How Depression and Tiredness Are Connected? This actually might surprise you but there is certainly more going on here than meets the eye.
I know for one I have been both tired and depressed before. But, I guess so have most people.
A lot of people will try to keep this to themselves because why depress everyone else by telling them, right? But this is something that should be taken seriously.
Keeping this to yourself is not healthy. When you are in a Depressed state it is typical to feel so very tired all the time. It can be so bad that it’s a massive struggle to get up and dressed each day.
Which is maybe the best thing anyone can do for themselves.
How Depression and Tiredness Are Connected

When you suffer from severe Depression you can get into a serious rut that is very difficult to get out of. The more tired you are – the more sleep you want and then the more depressed you become from oversleeping.
This cycle needs to be broken for you to stand any chance of getting better.
Here are a few things for you to try and do.
No matter how difficult it is you have to force yourself to set the alarm every day. Get up out of bed when it goes off and proceed with your daily routine.
Whatever this is;
- Brush your teeth,
- Have a wash or a shower,
- Comb or brush your hair,
- Get dressed,
- Eat breakfast.
Whichever it is for you! In whatever order.
Then In the evening, other things you should try;
- Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine.
- Make sure you don’t eat too late.
- Eat and drink healthy
Tip 1: Try drinking Green Tea or Chamomile Tea instead of your usual Tea or Coffee. Even instead of your glass of wine or beer. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Tip 2: Going to bed at the same time every night is also recommended. Even on weekends. You can set an alarm for going to bed as well as for waking up. The quicker you can get the hang of this the less you will feel tired.
How Stress and Depression Are Linked
Stress is something a lot of people around the world suffer from. You can become stressed in so many ways.
- Getting Married
- Moving Home
- Starting a new job
- Having Children
- Arguing
- Bereavement
- Getting Divorced,
The list is basically endless.
When you are very Stressed it can lead you to become Depressed as well. Try and stay away from stress as much as possible. Easier said than done I know, but If you have had a stressful day try to find a way to unwind.
Make some time to do things you actually enjoy. Such as spending time with your family and friends. Whatever it is. Go to the park and sit on the swings – you know – whatever works the best for you.
Everything is Treatable
Whether you are suffering from Stress, Depression, or Fatigue as a result you must remember it is all treatable.
This is even the case if you have all three.
Visit your doctor and go through everything. The more you can tell him/her the easier it will be to give you a suitable treatment. Just remember: not everything involves taking medication.
There are a lot of alternatives out there. Don’t let anything put you off. It is important in these situations to talk to professionals. Even non-professionals. Your family and friends for example.
Google can also be a very useful tool for this. Some suggestions might be;
▶Vitamin D: A natural mood enhancer, whether it’s taken in tablet form or sitting out in the sun for a while.
▶Lavender: Very calming and it can also help you to sleep. You can get a moisturizer to rub on your body or fabric conditioner that goes onto your bedding in the washer.
▶Even Dark Chocolate, only eat 2/3 pieces a day though. This will give a small boost to your serotonin levels, and also contains magnesium. This may even help you sleep better.
Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind

People tend to fall into a lot of different categories where food is concerned. There are vegans, vegetarians, gluten-free, healthy eaters, and those that eat a lot of unhealthy processed and junk food.
We all lead busy lives and have 24 hours a day. It is okay occasionally to eat fast food etc. as long as it is only occasionally. Knowing about nutrition can be very important.
If you suffer from Fatigue, Stress, or Depression and you eat unhealthy food it will take you a lot longer to get better. The high content of salt and sugar in these kinds of foods will have you feeling more hopeless and will make you steadily gain weight over time and this will only exacerbate your symptoms.
This is because if your body is in an unhealthy state it can lead to the release of the stress hormone cortisol.
The majority of the civilized world knows that eating a healthy balanced diet such as fish, fruit, vegetables and white meat are recommended. Not only do you not gain weight as much but by alleviating some of your symptoms it can give you much more clarity. To be able to concentrate easier and for longer.
Whole foods such as nuts, pulses, and whole grains as well as the usual fruit and veg can help. By giving you more energy to go about your daily life. Plus one last idea to consider is to try Probiotics.
See ==> My Top Recommendation HERE! <==
In Conclusion
Most days are lost at work every year are due to one, two, or all of these 3 conditions. Depression, tiredness and fatigue.
it is very important to make changes in your lifestyle before they take over your life completely. The worst-case scenario is to have suicidal feelings on top of the other symptoms. (Talk to somebody here if you do).
Changing your way of thinking when you are stressed, changing your daily practices as mentioned above such as changing your diet are all proven methods to help you with these conditions.
Exercise can also play a major factor in this. You don’t have to go out and start training to run a marathon. Do whatever exercise you like. If it’s not something you are used to doing then take things slowly to start off with. You can always do more as you progress. Consistency is the key to making it work.
Doing all of these things will help you to get better. Whether your symptoms are mild, or more severe. Give them a try and talk to a doctor. Counseling May also be a great option.
I wish to thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read this. Did you find it helpful? Let me know in the comments.
If, you think it would be of help to someone you know then please share it.
Take very good care of yourself because you are a very important person.
Stay Dynamic x
Alex B. Chivers

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