What Are the Best Ways to Lower Blood Sugar? Hey guys, so I’ve been thinking about writing this one for a couple of weeks now. I was recently going over my old Halki Diabetes Remedy Review and thought about doing a post on blood sugar. Had this draft and this morning I came across another product called Diabetes Freedom.
I kind of liked what I see here so this was partially my inspiration. Honestly, when it comes to Clickbank the diet plans are far more trustworthy than the supplements (I think). In fact, I’m actually starting to wonder if the only supplements I’ve come across on this website I trust are the Bioptimizers range.
So, as I was saying. I wanted to promote something else from Clickbank and I came across this new product. I don’t want to make this post just about this product though. The best ways to lower blood sugar naturally I will cover 100%. Just at the end, I will write a bit about this nutrition plan. It’s an alternative to the Halki Diabetes Remedy – whether it’s better or not I am undecided but I will provide the information for you to find out more, towards the end of this post;
What Are The Best Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Naturally?
1# – High Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes
If you have high blood sugar it can be dangerous. Actually so can having low blood sugar. This is why people generally with diabetes (Type 1 or 2) might either need to avoid sugar completely or will need to keep something like a pack of sugar pills handy. The trouble is that when your body can’t effectively regulate blood sugar levels this is what happens.
Either situation can be dangerous and even in the worst-case scenario fatal. Although for this post we will just keep our focus on the more common type (type 2) and the best ways to lower blood sugar. As type 2 diabetes is where blood sugar levels become too high. Type 1 is when the pancreas produces little to no Insulin so it’s kind of the opposite. Why someone might need something like a pack of sugar pills for emergencies.
2# – What is Dangerously High Blood Sugar?
This you may know already if you have type 2 diabetes. Your pancreas creates insulin to regulate your blood sugar levels but when you have diabetes or pre-diabetes your body becomes resistant to the hormone insulin. This causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream and can cause permanent damage to the pancreas as a result.
Insulin resistance is what this is called when this happens. The result is a spike in your blood sugar levels.
Somebody with dangerously high blood sugar may feel the following symptoms;
- Dry mouth increased thirst
- Tiredness, fatigue
- Frequent urination
- Recurring infections (Cystitis, thrush and skin rash)
- Blurry Vision
However, quite worryingly somebody with high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) may not have any symptoms at all. Why, if you are diagnosed with type 2 you have to regularly check your blood sugar levels.
3# – What are the Causes of Insulin Resistance?
So, now you might wonder before we get to the best ways to lower blood sugar naturally why this happens in the first place. The main culprit here (I would say) is unhealthy fat cells. Sure genetics can be responsible too. As some people are born with the damage to their organs (such as the pancreas) already done.
For people that instead develop insulin resistance – here is why?
4# – Fatty Liver and Insulin Resistance
Now, when we eat our liver breaks food down into enzymes, proteins and sugars etc. Some fat is stored in the liver during this process but when this starts to build up too much this is what causes a fatty liver. This is not the only cause of Insulin Resistance but it is one of the main underlying causes in most cases.
A fatty liver can be caused by several factors; Obesity, Alcohol, Medication, Infection and obviously Genetics. Then another thing (there are others as well) but this I think is fascinating. It is mentioned in the diabetes freedom video.
Contamination from toxic shite. People do not just get fat from eating all day. The matter is a lot more complex. Fields being sprayed with pesticides, GMO food, heavy metals in our water supply, radiation, and the list goes on.
EDCs, BPAs. PM2.5, Free Radicals just to name a few. The theory that for the past century the human body has come under attack from unseen forces more and more is a believable one. There is also another element to this – the sulphur cycle. The breakdown of this natural process has left us deficient for the mineral sulphur.
Which is exactly what we need to flush this toxic crap out of our body.
5# – Back To Blood Sugar
Sadly, much of this toxic shite we can not really do much about. It’s in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Coming into contact with toxins and free radicals is inevitable. The only way forward is the right nutrition plan. Same really if you have high blood sugar.
Which is exactly my point. We might not be able to stop this happening but we can do something about it afterwards
Through consuming the right kind of nutrients. In fact, one of the best ways to lower blood sugar naturally is by following a nutrition plan. You can try either the Halki Diabetes Remedy or Diabetes Freedom for this. Even you could try both!
You can also DOWNLOAD this Free PDF EBook [CLICK HERE] to get a head start today!
Anyway, there are 2 ways to source the nutrients you need. A carefully planned diet or through supplements.
i.) A Carefully Planned Diet
The right kind of diet can help lower blood sugar. If you eat right you can start to reverse insulin resistance and once your body can start regulating blood glucose levels better it will reduce your high blood sugar level. Both burning fat and detoxifying your body can help with this.
The kinds of foods you want to include are things like certain fruits (high in vitamin c), Green Vegetables such as Broccoli, Cabbage, I would say Kale but if you watch the diabetes freedom video you probably wouldn’t want to lol
Anyway, Cinnamon, Garlic, Onions, Seeds, Nuts and Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular choice.
ii.) Supplements to Lower Blood Sugar
Now, be very careful here because supplements are not always safe. Many are either a load of crap or just downright scams. Many supplements are sold on Amazon for example that are the same products with different labels. Quite often from questionable sources such as Chinese factories. You really need to know what to look for.
So, one idea is to spend a few quid down the supermarket on Vitamin C and Zinc. Even multivitamins might help but more so try and find reliable products with a good reputation. As mentioned above Apple Cider Vinegar. Either try ACV Pure by Vitapost or Goli Go ACV Pure Gummies instead. Both are worth a try in my opinion. Although any ACV supplement with good reviews might be worth a go.
You can also try Probiotics, trace minerals such as Magnesium or Chromium, and of course, there are actual blood sugar support supplements. These you can try as well. In fact, Vitapost who I’ve mentioned above does a Blood Sugar Support Supplement. I haven’t really taken much of a look at this yet but I like the company. Recently I bought their Joint Health product – ProJoint Plus. Not the same product I know but it was a quick delivery so was happy with that.
Find Out More Below…
iii.) Other Ways to Lower Blood Sugar
Eating the right types of food and supplements are all good. Although it is also worth noting that there other things that can help. Drinking water and being hydrated for instance can help flush out some of the excess sugar. It is a must I would say to increase your fluid intake. Just avoid other drinks that may contain sugar such as squash, and fruit juice.
Another two good ideas to lower blood sugar – avoid stress and get a good nights sleep. Both should help improve your insulin regulation. The stress hormone cortisol can wreak havoc on the balance of other hormones so if you can reduce it – good for you. Plus exercise can help here as well because it can help improve insulin sensitivity.
Read More: 15 Easy Ways To Lower Blood Sugar on Healthline.com
6# – About Diabetes Freedom

So, I stumbled across this whilst looking for a new product to promote on ClickBank. I think out of 5 products I looked at this was the only one I felt was worth my time writing about. Sure, it has the typical sob story video with the paid actor etc. but I chose this as it was a nutrition plan.
Because it was not a bottle of pills or powder and that it was made to help people lower blood sugar. It’s in the same lane as Halki Diabetes Remedy in this respect. However, where it differs this is a more new and a different approach to this method of dieting.
It is a guide that can be bought as a digital product or physical. In essence, it’s a book that tells you what shopping to buy, what meals to make, and what you can be doing each week to help reverse your diabetes symptoms.
It isn’t a guaranteed fix if you have type 2 or high blood sugar but having something like this is a step in the right direction. It’s price might not be too appealing to some people but on the other hand there is a 60-day window to request your money back. So, much the same as Halki Diabetes Remedy – I wont drone on about it but if you are keen to find out more…
Finally, I hope this guide has been helpful for you. If you have any questions, or would like to leave feedback it will be great to hear your thoughts. If you have any experience with any of the products mentioned above, or anything else similar (positive or negative) also please share in the comments section below.
Alternatively, you can also contact me privately at alexc@dynamicideas4life.com
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Many thanks;
Stay Dynamic x
Alex B. Chivers
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