Hey Guys, For today’s post What is the Best Supplement To Lower Blood Pressure? If you have High BP you may have seen many various different supplements for sale online. This is because a lot of people across the world have problems with their blood pressure. Mostly because of restricted blood flow and also issues involving heart health.
If you look on Amazon for example you will see all sorts of products. Some good, some bad. Many of these you will find will be near carbon copies of each other. Indeed, the only difference between some of these supplements is the name and the packaging. In fact, a lot of tinnitus supplements will have these exact same ingredients as well.
*See what I mean with 2 examples I will share later in this post.
Anyway, so far on this website, I have reviewed several different Blood Pressure Supplements. I will use this opportunity to quickly look at some of these again. Plus take a look at some others as well. Then towards the end, I will try to come to the conclusion of what I think is The Best One.
FTC Disclosure:
Please note that within this article I will be sharing affiliate links. If you happen to use one of these links and make a purchase it is most likely I will receive a small commission. The price you pay will not be affected. Also, if I do not think a product is very good I will make sure to point this out clearly.
Things To Know About High BP
I have come across a good few blood pressure supplements since I began this website. Some good some not so much. Of course, I do not recommend any supplement over a healthy diet but then again I think if you can find the right product it really can make the difference. Anyone that suffers from these kinds of health issues will I think surely know.
This is because almost 50% of all grown-ups in the US alone have hypertension (High BP). Outside of the US the estimated figures you can bet as well are very high. Meaning a lot of people are at risk of stroke and coronary illness.
However, while this measurement is disturbing, fortunately, there are sure things that should be possible to assist with bringing down hypertension and help maintain a healthy heart.
For Instance, the Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension method (the DASH diet) and giving up smoking. Amongst other things, there are many proof-based ways that individuals can use to improve High BP in a natural way.
As for Blood Pressure Supplements
Furthermore, since over ¾ of Americans take dietary supplements, it is maybe not too difficult to see that popping a pill to assist with combatting hypertension is a typical practice. Among the wide array of these products that are accessible, there are some things to definitely look for that might assist with bringing down your High Blood Pressure.
With this in mind here are 6 products that you can consider to help. Bearing in mind that you have first taken the time to check with your Physician (GP). As whilst I do recommend some of these products your health is the most important thing and I would rather not put you at risk without you taking the necessary precautions beforehand.
I am not a qualified medical professional but more of a health researcher. The reviews I write for these products are based on information I find from other websites such as bbb.org, and Trustpilot, and within forums, social media, my own experiences plus other websites just like DynamicIdeas4Life.com
Anyway, with that out the way here is the first product…
CLE Holistic Health Alistrol

Company: CLE Holistic Health:
Owners: Unknown
Based In: Canada
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Other Products: Blood Sugar Support, Advanced Weight Loss, Mood Support, Immune Supplement, and Vitamin D3 5000 I.U
Website: CLEHolisticHealth.com
How Much To Buy?: 1-Bottle = $69.95, 2 Bottles (BYU 2 Get 1 FREE), 3 Bootles (Get 3 FREE)
Fulvic Infused, Extra Strength and All Natural. According to CLE Holistic Health, this is clinically tested with a 98% success rate for lowering and maintaining a healthy BP. There are no known side effects and you can expect results within 2-4 weeks.
Includes: 90-Day Return Policy from Original Date of Purchase
Ingredients: Holly Leaf Extract Blend, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Daikon Seed Extract,
My Verdict: I’m kind of undecided about Alistrol I have read good reviews but also there are some that aren’t good. If you are in Canada this might be a good option as this is where CLE Holistic Health is based.
Read My Original Review Here: Alistrol Review 2023
Phytage Labs Blood Pressure 911

Company: Phygate Labs
Owners: Unknown
Based In: Texas, USA
Other Products: Tinnitus 911, Keto T-911, Thyroid Rescue 911, Eagle Eye 911, Prostate 911, and 17 more.
Website: https://phytagelaboratories.com/
How Much To Buy?: 1-Bottle = $69.95, 2-Bottles = $119.90 ($59.95 each), 4-Bottles = $199.80 ($49.95 each) and 6-Bottles = $239.70 ($39.95 each)
According to Phygate Labs, this is a Premium Blood Pressure Support Formula made with an all-natural proprietary blend. It claims to be able to help with high and unbalanced blood pressure, strengthening the cardiovascular system and repairing damage caused by previous heart health problems.
Warranty: 90-Days From the Original Order Date.
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Folate, and Proprietary Blend of Hawthorne (Leaf and Flower), Garlic (Bulb), Olive Leaf, Hibiscus Flower, Buchu Leaf, Juniper Berry and Green Tea Leaf.
My Verdict: 1 out of 5 Stars
I’ve not actually reviewed this product yet but I think I can probably say already that I don’t recommend them. 2 products I have reviewed are Tinnitus 911 and Keto T-911 and both I thought were overpriced and poorly received by people. More so, if you read the reviews on BBB.org they really don’t seem like a company you want to get involved with.
Although, I haven’t found any complaints about this actual product. Their Tinnitus product is almost identical (ingredient-wise) and lots of people claim this doesn’t work. They trick people into paying more money and don’t honour their refund policy. Definitely, avoid I would say.
Vitapost Blood Pressure Support
Company: Vitapost, or otherwise known as Vitabalance
Owners: Unknown
Based In: Richmond, Virginia, USA
Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars
Other Products: ACV Pure, Nootrogen, Raspberry Ketone Plus, Turmeric and Curcumin Plus, ProJoint Plus, Cilexin and 26 more products
Website: Vitabalance.net
How Much To Buy: $29.95 (1 Bottle), 2-Bottles = $56.90, 4 Bottles =$85.35
Description: If you are looking for affordability Vitapost is definitely the cheapest. It is also Third Party Laboratory tested and pretty much has the exact same ingredients as Phytage Labs Blood Pressure 911. Just in different quantities. Plus Vitapost is 90 Capsules in a bottle. 30 more than BP 911.
Warranty: Only 60-Days Unfortunately!
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Folate, Hawthorne (Leaf and Flower), Garlic (Bulb), Olive Leaf, Hibiscus Flower, Uva Ursi, Buchu Leaf, Juniper Berry and Green Tea Leaf
My Verdict: 3 out 5 Stars
Having personally dealt with Vitapost I have quite a lot of good things to say about them. I haven’t tried this one and I can’t find many reviews outside the actual website. Despite this though they would probably be my first choice if I was in the market for a BP supplement. Probably just to see if they work or not and also because of their very attractive prices.
HFL Blood Pressure Optimizer
Company: HFL ~ Health, Fitness and Longevity
Owners: Dr Sam Robbins
Based In: , USA
Other Products: Lean Optimizer, Provanax, Blood Flow Optimizer, Stress and Cortisol Relief, Alphaviril,
Cheat Meals, Perfect Vitamin D&K, Deep Sleep Formula, Inflame and Pain Relief, and 3 more…
Website: MyHfl.net/bloodpressureoptimizer
How Much To Buy: $49.97 (1-Bottle), $44.97 each (x2), $39.97 (X3)
Description: 20+ Year-Old product. Doctor-formulated and Vegan Friendly. Helps lower BP and maintain a youthful, healthy range. Also, beneficial for both Brain and Kidney Health.
Warranty: 1-Year Satisfaction Guarantee
Ingredients: Potassium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Magnesium Complex Blend, Hawthorne Berry Extract, Grape Seed, Celery, Pomegranate, L-Arginine, and Lycopene
My Verdict: 4.5 out of 5 Stars
Dr. Sam Robbins HFL products are my top recommendation over any other products on this website. The 1-Year Satisfaction or Money Back Guarantee is very telling I think. So are the reviews which give this company enormous credibility. Not to mention the top-quality ingredients and very reasonable prices.
For this reason, this is my top pick for the Best Supplement To Lower Blood Pressure
Read my original review here: HFL Blood Pressure Support Review
HFL Blood Flow Optimizer
Company: HFL ~ Health, Fitness and Longevity

Owners: Dr Sam Robbins
Based In: , USA
Other Products: Lean Optimizer, Provanax, Blood Flow Optimizer, Stress and Cortisol Relief, Alphaviril, Cheat Meals, Perfect Vitamin D&K, Deep Sleep Formula, Inflame and Pain Relief, and 3 more…
Website: MyHfl.net
How Much To Buy: $49.97 (1-Bottle), $44.97 each (x2), $39.97 (X3)
Warranty: 1-Year Satisfaction Guarantee
This is a slightly different formula from HFL and Dr Sam Robbins. I thought I would give it a quick mention as this is for definite another solution to consider from a very reputable company.
This is designed for healthier Blood Circulation and more flexible Blood Vessels. Can help to give the user a Healthier Appearance (Hair, Skin and Nails)
Vitamin C, Coral Calcium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K2-7, Magnesium, Magnesium Complex Blend, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Acetyl L-Carnitine, L-Carnitine L Fumarate, NSK-SD, Ginger, GreenTea, White Willow Extract
My Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars
I’m not sure how these 2 Supplements by HFL compare as a remedy to High BP. I would guess the first one is more suited for this and this one (Blood Flow Optimizer) is more for blood flow, and poor circulation and has other benefits such as being good for hair, skin and nails.
L-Arginine Plus

Company: Elements Of Healthcare
Owners: Unknown
Based In: Utah, USA
Other Products: Heartbeet Complete, Ideal Collagen, Plus 7-More
My final pick I think is probably the best one out of the bunch. It is a Nitric-Oxide Booster designed for the user to improve their heart health. According to the company, no other product contains as much L-Arginine & L-Citrulline.
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, Red Wine Extract, Astragin, and a proprietary blend of 72 trace minerals.
My Verdict: 4.5 out of 5 Stars
The only reason I wouldn’t recommend L-Arginine Plus is that I only get a very small % for each sale as an affiliate. However, if I was to recommend a product with amazing customer reviews that I fully believe will help people this is it.
It isn’t as much as an out-and-out BP supplement as some of those above but I would not think twice about suggesting this to anyone with High BP,. Poor Circulation and all of the other health problems that go along with them.
Read My Original Review>> Elements of Healthcare L-Arginine Plus Review
In Conclusion
For anyone that suffers from High Blood Pressure, you should realize the urgency of seeking treatment for this condition. I’m not saying you 100% need to invest in any of the products above. At least if anything you should take better care of your health. In terms of making an investment, a blood pressure monitor should maybe be the first thing to consider.
After this, if you find that you are still struggling with lowering your blood pressure diet, and exercise then you should maybe consider trying out one of these products. My personal choice I would say is either the HFL Blood Pressure Optimizer or L-Arginine Plus. Or even if you are looking for the most affordable option Vitapost perhaps might be worth a try.
Just make sure you first consult with your doctor and follow the instructions on the bottle carefully. Hopefully, something here can help you and my assessment of these products is correct. If it isn’t I would very much like to hear back from you in the comments. Also, if you would like to recommend any other Best Supplement To Lower Blood Pressure I would love to hear from you.
Finally, if you know anyone that might benefit from reading this post, please ‘Share on Social Media etc.
Many thanks and hopefully see you all again soon
Stay Dynamic xx
Alex C
Contact Us at chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com

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