How would you like to block out unhealthy carbs, sugar & fat calories from accumulating as stored fat? If you could reduce the amount of Sugars & Fats Entering the Bloodstream what would you do? What if you could find a way to better control your appetite, curb sugar cravings, cleanse your unhealthy colon and improve digestion with an all in one technique?
Well, this is what today’s post will be all about. HFL Cheatmeals is a premium grade dietary supplement to do all this and more.
It is made by Dr Sam Robbins and his company Health, Fitness and Longevity Solutions which was first established in 1998. Dr Sam claims he first created this company to help his parents and other family members become more healthy.
Since this time Dr Sam and HFL claim to have helped over 17+ million people around the world. To this date, HFL Solutions has a range of around 14 different high-quality supplements including HFL Cheatmeals and others.
If you would like to read the other reviews I have written for other HFL products CLICK HERE
I think they are all quite impressive but let’s continue on shall we?
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Now, Let’s get started with this review post?
What Are HFL CHEATmeals™? Review (2022)

Product Name: HFL Cheat Meals
Creator: Dr Sam Robbins
Company: Health, Fitness and Longevity
Based In: Made In USA
The Good: Patented Blend of Ingredients and 1 Year Money-Back Guarantee
The Bad: Not suitable if you’re allergic to Shellfish
Rating: 5 Stars Out of 5
Do I Recommend: YES
Please keep reading to see how HFL CHEATmeals can help you if you are struggling with weight loss. Within this review, I will be taking the time to look at this product carefully and to see if this is really as great as people that have tried it claim it to be.
What Are HFL CHEATmeals: Their Primary Function
CHEATmeals™ by HFL Solutions was first released over 20 years ago. Since this time it has built up quite a reputation for its health benefits.
This is the ideal supplement for those that are regularly on the move or in a rush. It’s apparently suitable for when preparing a healthy meal is not an option, and it is a more healthy option than snacks like crisps, cakes, chocolate and fries which are quick and easy.
Customers that take HFL CHEATmeals can do so to help prevent weight gain, reduce cholesterol, and much more such as;
- Lower Insulin Levels
- Help With Acid Reflux
- Blocking Up To 40% of carbs & sugars,
- Reduce constipation,
- Alleviate heartburn,
- Help with Colon Cleanse
- Block up to 30% of unhealthy saturated fats.

Looking more closely at CHEATmeals this is most certainly a highly advanced formula that serves a wide array of different purposes. Each blend found inside is capable of working independently from the others which makes this a special 3-in-1 kind of product.
HFL CHEATmeals: The Ingredients

i.) Fat Blocking & Neutralizing Formula:
Nopal (Prickly Pear Extract)
This cactus has many health benefits. It can help to reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol. It might also bind to fats in the digestive system preventing them from being absorbed. (R)
Chitosan Ultra
Chitosan is extracted from the shells of shrimp, lobster, and crabs. It is a fibrous substance that may block the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol. Studies have shown that the effect of chitosan on body weight is minimal. It might not be of clinical significance.
Cassia Nomame
This herbal medicine is made from parts of the pea plant that grow above ground. It acts as a lipase inhibitor. This means it may block fat from being absorbed and digested.
ii.) Carbohydrate Blocking & Neutralizing Formula:
Glucomannon (Amorphphalli rhizome)
The active ingredient in this product is Amorphophallus Konjac. This is a water-soluble fibre derived from the Konjac plant. It is also called Elephant Yam or Glucomannan. This fibre may absorb up to 50 times its weight in water.
There have been many studies on the effectiveness of this fibre to aid weight loss.
One study carried out in 1984 showed weight loss as a result of taking 1g of Glucomannan with water 30 minutes before meals. This was carried out with a small study group of 20 obese people.
Since then there have been lots of other studies that have reached inconclusive results. They suggest that glucomannan intake does not generate statistically significant weight loss.
One study in the Journal of Obesity suggests that more research is required. Although, still this fibre has been shown to aid weight loss when combined with a balanced diet of 1200 calories per day and 2 litres of water.
White Kidney Bean (10:1 Extract Phaseolus vulgaris) Phase 2
This is a potential carb blocker. It can help block the enzymes needed to digest certain carbs. This may prevent the carbs from absorbing calories. It can also help with blood sugar levels.
Some studies suggest that carb blockers can aid you to lose between 2 & 9 lbs in weight. While others show that they are of no effect.
Some studies also suggest that this ingredient may suppress appetite, making you feel fuller for longer.
Hydroxycitric Acid (Garcinia cambogia)
This is a fruit extract. It might promote weight loss and help to control your appetite. It is found in a lot of dietary supplements for weight loss along with other ingredients.
Studies say that more investigation may be needed to test for efficiency. This applies to weight loss as well as appetite suppression.
iii.) Digestion Enhancing Formula:
Combination of Pepsin, Protease, Amylase, Cellulase.
The final mixture of ingredients in HFL CHEATmeals is all enzymes. Each serves its own purpose but collectively they work great for cleansing the colon and helping to stop feelings of bloatedness and to reduce gas. As these work to break down carbohydrates this can have a profound effect on digestion which itself is fundamental for weight loss and physical health in general.
Who is ‘HFL CHEATmeals’ for?
Anyone that has repeatedly tried and failed to burn more calories will likely be interested in HFL CHEATmeals.
This is because CHEATmeals is a 4-in-1 solution for weight loss that helps to block and neutralize fat, sugar and carbohydrate calories.
It is specifically designed for anyone that worries about how eating the wrong foods can cause them to put on too many lbs. Anyone that is sick of having to watch what they eat will likely benefit from taking this supplement.
If you are in need of a solution that can help you lose weight without dieting then this might just be it.
Dr Sam Robbins and HFL Solutions Customer Reviews
For anyone looking to delve deeper before making a final decision about purchasing HFL CHEATmeals, you can actually find a ton of reviews (417 so far) on the Health, Fitness and Longevity (HFL) website. There are even more reviews for Dr Sam Robbins and HFL Solutions’ other products as well.
Over 3000 in total but possibly the thing that might make people wary is there aren’t any reviews outside of the HFL website.
Make of this what you will but anyhow here are a couple of the customer reviews that I felt were relevant.
Verified Customer 1:
This email might be a little long, but I want to let you know just how much I appreciate your product. I take 3 capsules of CHEATmeals with both lunch and dinner. I don’t take it with my afternoon snack, since it’s just yoghurt or maybe an apple. So far, I’ve lost a total of 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks. I mean, it’s not that much … but I’m not that overweight, to begin with. Plus, I haven’t changed anything in my diet or added in extra cardio. For the first time, dieting is kinda easy for me. Take care.
Verified Customer 2:
I know I should eat better and exercise. But your carb/fat blocker is working so well, that I’m waiting for my results to plateau before I have to actually do any work. Hehehehe … I know, I’m bad … but I’m lazy. What can I say … at least I’m honest =)
Verified Customer 3:
Cool … a product that works, and no side effects. I don’t ever have to cycle off and I can take it forever. Each month, I lose another pound or two. Can’t wait for the summer. SWEEEEET!
How to Take HFL CHEATmeals: Directions For Use
One bottle contains 90 pills. When you first start to use this supplement take 1 or 2 tablets only for the first couple of days to see how your body reacts.
After that take 3 tablets 15-30 minutes before eating with two large glasses of water. Most users take them twice a day.
If you are only going to eat veggies and protein don’t take any at all. As this only works if you’re eating carbs, fats and sugars.
Side Effects
If you are allergic to shellfish, you cannot use this product.
This of course can cause side effects but other than this there are no reported side effects.
However, if you do take this and experience any unpleasant effects discontinue use immediately.
How Much Does HFL CHEATmeals Cost?
1 Bottle costs $49.97 saving $20 off of the original price of $69.97
1 Bottle with Autoship $39.97 $30 saving from the original price of $69.97
Autoship is a monthly subscription. You only pay when the item is shipped.
There are no commitments, contracts, obligations or fees. You can cancel at any time. Customer support is available 24/7.
You are totally in charge and you can easily change the frequency or amount of each shipment (pause it, add more items to it, ship more or less often)
Your order is shipped within 24 hours, you will be charged at the checkout for shipping and handling. The price varies depending on where it’s being shipped to.
>>>Find Out More @ The Official HFL website HERE<<<
Is HFL CHEATmeals Worth It?
If you enjoy your carbs such as white bread, cakes and pasta; as well as your typical junk food then this might just be the perfect supplement for you to try. It is called CHEATmeals because you don’t have to worry about slipping up if you decide to have a pizza or takeaway one day.
You can effectively eat what you like and the ingredients in CHEATmeals will take care of the rest.
So kind of it depends if all the above sounds like you and your situation then well you should find HFL CHEATmeals may be worth your time.
In terms of quality certainly, this product should not disappoint and if it does you have a whole year from the date of purchase to claim back your money.
Whether you want to layout the initial investment is really the question but if you do you should definitely get your money’s worth.
HFL Solutions Pros and Cons
Pros :
- Lots of positive customer reviews
- Gluten-Free
- Non-GMO
- Vegetarian
- Made In America
- Worldwide shipping
- Money-back Guarantees
- 3rd party lab tested
- Science-Based Clinical Studies
- Doctor Formulated
Cons :
- Cannot be taken by anyone who is allergic to shellfish.
The company offers you a full refund and an additional $100.00 cashback.*
They also offer a 200% satisfaction guarantee. As a first-time customer, you will have 1 year to return any product that is not used.
This works in various different ways.
- Return all bottles within 30 days for a full refund excluding shipping and handling. This applies to the opened and unopened products.
- Between 31-and 90 days, you can get a full refund for any unopened products. This excludes shipping and handling.
- After 90 days you may either exchange or receive a 200% store credit. There is no end date on the credit. It may be used for any product or service offered by the company.
For HFL Optimized “Auto-Ship” Club members no refund will be offered once your second bottle has been shipped.
If you return the product without obtaining authorization this will result in a 25% restocking fee. This includes marking its returns to the sender.
To cancel your auto-ship you must contact the company 7 days before the due date for the shipment.
*To qualify for the $100 cashback you must prove before and after medical tests that the product has not worked.
You can find more details on the official website.
My Final Thoughts
We all know that eating naughty foods that are high in fat, sugars and carbs are not good for us. But now and then we want foods that are not very healthy for us.
We also know that sometimes eating things that we shouldn’t can not always be avoided.
As with any kind of supplement it won’t work for everybody. And it may not be very good for our diet or health to use this to eat whatever you want whenever you want.
It could be a great solution for times when we want to cheat on our diets and give in to our needs. It can also help us when we know we will not be able to avoid eating something fatty or sugary which is full of carbohydrates.
Try Cheatmeals Today, then come back and share your amazing results.
I wish to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this article. If, you have a question or a comment then please feel free to leave it below. I love to hear from you all and I will get back to you.
If, you know anyone else who would benefit from reading this then please feel free to share it.
Take great care of yourself because you are worth it.
Alexander B. Chivers
Please speak to a doctor before taking supplements of any kind. Everyone is different and what works well for one may not necessarily work for another.
I am not a medical professional, This is intended as advice only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat you.
Sources Of Information:

Anxiety and Depression best ways to lower blood sugar BiOptimizers blood pressure supplements blood sugar support supplements Digestive Enzymes Supplement digital products Dr Sam Robbins Erectile dysfunction Exercise Gut Health Healthy Living heart health HFL how to lower blood sugar levels How To Lower Cholesterol insulin resistance joint health supplement Keto keto dieting Keto Diet Weight Loss leaky gut supplements leptin resistance list Magnesium deficiency Matt Gallant mental health multivitamins Nootropics nutrient supplements Probiotics Probiotic Supplements proteolytic enzymes reverse type 2 diabetes stress and anxiety stress relief vitabalance vitapost Wade Lightheart weight loss articles weight loss diet plans weight loss product reviews weight loss supplements weight loss supplements that work weight loss tea
I am still of the opinion that you do the most for your health and well-being by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It is true, however, that many people have problems with being overweight, and such supplements can be a great solution. I like this presentation of Cheatmeals, you presented all the ingredients, the way of use, and the prices in great detail. Thanks for this review and all the information in one place.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
I agree with your opinion about healthy eating and exercise.
The problem is not every one has that discipline.
Well, I honestly did not know that anything like this existed, LOL.
The idea that you can eat things that are not necessarily good for you and there is a product that touts that it can help block all the bad things sounds way too good to be true.
I like that you included the payment information and that you also included the refund policy and cancellation policy. It is good to know this information before getting involved with something like this. I do especially like that this product is made in the USA.
Overall Cheatmeals sounds like a viable product for those in a pinch and not able to make good meals all the time.
Thanks very much for the great comment.
I was like you, until i spoke to a friend i did
not know such a product existed either.
Hi Lisa,
One of the most disheartening things for someone trying to lose weight is to have to eat an unhealthy fatty or sugary snack just because they are stuck in traffic or missed their meal break due to a demanding schedule. As food supplements continue to flood the markets, I’m continuously on the look out for that little “Non GMO” label and was relieved to learn that your review contained it. Thanks for a well explained piece.
We are Blessed.
Hello Mark.
I share your concern regarding non GMO.
thanks for reading and leaving a comment.