Halki Diabetes Remedy
- Easy to Follow Guide
- Can Potentially Remedy Type 2 Diabetes
- 60 Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee
- Learn Healthy New Recipes
- Other Health Benefits
- Must Follow a Prepared Diet Plan
- Can be a Lot of Effort
- Is Not for everyone
- Only a Remedy not a Cure for Diabetes
- Sales Pitch doesn't seem completely true
Note: The Halki Diabetes Remedy Is no longer available. I have replaced the links with another similar product that may help in the same way.
Hi Guys, Alex here, and for today’s post I will be reviewing a digital recipe guide made especially for treating type-2 diabetes and Insulin Resistance called the Halki Diabetes Remedy Program.
Diabetes is a horrible disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Many of these people struggle with their day-to-day lives as a result. So, finding a solution to treat diabetes and other blood sugar-related problems can really make a difference.
For this, the Halki Diabetes Remedy (or so it claims) is a special set of recipes that originate from the Greek Island of Halki where supposedly diabetes, to their native population, is all but non-existent.
*Note: Not sure how true this is but anyway according to the Halki Diabetes Remedy this is 100% real. The healthy diets of Islanders in Halki have made Insulin resistance a thing of the past.
But, what’s more, the special set of recipes chosen for this product is based on the very foundations of what has kept Halki diabetes-free for hundreds if not thousands of years.
And within this guide, you will find how you can develop a similar diet to lower blood sugar, insulin resistance, and all the nasty side effects that come from type 2 diabetes.
Note: See below for our free ebook download – 11 Super Herbs and Spices to Lower Blood Sugar – 100% free for all our subscribers! or click HERE to get it now!
Halki Diabetes Remedy Review (2023)
In today’s review, I will be looking into what the Halki Diabetes Remedy Program does. What this product is all about. Is it safe? Is it a scam? and so on.
Whether I think this is any good. My full honest opinion. Plus, I will be looking at the basic concept of these recipes. The ingredients inside, and how these can supposedly help lower blood sugar, remedy insulin resistance, and even reverse type 2 diabetes!
For anyone that has heard about this product, or for those just hearing about this now for the first time, this review will be especially for you…?
Within this review, you will find out a little-known truth about what causes diabetes. A secret that the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know, and exactly why it might be worth buying the Halki Diabetes Remedy Program for your Blood Sugar Support needs.
FTC Disclosure:
Please note that this post contains affiliate links, and if you decide to make a purchase based on the information in this post I may receive an affiliate commission. Read more here. The price you pay will not be affected.

What Is The Halki Diabetes Remedy Program?
Product Name: Halki Diabetes Remedy Program
Creator: Eric Whitfield
Price: $37.00
Rating: 3.5 Out of 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐
Short Summary: Set of Recipes based on the diets of the islanders from the Greek Island of Halki. Specially repurposed for this digital recipe guide and diet plan. To lower blood sugar, insulin resistance and to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes.
Website: https://halkidiabetesremedyprogram.com

About the Halki Diabetes Remedy?
To begin with, I wasn’t very sure about this product when I first read about it. I mean after I watched the video I thought this guy – Eric Whitfield was making some pretty bold claims!!! I thought wow really?
Even in a way, I thought that this could be dangerous. What if say a diabetic person stopped taking their medication because of this product? – Like deliberately defying doctor’s orders about taking their medication? and something bad happened?
Now, I am not one to always agree with doctors and the healthcare system but I do know how dangerous diabetes can be.
Both my mum and older sister have got this horrible condition! I even worry that I could have early symptoms myself…

…after further research, what I learned about this product has made me think otherwise. I haven’t yet recommended this product to anyone I know, but there are certain reasons I would maybe consider doing so.
The recipes inside this guide I think could actually work, and there is no real danger here I don’t think. Plus if you are unhappy with the results then you can claim back a refund within 60 Days.
You can also save $20 with the discount code at checkout.
The other thing is that this offers a potential solution. Something that can change people’s lives for the better. I wouldn’t wish diabetes on my worst enemy and Eric Whitfield might be onto something here.
I don’t know for certain if this product works but…
I will look to explore this further throughout this post.
My Personal Thoughts On The Halki Diabetes Remedy…
Personally, if I’m being honest, after reviewing the Halki Diabetes Remedy Program in some instances I did think it might ‘not’ be the real deal. The story behind it to me did seem a little bit overdramatic and exaggerated.
Also, I found it to be very similar to another product I reviewed called Leptitox. This is no longer available for sale but this was a supplement for weight loss. Its background was a bit sketchy but the formula was good (I thought) but a very similar story to this one – possibly fabricated (not going to lie).
However, with that being said what supposedly is the true cause of diabetes? Not only this but what is the actual remedy to bring it under control? Many experts say it is still unknown but I think it’s restoring the activity of Insulin and I know there are nutrients that can be beneficial here.
I mean this is obviously down to the consumer at the end of the day but I think it is worth a try. If you can source the ingredients recommended in this book…
Then follow the recipe plans inside I think then you might be on to a real winner.
I really don’t think there is actually too much harm in trying.
Although, that being said – “The secret ‘age-old recipe’ that has been hidden for centuries” part. That I thought sounded a bit over-exaggerated and a little suspicious, but a lot of this information is quite believable.
Mostly because I believe in the natural healing abilities of plants, and there are a lot of places all around the world that hold all different kinds of cures and remedies inside.
These ingredients represent this in a big way to me so It does make me wonder…
Halki’s Hidden Secret or Not?

OK, so In general, here are the claims made by Eric Whitfield;
- 1# – The Halki Diabetes Remedy targets the root cause of ‘type 2 diabetes’.
- 2# – There is a harmful unseen toxin known as PM 2.5. (Particulate Matter 2.5.) an airborne environmental toxin found in many major cities.
- 3# – PM 2.5 works alongside other toxins and is responsible for insulin resistance which is a precursor to Type 2 Diabetes.
- 4# – We absorb these toxins every day from the air we breathe, the food that we eat, and the water we drink.
Honestly to me, this is totally believable. Air pollution is after all a massive global problem. Contamination of our food and water supply is again another one. So, the fact that Eric Whitfield says this is all linked does make me think this might be true.
After all, health issues such as diabetes and obesity are far more common now than they have ever been. Over the past 50+ years, something has caused this, and PM 2.5 could very well be it. The data simply does not lie…
So with this in mind… Let’s look at how following this special meal plan twice daily can help towards the detoxification of PM 2.5. and other environmental toxins.
Plus how following these special recipes for salad dressings might be able to help reverse the horrible health problems of type 2 diabetes and Insulin Resistance for good.
Halki Diabetes Remedy Ingredients – What’s Inside?
The Halki Diabetes Remedy includes a combination of 50+ different recipes to help support healthy blood sugar the list is quite extensive but some notable examples of Ingredients Include;
#1 Kohlrabi
#2 Marjoram
#3 Broccoli Sprouts,
and a range of other Greek Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, and Seeds such as…
#4 Laurel (Bay) Leaves
#5 Jujube Dates and
#6 Bergamot Oranges.
Now if we talk about these ingredients.
For starters, #1 Kohlrabi is a vegetable similar to a Cabbage which is abundant in two nutrients – Sulphoraphane and Glucoraphanin. These together can repair lung epithelial cells against oxidative damage caused by tiny ambient air particulate matter (PM 2.5).
Note: Sulforaphane is a Sulphur compound. Sulfur in the body works in one way by bonding with free radicals such as PM 2.5. This is very interesting to me because I looked at this in another article I wrote about using DMSO to reduce inflammation.
Then #2 Marjoram as well as adding flavor to the dressings also protects the lungs and body against airborne toxins. One of its main nutrients is Beta Carotene which is good for both digestive health and the heart.
For #3 Broccoli Sprouts – this is included for rapid and sustainable detoxification properties and is also highly productive in improving liver function from oxidative stress.
Not to mention that all of these ingredients are high in antioxidants. Well known for their ability to detoxify the body. And what’s more, these are only a few.
Inside the Halki Diabetes Remedy Program recipe guide there is a whole lot more as well.
More About Diabetes and PM 2.5 Pollution
I think if anything, whether the testimonials of this product are a big scam or not, then surely a healthy balanced diet can go a long way to help relieve the health problems that diabetes may cause.
Not to mention how all these antioxidants and antiinflammatories can have remarkable effects on the metabolism of carbs and fats that might be an underlying issue for Insulin sensitivity.
For example, people detoxing eating raw garlic, or cabbage for instance. It’s not quite the same thing (I know), but how many stories are there about people using plants to heal their ailments?
These recipes I think are worth their salt to at least try. It seems a safe enough idea (I think). The biggest risk I would say is being left out of pocket if this does not work.
Even though you can claim a refund back before 60 days and at checkout you can get a $20 discount – bringing the price down from $37 to $17 USD
So at least trying a few of these recipes with what’s mentioned above I think could really be a benefit to somebody that suffers from Type 2 Diabetes. For if nothing else the healthy diet which this encourages.
I mean I think this pretty much says it all really. If diabetes is a condition caused by air particulate matter, or whatever toxins… there must be something to flush these toxins away.
It’s not exactly the Scientific Communities view I know. I think, to them, diabetes is a pancreatic condition caused by Insulin resistance. Either passed on genetically or caused as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too much alcohol maybe, or a poor diet.
But what about toxins like PM2.5? My point is that if they can do the damage which Eric Whitfield says, then does this not show at least that this might just be possible?
Inherent PM 2.5 damage perhaps? Even the damage this can cause to a healthy person. It does make me wonder.
If so what a coincidence this is, that our bodies have progressively consumed a lot more toxic shite over the past 50 years or so. Not just from PM 2.5 pollution but in general – does this not slightly correlate with the rise in diabetes over this time period?
Note: Take a read of this free ebook to learn more (click here)!
Something you Can’t Argue with…
My opinion, I think that if you have the money then why not? If you can be sure that there isn’t a danger from taking something then what is the harm? If it has the potential to improve your health then why not be open-minded about it? There are many questions for sure but…
For myself personally, I think natural homeopathic remedies are very underrated. With this product, I would say it is worth trying at least. Give this a go and if it is not for you then you can request a refund.
The price is reasonable enough I think. Especially with the discount applied. I can not offer this personally but you should see an exit pop-up on the main sales page for $20 off.
It is only my opinion of course but from what I have read about these ingredients they all seem to have their own special qualities. And it is not just diabetes…
Another thing I found interesting about PM 2.5 pollution is it is believed to also be responsible for Cardiovascular disease (CVD). Certainly, a dietary issue in my opinion but this could be a factor in this no doubt. This is another condition that has spiked in the last 50+ years as well.
So, maybe this recipe guide could help with this as well.
Probably not the only thing either. PM 2.5 is a free radical and if you look up free radicals you will see. They are unpaired electrons that are highly unstable. Certainly not what you want inside your body.
My Final Thoughts
The price of the Halki Diabetes Remedy program is usually $37 USD, but you can get it for $17 USD with the discount applied – it also comes with three BONUS Digital Products –
1.) The Energy Multiplier,
2.) Achieve Your Goals, and
3.) Relaxed Mind, Healthy Body

AND you can get all this for just $17 USD! A very good deal.
Plus if you have diabetes this is taking ACTION! Action about trying to improve your quality of life. You might think that diabetes isn’t completely reversible but still, it’s a known fact that you can at least in some ways improve your condition even if you can not fully recover.
So, why not try this out?
You could, in theory, try this twice for free and get a refund. The Halki Diabetes Remedy is a 21-day program so you have plenty of time to decide whether it’s worth your money or not.
Take from it what you will but I think this has to be its main selling point. So If you have type 2 diabetes see what this set of recipes can offer you…
It is your choice but if you are interested. Click the button below to visit their website;
Scientific Resources
Your Feedback
Finally, if you have any questions, or would like to leave feedback it will be great to hear from you. You can do so by leaving a message in the comments section below, or if you prefer you can also contact me directly at chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com.
Finally, please like and follow us on social media, share this content with your friends, and subscribe to stay updated with all our latest posts subscribe to our email list.
Many Thanks;
from your friend
Alex B. Chivers
Note: As mentioned at the beginning of this article I am giving away a free ebook for all new subscribers – 11 Super Herbs and Spices to Lower Blood Sugar (Click Here)
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If you decide to purchase and use Halki Diabetes Remedy Program be careful if you’re on Medication, Blood Sugar Strips, or Insulin. Please consult with GP first before discontinuing use. This product is by no means guaranteed to completely reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Please be safe.

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As you indicated, many people have diabetes. My father also suffered a lot from it before he passed away three years ago. Maybe, I have a high chance of getting it, so this article caught my attention.
When my father suffered from it, I heard that it is quite a cruel disease. If Halki Diabetes Remedy is effective, it will help a lot of people who are suffering from it in the world.
The embedded YouTube video is quite convincing. I will have a temptation to try it out if I have diabetes. This program looks so good, but to be honest, I still have some suspicion if it really works. Here is my suggestion. In your next articles, can you show the following to give more confidence to your audience?
1. How about linking or posting several success stories? Your audience will be more convinced.
2. How about showing if the money-back guarantee is indeed exercised? Many programs say it in their advertisement. But, after the purchase is completed, they list all kinds of excuses not to give a refund.
Supplying the above information will give your audience more confidence.
Thank you.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for commenting. I’m sorry to hear about your Father I know what a sad thing this is to happen. I think with this it is something you can do even if you don’t have this condition what it basically is it’s a program that teaches you about different foods that will help detoxify your body from dangerous chemicals. You could, in theory, use this to prevent yourself from ever developing diabetes even. About your questions 1.) I will see if I can find any testimonials to add to the content or even just a link. 2.) the money-back guarantee is 100% I made $450 last month and I see $55 get refunded for another product. This was on Clickbank
Diabetes is a difficult ailment to manage not to talk of treat. It is a pandemic I must add. I have lost two siblings to this devourer. As for me I don’t mind what is needed to checkmate diabetes as long as it does curtail its effect. I have read about this halki diabetes remedy somewhere before, I think it’s effective. All one has to do is follow it as prescribed and hope it all goes well. There are several diabetes remedies on the market, some are just time and money wasting but I think this one works. My question is, how can one avoid diabetes if it is hereditary in the family?
Hi Sami, That is a difficult question I think it’s kind of along the lines of this product eating the right foods that will have a positive effect on your body. This product I read can be used for prediabetes to prevent it. The question is how true is it about this being caused by the PM 2.5 toxin. I thought about this being linked with hypertension and hypertension being linked with diabetes. It’s very difficult if only these people that were supposed to manage our health were honest with us. There is is too many financial interests in this industry I think bigtime.
There are many products out there that promise to cure, and maybe some may work for some and not for others, but I think one should never simply go off their medication before checking with their doctor, especially if it is chronic meds.
It is always good to keep looking for alternative and healthier ways to cure yourself, but keep an open mind and be careful not to be too gullible when it comes to believing the many claims you may find.
Hi Michael, Absolutely I wrote this article so I could give people an unbiased review of what I thought this product was. I think something like this is definitely worth its salt though but of course only alongside usual treatments. The recipe/ingredients are there within this product that can educate people about different plants etc. that can have different effects on the body. It’s worth trying for the 60 day money back guarantee at least.
Hi! I must admit that I was a bit skeptical the first time I heard about Halki diabetes remedy. Nowadays there are so many scams that one doesn’t know in what to believe. But what you’re explaining here makes sense to me. In the case this is not as effective as it’s promoted to be, the balanced diet can still help. I’ll give it a try.
Hi Abel, I think that to fully understand what this diet is you really need to buy the product. There is a 60 day money-back guarantee though so if it doesn’t work you can always claim back your money.
This article got me curious, when you say diabetes, are you referring to type 1 or type 2? My mom is type 2 and as much as I would like her to go on a natural remedy without having to rely on medication, I don’t think her physician would agree with the approach. It’s been known that most diabetic patients will need medication life-long, maybe do some food adjustment and I’ve not heard of any alternative remedy that has proven to be successful.
Do you know of anyone taking the Halki diabetic remedy at the moment? What is the outcome like after 2 weeks?
Hi Cathy, If you read some of the other comments there is a couple of people that have commented that they have said they have successfully used this method. it’s for type 2 its a recipe for salad dressings which is high in detoxifying ingredients that can help your body flush out invasive toxins. What I would recommend is it is definitely worth trying but only alongside treatments that are being used already.
Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .I have been suffering from diabetic problems for a long time.And then I started using the Halki diabetes product and from there my diabetes got under control.And this product is completely free of side effects .Halki diabetes is very important for people with diabetes if you want to try it out.After reading your registration, everyone will learn about mild diabetes and share new experiences with you.
Hi Shariful, Thank you
For me Halli remedy is the safest choice when it comes to type 2 diabetes and as we all know diabetes is a know common illness and also it hardly discriminate it. It affects both both the young and the old, And if not we’ll treated it can lead to further health damage and sometimes lead to death so I like everyone to try it out.
Hi Feiji, It is definitely worth trying out if done safely I think.
Hello There! Thank you for this information on Halki diabetes remedy , though the video of Halki on YouTube was very captivating even I was intrigued by the claims on YouTube but I also have my doubt about the product reversing a type 2 diabetes. Thanks for reviewing this product!
Hi Evagreene, Yes I understand type 2 Diabetes is curable if you look it up. Unfortunately, it isn’t easily curable not by a long shot. What this product is it’s a secret recipe for salad dressings high in detoxifying ingredients. It’s worth trying I think but not as some miracle cure just to take alongside usual treatments.
Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. diabetes can become really deadly especially when ignored or not quickly diagnosed. finding good remedies to this illness is something that sets us off balance. thanks for this review on halki remedy
Hi Benny, Thank you for commenting – I hope this can help people makes my job so much better.
This is my first time to read about the Halki Diabetes Remedy but I am totally thrilled by the combination of natural foods and ingredients that would help push diabetes aside. Considering the fact that all the ingredients are natural and the contents have been proven to be healthy to humans, I think it’s not a risky diabetes remedy try out. The money back guarantee makes it even safer.
I want to be sure:
1) Is this remedy capable of curing diabetes?
2) Is it 100% safe to take this remedy along side regular diabetes treatments?
Hi MrBizzy, Thanks for taking the time to comment. For the answer to your questions
1.) I can’t give a definite answer but apparently so. According to my research, it can at least improve the condition.
2.) Yes it is 100% safe it is in essence just a recipe for salad dressings there are no pills or anything involved so yes you could take alongside other treatments. I would go as far as saying it’s a must. Going against medical advice can be very dangerous.
The diabetes world would need this kind of alternate diet and exercise solutions for the reversal of diabetes. Although the video does not tell about what kind of exercise one would go with.
As per scientific studies depending on the stages of the diabetes, you may need prescription medication. My next door neighbor has both of his kidney damaged because long time diabetes. Can he try these recipes?
you have to be out of medications to try this protocol. What if this does not work?
Money back guarantee is good testimonial for a product. But it possibly does not say it work. Are there any scientific evidences that shows toxins cause insulin resistance? The simple foods that is recommended may be grown with pesticides like the large % of produce in the market.
I will think and see if I can buy this product.
Hi Anusuya, I think this program can definitely be done whilst taking your usual diabetes treatment. If anything these ingredients you could consult with a GP if they are safe to consume if you have diabetes but I would assume they are fine. As for scientific studies yes there are some that do support this. If you scroll down the bottom of my article I have included some links.
Thanks for reading your valuable article post. I have not listen before this product Halki Diabetes remedy. I do believe that our healthy lifestyle activities may also envolve to cure any disease. such as regular morning exercise, healthy and nutritious food and stress free life may also reduce the causes of diabetes type – 2, Finally your products overview has impressed me due to its ingredients and curable process.
Thank you Anjani appreciate it!
The Halki Diabetes remedy is something i was looking for as it helped a friend of mine who said it worked like gold so here i am looking at if it will help me by trying to fight of Diabetes more naturally than using syringes. The video made it seem easy and simple enough for me as well as your great explanation. I will be recommending this site to others thanks.
Thanks Taine that would be awesome. I will be taking a look again at this article soon to put some finishing touches on, but glad you like.
Sometimes, I always think that some of the products that they have on clickbank are not the read deal because of the way they usually work. Although there is a money back guarantee, the products are not usually very convincing enough and it just makes me think that I shouldn’t try them at all. You did a great post here and you’re review is very well detailed too. I’m not sure I can use this one it recommend it though.
Hi Jay, Thanks for taking the time to comment. Personally, my opinion honestly – with the seriousness of diabetes people should 100% consider eating more healthily. I think $37 may be a bit pricey but then saying that the $20 discount is easy enough to come by. I believe you can get just by being on the sales page for a long enough amount of time. $17 I think is maybe worth it.
At the very least this is taking action. The first step and actually I do think there is something to this because of the types of food this encourages people to eat. I think Eric Whitfield might be a fictional name as well as the story in the sales pitch but honestly, I think this does not mean this does not work it is just to increase sales. It is actually quite common I have found it is to protect the identity of the real author.
Type 2 Diabetes is certainly a good topic to discuss because this disease has affected countless people and continues to affect more people each year. I am not knowledgeable about Type 2 diabetes except that we have had 2 cats and 1 dog with diabetes. I do not believe our pets lived as long as they should have because of their diabetes. I also am not sure if diabetes affects people in the same way, but perhaps it does.
I believe it was a good idea to offer this plan to people with Type 2 Diabetes. They must be looking for alternatives for this disease and if there is nothing harmful about this program, type 2 diabetics, I do not understand why someone would not want to try almost any alternative for diabetes Type 2.
I appreciate the fact that you brought this product to everyone’s attention, because it may be very helpful to those who actually could use this product.
Hi Sandy, Thanks for your comment. Yes, totally agree. I do believe this to be worth a try at least. I think it seems to be safe. It is just one idea for people to try – whether it works or not for everybody I don’t know but least it is something I suppose.