Hey there, So I have been meaning to write a post like this one for a while now. About Blood Pressure and Blood Pressure Supplements. So, today I have come up with a title for this new post – Do Blood Pressure Supplements Work?
Actually, It is better now that I have left it this long as I was originally going to do a post like this one 2-3 months back. Around the same time when I did my Tinnitus 911 review. Then I would have most likely written a review about Phygate Labs Blood Pressure 911 and honestly, I’m glad I didn’t. As since then I have really become quite suspicious of this company.
Both Tinnitus 911, Keto T-911 and another one they have listed on Amazon Thyroid Rescue 911 I’ve read some pretty scathing reviews for and not to mention the price this company charges for its supplements.
Anyway, having high or even low blood pressure can be very dangerous, and actually, it is no secret that doctors hand out medication to people for their blood pressure. Either because it is too high or too low and for this post, I will look into this blood pressure medication as well as I think this is very relevant.
Anyway – Do Blood Pressure Supplements Work? is the main thing I want to look at today. I know there is a lot of blood pressure supplements on the market that don’t work but if this is all of them Is really what I want to try and answer.
So, Do Blood Pressure Supplements Work?
Table of Contents;
- What Are Blood Pressure Supplements For?
- Testing Your Blood Pressure @ Home
- Blood Pressure Supplements Vs. Medication.
i.) What’s Inside Blood Pressure Medication
ii.) What’s Inside Blood Pressure Supplements
iiI.) Blood Pressure Solution Ingredients - My Final Verdict
FTC Disclosure: Please be aware that this post contains affiliate links, and if you decide to make a purchase through any of the links shared within this post I may receive a commission. Read more here
1# – What Are Blood Pressure Supplements For?
First off to begin with this is a good question in itself. Companies selling Blood Pressure Supplements usually target customers with high blood pressure. Also known as Hypertension. Signs that you may have high blood pressure are
- Shortness of breath
- Pulsing in the neck
- Bad Headaches
- Feelings of Severe Anxiety
- and Sometimes Nose Bleeds
Indeed you definitely should make an appointment with your GP if you believe that you have high or even low blood pressure. Going the supplement route before doing so might be dangerous as this might not treat this condition effectively. Although there is a way to address this issue yourself from at home if needs be.
2# – Testing Your Blood Pressure @ Home
Now, if you have the money spare a very good idea is to buy your own blood pressure monitor. This will save a trip to the doctors for sure. Plus what’s more, if you have frequent trouble with your blood pressure it is always there if you need it.
See my Number one recommendation ===>>>here – BloodPressureX by Best Care Medical Products.
You can alternatively shop around on eBay or Amazon but if you would like to buy one whilst you have the idea in your head you can use the link above. The price is $67 for one unit, which might be a bit steep for some people but if you order 2,3 or more the price goes right down. In fact, for less than £20 extra you can buy 2 monitors!
Anyway, so with a monitor the next thing to do is test your blood pressure. The results should back as something like 140/90mmHg (for high blood pressure) or 90/60mmHg (for low blood pressure). You can by typing in your results on the NHS website (click here). It is a UK website but should work anywhere around the world. Just scroll down and you will see a box to type in your results. Look for the box as shown in the screenshot below.
Now, once you have an idea about how to find out what your Blood Pressure is then this is when you can actually see whether taking supplements or medication makes a difference or not. Again it is always sensible to consult with a GP but now let’s look at what is inside these supplements, and how they supposedly can help with lowering blood pressure.
#3 – Blood Pressure Supplements Vs. Medication
OK, so I know I said we would look at what’s inside the run of the mill Blood pressure supplement but first of all, I wanted to quickly look at what is typically prescribed for high blood pressure/hypertension by doctors.
i.) What’s Inside Blood Pressure Medication
Right, so I don’t want to demonize Blood Pressure Medication by making this comparison that I’m about to make. I would like to add that medication from a doctor should always be the first port of call. Although, saying this there is definitely a grey area here as well. For example opiate sleeping tablets. These are definitely not something a health care professional should be recommending people take. There is plenty of herbal remedies that are a lot safer.
As, for blood pressure medications – common types are (see screenshot below) So, mostly inhibitors and blockers are used as blood pressure medications, and although these definitely help people they can also pose their own dangers. Especially if you don’t need to take them.
By comparison, Blood Pressure Supplements are usually a mixture of different herbs that have been found naturally to help reduce blood pressure. It is definitely one reason why certain diets can help. This I may add is certainly a sensible path to go down if you suffer from this condition but then here is the thing about supplements.
ii.) What’s Inside Blood Pressure Supplements
So, for example, I will use one of Vitapost’s products. Vitapost Blood Pressure Support and I choose this example as this is a company that I trust that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for their products. Anyway, if you wish you can click on the image below to visit the website but mostly here I just want to use this an example to show what is inside a typical blood pressure supplement.
iii.) Vitapost Blood Pressure Solution Ingredients
So, actually, this is a lot to go over actually. Firstly, Vitapost BPS contains 5 different essential vitamins. 1.) Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 2.) Niacin 3.) Folate 4.) Vitamin B6 and 5.) Vitamin B12. To quickly summarise Vitamin C helps break down excess fluid (same as diuretics), Vitamin B12 helps break down certain amino acids such as homocysteine (found to increase blood pressure). B6 is also helpful for lowering blood pressure.
Then as for the rest folate & niacin work by reducing unhealthy cholesterol, and by improving blood circulation.
A good mixture to try on its own even these essential vitamins but also included are the following;
1.) Garlic Powder, 2.) Hibiscus Flower 3.) Olive Leaf 4.) Hawthorn Extract 5.) Bucha Leaf 6.) Uva Ursi Leaf 7.) Juniper Berry Powder 8.) Green Tea Leaf (Decaffeinated).
I won’t go into the health benefits of each ingredient. If you are interested you can click on the image above but here is one thing I will tell you I have looked at another 5 supplements for blood pressure (one of them Amazons Choice) and they all have these same ingredients. One just had Garlic Powder and the essential vitamins but most are very similar.
My Final Verdict
I think the main thing HERE is that if you have any of the symptoms of high blood pressure you should get tested. Go to the doctors to get checked out or if you know a friend or relative who can take your blood pressure that may be an easier option. Also, if you would like to continually monitor your blood pressure then I would strongly suggest buying the device I mentioned above, or a different one elsewhere.
Then as for the Supplements Vs. Medication debate. Well, I think it could be dangerous putting off seeing a doctor if you have anything like Hypertension but if you can find a way to relieve this condition without medication then that is the best-case scenario for sure. Plus usually with these supplements they offer a warranty so if your condition doesn’t improve – ask for your money back SIMPLE AS.
Finally, one last tip for anyone with high blood pressure – the colour GREEN supposedly can lower blood pressure just by looking at it. Superstition this may be but why not see how you feel after a nice walk in the countryside (if you are healthy enough to do so). That is my advice.
To all my readers. Thank you for taking this time to read my article ~ Do Blood Pressure Supplements Work?. Hope you have enjoyed reading and found this content helpful. If you have any questions or would like to leave feedback it would be great to hear from you.
Also, if you would like to receive a special discount on the Vitapost Blood Pressure Solution Supplement – Say Hello! – and drop me a message in the comments section.
And just before I go – Please Like, share and subscribe!
Many thanks
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