanation of what ,exactly, it is. Thank you for going into all this detail as related to the supplement. I am somewhat overweight. I am fit, exercising everyday. I don’t eat a lot so the question of eating too much and knowing when to stop doesn’t concern me. From the content, I see where I could benefit from the fact that it is all organic, offers a detox, and seems to go to the root of the problem of overweight. Thank you for this review. Does this product ship outside of the USA ?
Hi JJ, Yes this does detox your body. It may help ~ I am curious about your diet if I’m being honest. If you say you don’t eat a lot I think this could be due to a slow metabolism. I’m not totally certain if this is the best supplement to try but you can apply for a refund under their money back guarantee.
I also think another product that might be worth a try instead is Purelife Organics Flat Belly Tea. This is a kind of tea made with Turmeric and Black Pepper extract plus things like african mango and coconut oil. It is similar priced to Leptitox and comes with the 21 day Flat Belly Fix free
The importance of a good nutritional supplement can not be over emphasized. Thank you for taking out time to explain this Leptitox Supplement. My aunt was almost obese something ago, but we she started managing her weight with this supplement and it did an amazing work on her body, to an extent that she looks up to 10 years younger than she is. This Leptitox Supplement is carefully made and I recommend it for it anybody that wants to put their weight in check.
Thanks for your input Peter and for your recommendation.
I like to learn something new from an article. Now I’ve met the term brain detox for the first time, although the method itself is already familiar, this term describes it well. It’s wonderful that there are also preparations like this that can naturally help with obesity. Plants are a powerful weapon and should be used in all areas of life.
Yes Jas, agreed glad you found this article interesting. Plants are very powerful for sure.
This is the first experience I have had with learning about Leptin Resistance. This does explain the reason why I have felt the urge to overeat. I like to eat healthy and watch my weight. But, there are times that I crave the fast foods like pizzas and subs, and I eat too much. Then I put a lot of weight on quickly. Now I know why this is happening.
I am impressed that Leptitox is an all natural product. I always favor products without any chemicals, so I will be looking forward to trying this product. Thank you for reviewing this product.
Thanks, Chas, yes Leptin Resistance is one of many hormonal imbalances that can have a very negative impact on the human body. If you feel the urge to overeat for sure this could be one of the reasons why. Sometimes when we eat certain foods and come into contact with certain chemicals this can trigger leptin resistance. I think Leptitox seems to me like more of a liver detox formula since writing this post I have found other products that I think might be better if you are just looking to lose weight but for sure paying extra attention to detoxing the liver has many benefits of its own and this I feel is the best thing about Leptitox and I suppose in this respect It could really help some people.