What Are The Best Probiotics for the Elderly? In case you are wondering.
I decided to look into this after a comment on a recent post of mine [See Here]. In this comment, my reader asked if this product would be suitable for the elderly considering that I mentioned that the target demographic for this product (Synogut) was between 40-60 Years of age.
They said, “how about for those that are over 60 years of age?”. It made me think – if anyone needed something like Probiotics it would be the older group. So, I thought this was a very good point to make.
Of course, people struggle with digestive health problems at all ages. Even babies can get Colic but surely the older we get the worse we can suffer from health problems related to the gut.
This is because we each have our very own unique ecosystem growing inside of us.
So, It only makes sense that it can either get better or worse over time – especially as we grow older.
It can certainly be said that as we do begin to age more towards our twilight years most of us will take less care of ourselves by our own nature. Many of us that are elderly will hire a carer for this exact reason.
Indeed, as we grow frailer the less we might pay attention to nourishing our bodies with the right vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. Exactly why poor gut health can definitely be a consequence of this neglect.
So with this in mind please keep reading;
The 9 Best Probiotics for the Elderly

Medical Disclaimer:
Please note I am not a medical professional. The information shared in this post is based purely on my own research and should be used to treat or diagnose anyone with serious health issues. Be sure to consult with a physician
FTC Disclosure: Please note that this post and other posts on this website contain affiliate links. If you happen to make a purchase I may receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected. Also not every product I share links for I actually recommend so please read carefully.
Gut Health, Probiotics and the Elderly
For people of all ages, if our gut health is not properly cared for then this can be a very big problem. Whether we are overweight or not still our digestive system is a quite complex organism that is home to countless microorganisms. Both the good healthy kind but as well there are the harmful kinds of bacteria such as Ecoli, Clostridia and Bacteroides.
For seniors, unfortunately, quite often the unhealthy types of bacteria are left to thrive more dominantly. One reason why is because as we get older the body finds it more difficult to absorb important vitamins and minerals.
Amongst many other health problems, nutrient deficiencies are very often responsible for poor gut health in the elderly. This might be because it is more difficult to swallow food or it can be to do with metabolism in general. Either way, this can have a detrimental effect on the gut biome. Which itself has a huge influence on our overall health both mental and physical.
Everything we eat and drink must go through a process. Usually, everything will be broken down and filtered through. For this our natural ecosystem requires the greatest care. Of course, eating the right foods as a source of probiotics should be the first port of call. Although, supplementation for others can make all the difference. Especially the elderly.
Finding the right supply of nutrients through dietary means is highly important here. High fibre foods such as oatmeal, bananas, rice, and mashed potatoes; nutrient-rich whole foods such as vegetables and fruit; plus also probiotics such as Yoghurts, Aged Cheeses, pickles and preserves may all be beneficial.
Otherwise more specifically here are 9 different probiotics to look out for found in various dietary supplements;
Let’s begin with…
i.) Lactobacillus Acidophilus

One of the more common kinds of probiotic bacteria is L. Acidophilus. This develops within the gut as well as other parts of the body naturally. It can also be found within fermented foods such as yoghurts and other dairy products.
This kind is potentially helpful as it is believed to balance harmful bacteria that may grow due to illness or antibiotics. The other thing it does is help break lactose down into lactic acid. Many probiotic dietary supplements contain Lactobacillus Acidophilus and it is one that is definitely beneficial for the elderly to improve their gut health.
ii.) Lactobacillus Plantarum

As the name suggests L.Plantarum is derived from the fermentation of plant-based foods. Sauerkraut and Pickles are two good examples of foods that produce this type of probiotic bacteria.
For those that are interested in the supplementation of L.Plantarum, this may help to stimulate the digestive system, help your body to produce vitamins and fight off disease-causing bacteria. (R)
iii.) Lactobacillus Fermentum

Named because it causes fermentation, L.Fermentum is an important probiotic strain that strengthens the immune system and also can prevent upper respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. This kind of probiotic bacteria has been found to be especially helpful for those that are immunocompromised so for the elderly, this is definitely one to consider for supplementation. (R)
iv.) Lactobacillus Casei
One main benefit of L. Casei is that it complements the growth of another important probiotic L. Acidophilus. It is documented to have a wide pH and temperature range and helps to produce the amino acid Amylase.
Also known as Lactobacillus Paracasei this strain of probiotics may be beneficial for inflammatory bowel disease – a condition that can cause stomach cramps, bloating/gas, diarrhoea and constipation. (R)
v.) Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
One of the most widely used kinds of probiotics for supplementation is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. This is known to be a type of probiotic bacteria that can survive in both bile and stomach acid.
L. Rhamnosus is a type of probiotic that may provide relief of symptoms for IBS, diarrhoea, Acute gastroenteritis as well as eczema and dermatitis. (R)
VI.) Lactobacillus Reuteri
This is a probiotic strain found to be particularly beneficial for children and women. Amongst the benefits of Lactobacillus Reuteri is its ability to help produce antimicrobial substances as well Vitamins B9 (Folate), B12 (Cobalamin) and the natural broad-spectrum antibiotic Reuterin.
Also, another thing that L.Reuteri has been found to be beneficial for is it helps lower unhealthy cholesterol and can improve heart health. So certainly this can definitely be good for the elderly as a supplement. (R)
VII.) Bifidobacterium Lactis
The most common type of Bifidobacterium probiotics used in food products is B. Lactis. One reason why is because this one is more robust than the others and has an elevated tolerance to oxygen. Something which means this type of bacteria can survive longer in a wider range of environments.
When taken as a supplement this type of probiotics is beneficial for preventing infections. Mostly because it helps produce vitamins and other beneficial chemicals. Also, for anybody that has a gluten intolerance this bacteria has been found to help inhibit the toxic effects and for this reason, is definitely becoming a lot more popular. (R)
VIII.) Bifidobacterium Bifidum

The main thing to know about B. Bifidum is it is an essential type of bacteria. Indeed, a lack thereof this type of probiotic within the digestive system can make the host very unhealthy. For better intestinal health in both the young and elderly, this is definitely one kind of probiotics that is one to look for in gut health supplements.
Of its benefits, B. Bifidum is good for managing the digestive system, treatment of IBS and boosting immune health. (R)
IX.) Bifidobacterium Longum (ssp. Infantis)
According to some studies, B. Longum is a probiotic bacteria that has been shown to counter the effects of obesity. In one study B. Longum supplementation was shown to decrease body weight, the accumulation of unhealthy fats and also was shown to increase glucose tolerance. (R)
Other than this B. Longum is commonly used to treat bowel problems, possibly colon cancer, yeast infections, eczema (skin conditions), lactose intolerance, and urinary tract infections.
In Summary – The Best Probiotics For The Elderly
No doubt the probiotic strains that I have mentioned above are only just a handful of the kinds of probiotics out there that can be beneficial for our elderly relatives, the people we care for and even if we are older ourselves. The list above definitely mentions some of the most popular types of probiotics found in supplements.
I know there are others too that I haven’t written about but these are definitely some of the best ones to look out for. I’ve written a brief description of each one. However, definitely take the time to look out for these probiotics before purchasing any supplements and be sure to do your own research if you’d like to learn more.
Otherwise, another thing I would like to mention quickly is that other than just focusing on probiotics in supplements prebiotics are also worth keeping an eye out for. These are basically fibre-rich ingredients that help the body to grow its own probiotics. Examples include Inulin, whole grains, artichoke, bananas, flax seeds and the 2 main groups are fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides
So, as well as looking out for the probiotics mentioned above also look out for these prebiotics too.
My Top Picks: Probiotics for The Elderly – 4 Products To Share That May Help!
i.) Bioptimizers P3-OM (Version 2.0)

Company: Bioptimizers
Owners: P3-OM
Based In: USA/UK
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Other Products from Bioptimizers:: MassZymes, KApex, Cognibiotics, Gluten Guardian, HCL Breakthrough, Magnesium Breakthrough etc.
Website: Bioptimizers.com
How Much To Buy?: 1-Bottle (120 Capsules) = $69.95, 3 Bottles = $177.00, 6 Bottles = $297.00
Powerful proteolytic probiotics. Uniquely formulated with high-quality ingredients. Made with Veggie capsules and patented blend.
Includes: 1-Year Money Back Guarantee, 60 Capsules
Ingredients: Lactobacillus Plantarum (Patented Blend)
My Verdict:
Bioptimizers is a brand you can definitely trust. Even though this only contains one single ingredient still quality-wise you could certainly do far worse. The type of L. Plantarum inside P3-OM you will not find anywhere else as it is a special kind with its own registered patent #US 5895 758 A.
Read My Original Review Here: Bioptimizers P3-OM Probiotics – Are They Good For Gut Health
ii.) Bioptimizers Cognibiotics Mind & Mood Probiotics
Company: Bioptimizers
Owners: Wade Lightheart and
Based In: USA/UK
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Other Products from Bioptimizers:: MassZymes, KApex, Cognibiotics, Gluten Guardian, HCL Breakthrough, Magnesium Breakthrough etc.
Website: Cognibiotics.com
How Much To Buy?: 1-Bottle (120 Capsules) = $69.95, 3 Bottles = $177.00, 6 Bottles = $297.00
Uniquely formulated with high-quality ingredients. Made with Veggie capsules. Cognibiotics contains a special blend of probiotics, prebiotics and a blend of Chinese herbs.
Includes: 1-Year Money Back Guarantee, 120 Capsules
Ingredients: Probiotics (L. Casei, L. Rhamnosus, L. Reuteri, L. Helveticus, L. Casei, L. Rhamnosus, L. Reuteri Prebiotics (Organic Inulin and Xylooligosaccharides) Chinese Herbs (Schisandra Chinensis, Acorus Tatarinowii, Bupleurum Chinense, Schisandra Chinensis, Acorus Tatarinowii, Bupleurum Chinense)
My Verdict:
Bioptimizers is a brand you can definitely trust. This product is one of their newer ones but the thing about Cognibiotics although it is labelled as a mind and mood support supplement is its ingredients. They largely focus on the prebiotics side but there is a good selection of probiotics as well.
Inulin is one of the prebiotics mentioned in the video above. For me, this is just one reason why I recommend this product. Also, because this supplement not only helps improve the gut but the brain as well I think this would great for over 60’s.
Read My Original Review Here: Cognibiotics Mind and Mood Enhancement Probiotics Review
iii.) Organixx Ageless Brain
Company: Organixx
Owners: Jonathan Hunsaker
Based In: The USA
Rating: 5 Out of 5 Stars
Other Products: Turmeric3D, 7M+, Clean Sourced Collagen, Enzyme17, Immunity3, Probiotixx+, Multi-Vita Max & 4 more.
Website: Organixx.com/agelessbrain
How Much To Buy: $54.95 (1 Bottle 60 Capsules), $49.46 each (If Bought as 3 Pack), $46.71 each (If bought as 6 Pack)
Money-Back Guarantee: 365 Days – 1 Year Money-Back Guarantee
Description: Organixx is definitely right up there as one of my favourite brands for dietary supplements. Ageless Brain is not really a probiotic supplement but its ingredients are basically prebiotics that can not only help improve gut health but brain health as well.
Ingredients: Pau D’arco, Dragon’s Blood, Camu Camu, Guayasa, Cat’s Claw, Bacopa, Cacao, and Cinnamon.
My Verdict: This is not quite following my theme of probiotics for the elderly but for any over 60’s with gut health issues and mental struggles this is definitely one to take a look at.
Read My Original Review: Organixx Supplements Ageless Brain Review
iv.) Seed DS-1 Synbiotic Probiotics
Company: Seed
Owners: Ara Katz, Raja Dhir
Based In: USA
Rating: 5 Out of 5 Stars
Other Products: None
Website: Seed.com
How Much To Buy: $49.97 (1 Bottle 60 Capsules), No Further Discounts
Money-Back Guarantee: 30 Days
Description: Seed DS-1 Daily Synbiotic is a next-generation synbiotic blend of both probiotics and prebiotics. It consists of 25 different ingredients and is designed so it is completely safe for anyone to take.
Ingredients: Bifidobacterium longum SD-BB536-JP, Bifidobacterium breve SD-BR3-IT, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum SD-LP1-IT, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus SD-LR6-IT, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus HRVD113-US, Bifidobacterium infantis SD-M63-JP, Bifidobacterium lactis SD-BS5-IT, Bifidobacterium lactis HRVD524-US, Lactobacillus crispatus SD-LCR01-IT, Lacticaseibacillus casei HRVD300-US, Bifidobacterium breve HRVD521-US, Bifidobacterium longum HRVD90b-US, Bifidobacterium lactis SD150-BE, Limosilactobacillus fermentum SD-LF8-IT, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus SD-GG-BE, Limosilactobacillus reuteri RD830-FR
My Verdict: I don’t like that this product only offers a 30-Day return policy or that buyers must commit to a subscription. However, from what I know about this company and product this is very high quality and definitely holds its own against the other products which I previously mentioned.
Read My Original Review>> Seed Daily Synbiotic Review – What Makes These So Special?
Your Feedback
Finally, what are your thoughts on my 9 picks for probiotics for the elderly?. Have you tried any of these yourself or have you got them for somebody you care for perhaps? What results did you get? Are there any others you would recommend instead?
Please share your feedback and questions in the comments section below.
Also, if you know anyone that might benefit from reading today’s post if you could give this a share I would be most grateful.
If you have read this far many thanks for your time. Be sure to sign up to our newsletter if you would like to be notified when new posts are published. By doing so you will also get a copy of my healthy living tips ebook.
#StayDynamic and Best regards;
Alex B. Chivers
Contact us at: chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com

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