Carbohydrates ARE BAD!! How many times have we all heard this before? That, if we want to lose weight we must give up eating Potatoes, Rice and Pasta etc. I am not saying this isn’t true but for today’s post (my Carbofix Supplement Review) I want to discuss a possible solution with you.
One that will allow you to have the best of both worlds…
A way to lose weight and without having to give up on all your favourite carbs ???
CarboFix by Matt Stirling and Gold Vida is a carbohydrate management formula. Based on an old Ecuadorian recipe this claims to be able to assist weight loss by helping to balance blood sugar, boosting AMPK levels and burn excess fat by increasing metabolism!
So, with this in mind, I will be carefully researching the best Carbofix Reviews and using this information to make a fair evaluation of this product.
Is THIS legit? Does it work? What do other customers have to say about Carbofix? Is it worth the money it’s being sold for? I will admit I do have my concerns but there are some good things I have noticed as well. Overall I will be showing you both the good and bad. ??
My intention will NOT BE to try and sell you this product but rather to show you what IT is all about.
For you to make your own decision whether this is something that could work for you. Or if you should try out something else instead.
Basically, If I have my way you will not be leaving reading this review without at least some kind of helpful solution.
Exactly, what my vision is for all my posts, but enough about my plans as a whole. Let’s dive in with my CarboFix Supplement Review…
FTC Disclosure:
Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you happen to make a purchase today via one of these links I may receive an affiliate commission. The price you pay will not be affected. Any questions regarding this please let me know in the comments…
Carbofix Supplement Review (2021) – Overview
Name: CarboFix
Website: CarboFix (
Manufactured By: Gold Vida
Owner: Matt Stirling
Year Released: 2021
Overall Rank: 70 out of 100
My Verdict: Keep on reading!
Pros and Cons (In Short):
All in one solution to lose weight whilst still eating carbs. “Eat Carbs Guilt-Free”, the bottle says. Alongside 3 other points 1.) Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels, 2.) Improves Glucose Utilization and 3.) The ideal supplement for a ketogenic lifestyle.
The biggest con I would say is you only get 60-Days to return the product from the date of purchase.
Short Summary:
CarboFix is a maximum strength carbohydrate management formula. Each bottle contains a one month supply of 60 capsules which are advised to be taken as 2 caps a day. As mentioned above this is suitable for balancing blood sugar levels, aiding in weight loss and counteracting the negative effects of keto dieting.
Please note: if you are reading this article today because you actually looking for a weight loss solution maybe you might be interested in some of my other work. Here is a list of my other Weight Loss Product Reviews ⏬
Carbofix Supplement Review (2021)
Now, Who Is Matt Stirling?
Right off the bat, I think this gives CarboFix a certain degree of credibility. Just this man being linked means that he is basically the face behind this campaign. What’s more, this is a man that charges $200 for online fitness coaching. So I would say that reputation-wise it wouldn’t be in his best interests to scam people. Although there is a couple of things to address (scroll down)
So, Matt Stirling is from Canada. He is a Certified Personal Trainer and consultant. He is also a former World Champion Body Builder.
As for if this is a real person. A quick google search and there are all sorts of online profiles for Matt Stirling. He has a Facebook group, fan page, and youtube channel. The youtube channel has around 30 videos and 500 subscribers.
However, his Facebook group seems to be a lot more active with 23k likes.
To be fair his social profiles aren’t exactly as popular as they maybe should be. Considering this is a man trying to sell his own coaching program and products.
Not only this but Stirling is apparently a former WBFF PRO bodybuilding world champion and 2x winner of Musclemania. You would think his online presence might be a bit bigger.
Anyway, about the product…
Introducing CarboFix Supplement Review
Inside is 6 different ingredients including;
- Chromium Picolinate
- Berberine HCL
- Cinnamon Bark
- Benfotiamine
- Naringin (from Grapefruit)
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
It’s apparently based on a recipe given to Matt Stirling by his Wife’s 99-year old Grandmother from Ecuador. She apparently doesn’t look a day over 55? (I’m sure I read this somewhere). The typical Clickbank sales pitch. Exactly why I love writing these reviews. So, this recipe is designed to boost metabolism and burn abdominal fat by raising the body’s levels of AMPK.
AMPK = Adenosine Monophosphate-Protein-Kinase.
More on this soon. Now, let’s look at what this actual product is really supposed to do.
What Is CarboFix Supposed To Do?
So, in short, Carbofix claims to help boost metabolism. Which as a result increases fat burning, weight loss, and longevity. Plus it also is said to help with blood sugar control and decreasing hunger (through appetite).
These things are all apparently triggered by the release of AMPK. A group of proteins that are released in your body but only under the right conditions. Their role biologically (I don’t want to confuse you by going into too much detail) is to increase the uptake of glucose in skeletal muscle. This in turn causes several different reactions to occur.
Very complicated (I know) but one interesting fact. Metformin is a prescription drug given to diabetics because it helps with the release of AMPK.
I really need to cover this topic in another post about Metformin. A lot of Type 2 Diabetics take it but it has some pretty unpleasant side effects (In my own opinion). This seems like it could be the case with CarboFix but let’s find out a little bit more about AMP-K itself.
Check out this video)and see if this explains things better than I can.
How Does CarboFix Help with the Release of AMPK
So it mentions on the sale page about drinking Liquorice root tea and sniffing rosemary before bed. And something about drinking 2 cups of hot black tea after a long walk…
Maybe this is Matt Stirling’s very young-looking 99-year old Grandma’s secret.
The six ingredients may just be linked to each of the three things in some way. Honestly, I don’t know maybe I will have to update this article again as more information becomes apparent.
From what I do know though is;
Cinnamon Bark: Helps lower blood sugar and the trees its bark comes from are native to Ecuador.
Grapefruit (Naringin): This is good for liver detox which can also help balance blood sugar. Also, it is interesting to note Grapefruits are grown in the subtropical climates of Ecuador.
As for the rest.
Chromium Picolinate: Not sure what the link is to Ecuador but this compound if you google it you will find out. This works alongside insulin to help metabolize carbohydrates in the liver.
Berberine HCL: This is an alkaloid that can be extracted from several different wild plants. These include Berberis which is another plant native to Ecuador.
Again this is another ingredient that helps promote healthy blood sugar.
Benfotiamine: So doubt this was part of grandma’s secret recipe. Benfotiamine is a synthetic version of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) it is used medically to help treat diabetic complications.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Known as ALA for short. This is an interesting one. It is a rich source of sulfur for one (the detoxing mineral). It’s found in many different plants and is used medically to treat nerve pain in diabetics.
I think it’s safe to assume that each ingredient plays a part in the release of AMPK.
To learn more visit the CarboFix website ==>HERE<==
Now, Is CarboFix Legit? My Verdict

“First thing is first” Carbofix is a Clickbank product and they do have quite a reputation for some of their other dietary supplements.
In fact, In my recent post “Steel Bite Pro Review Scam Exposed!” I shared that the ingredients are nearly identical to Leptitox. Very strange I thought as both are Clickbank products. Even though one is for Oral Health and the other is for Weight Loss / Liver Detox the ingredients labels are like carbon copies. Write down to the letter.
You really can’t make it up. So this is what makes me suspicious about Carbofix. I will admit it is very unique ingredient-wise and Matt Stirling is 100% a real person. His STORY the sales pitch for this product seems a lot more legitimate than some of the others and the science behind these ingredients definitely checks out.
Although, even though it has its own web page with an address listed in Canada there isn’t much other information available. Except after further inspection, it appears Gold Vida is also linked to MattStrling
Plus another product attached to Matt Stirling is called Lean Belly Detox.
Then there are the product reviews… I can’t find hardly any which is not a good look really.
Aside from this looking at the CarboFix customer reviews I can say honestly that in CarboFix’s defence that;
1.) – Matt Stirling is (I definitely believe) a real person.
2.) – At least 50% of the ingredients are native to Ecuador
3.) – All 6 ingredients are linked to lowering blood sugar and treatment for diabetes
4.) – AMPK is released by maintaining healthy Blood Sugar levels.
5.) – Healthy Blood Sugar levels can help the liver boost metabolism which then helps to burn fat.
So, with all this in mind, there is only one question left to ask. In regards to the legitimacy of this product.
What do the customers have to say about CarboFix?
HONEST TRUTH: I’ve not been able to find any reviews either positive or negative for CarboFix
So the Jury is still out. If you have tried Carbofix please let me know in the comments…
Instead, I Recommend…

Bioptimizers Blood Sugar Breakthrough
I see a lot of similarities when I researched this product for my recent review. This is also supposed to be an AMP-K activator supplement but it has more ingredients, a whole YEAR money-back guarantee for if it doesn’t work, and the company has thousands of positive reviews – [visit the website HERE]
Just To Summarise: Who Is CarboFix For…
From the information, I’ve been able to gather for this CarboFix Supplement Review this is for 2 different groups of people.
Those looking to lose weight generally speaking, and others that are doing keto or another type of low carb diet (Paleo, Atkins etc.)
So, for anyone generally looking to lose weight (without low carb dieting) CarboFix claims to work by boosting the metabolism and reducing abdominal fat. Studies have shown that indeed by increasing the release of AMPK can help do exactly what CarboFix says (1)
As for the Keto aspect. Low carb dieting can have many negative effects such as low energy levels and keto flu. If you are on one of these diets you can take 2 capsules of CarboFix with your 2 biggest meals of the day (1 each meal)
Here is their label on the bottle…
PLEASE NOTE: CarboFix is not recommended for (DO NOT USE) under 18s, pregnant or nursing mothers. If you have pre-existing health issues MAKE SURE you consult with your GP before taking.
CarboFix Supplement Review Pros and Cons
i.) Pros of CarboFix ✅
- Background story seems like it could actually be true
- Matt Stirling is a real person and certified personal trainer
- CarboFix may help boost metabolism and burn abdominal fat
- CarboFix may help lower insulin and leptin resistance
- Supports Healthy Blood Glucose Levels
- Helps Improve Glucose Utilization
- Supports Ketogenic Lifestyle
- CarboFix is FDA and GMP Approved
- Made in the USA
ii.) Cons of CarboFix ❎
- Lack of customer reviews outside of CarboFix website
- Clickbank hardly have a good track record for quality
- Made with Gelatin Capsules (NOT Vegetarian or Vegan Friendly)
- 60 Day Money Back guarantee period is from purchase date
Not delivery date - May take more than 1 bottle to start noticing effects.
- Possibly unsafe for children (under 18’s)
and pregnant/nursing mothers. - Only Available Online through the Official CarboFix website.
Final Thoughts About CarboFix
So I really want to come across in this review as a genuine person. I actually worry about the quality of MOST Clickbank products. Even the one’s that are not to do with health.
So far the only one’s I’ve really felt like I could trust properly is the Bioptimizers range of products, Phen375, and a couple of their online business products. CarboFix seems interesting to me. I think this may actually be a safer bet than the other weight loss products doing the rounds like Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, Resurge, Leptitox and ProVen.
The reason I think this is because there is a lack of a better word less bullshit in the sales pitch.
I know I said the remark about the 99-year grandmother of Matt Stirling not looking a day over 55. Well, it doesn’t say that exactly. I don’t think. It said she looked a lot younger than she was. There are people like this in the world that’s a fact.
The other thing I was able to find out is that at least 50% of the ingredients in CarboFix are native to Ecuador. Plus also what it says about AMPK and blood sugar is true as well. Plus all the ingredients are known to balance out healthy blood glucose.
I totally believe this product could be legit but until there are more reviews available I think it is probably best to try something a bit more transparent. I haven’t tried it. Not come across any positive reviews as of yet (outside the official website) but my opinion is if it really is what the label says it is then it most probably can help with weight loss (2)
How Much Does CarboFix Cost…
If you would like to purchase CarboFix by Gold Vita you have 3 different options;
$49 for 1 Bottle (1-Months Supply) 29% Savings (Apparently)
$42 for 3 Bottles $126 in total. (3-Months Supply) 39% Savings!
$34 for 6-Bottles. $204 in total. (6-Months Supply) 51% OFF Savings
Also, before I forgot as an added bonus CarboFix includes 3 EXTRA free products…
As for the return and refund policy…
If you are not happy with CarboFix’s results please return your opened and unopened bottles within 60 days of your purchase date. For information, please contact or me at
About Gold Vida
Gold Vida LLC is a company that owns the rights to the following websites,,,
Its headquarters are located at:
2283 Yellowbirch Way
London, ON, Canada
Finally, thank you for stopping by, and for taking the time to read my CarboFix Supplement Review.
If you have any questions or would like to leave feedback about your experience with Carbofix or anything else…
please let us know in the comments section below.
You can also contact me directly at
If you know anyone that may benefit from reading this product review.
Please share with anyone that you think this may be able to help
Best regards and hope to see you all again soon…
Alex B Chivers
Sources of Information:
Health Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a qualified medical professional and the information shared within this post is not to diagnose, prevent or treat any disease. It is simply just my own research and I can not guarantee everything I write about will work.

PS; Before I go. If you have found any of this information helpful please consider signing up for our email mailing list below;
Also, here are my 6 most recent posts;

Anxiety and Depression best ways to lower blood sugar BiOptimizers blood pressure supplements blood sugar support supplements Digestive Enzymes Supplement digital products Dr Sam Robbins Erectile dysfunction Exercise Gut Health Healthy Living heart health HFL how to lower blood sugar levels How To Lower Cholesterol insulin resistance joint health supplement Keto keto dieting Keto Diet Weight Loss leaky gut supplements leptin resistance list Magnesium deficiency Matt Gallant mental health multivitamins Nootropics nutrient supplements Probiotics Probiotic Supplements proteolytic enzymes reverse type 2 diabetes stress and anxiety stress relief vitabalance vitapost Wade Lightheart weight loss articles weight loss diet plans weight loss product reviews weight loss supplements weight loss supplements that work weight loss tea
Thank you for this info, although I always advice that you consult your physician before taken supplements or drugs that have to do with blood sugar. But seeing a drug that is promoted with the image of an influencer like Matt Stirling, and that has well known location for official address and that accepts return of unused bottles, I think they pass the first and preliminary test of legitimacy
Yes, agreed. I have seen a few dodgy supplements in my time and I think this one definitely has some credibility. Even the story behind finding these ingredients check out. At least half these ingredients come from Ecuador and this is a fact. As for the speaking to a doctor part I would definitely recommend doing so. Especially if you take medication already. I think metformin for example you can’t eat grapefruit whilst taking. Always better to be safe than sorry I think.
I have not come across Carbofix or Gold Vida, or Matt Sterling for that matter, before, so found this review very interesting, if not confusing. The label mentions that it is a carbohydrate management formula and you can “eat carbs guilt free”, but I am not sure where that comes into play? It also talks about boosting the metabolism through boosting APMK, but what is that and what role does it play in the body?
I am not convinced that this is a product that I am interested in. Thank you for the review.
Hi-Line, Sorry for not explaining this better. You make a very good point so the whole carbohydrate management part is to do with the ingredients inside such as grapefruit and cinnamon which help burn carbohydrates faster and increase the absorption of Glucose through the release of AMPK. I appreciate you for pointing this out I will have to go through it again and try and make this a bit more clearer.
Carbofix is amazing, a pill that can keep you slim and at the same time maintain you sugar levels us great.
I can show this article to my husband who’s 45 and recently is trying to stay slim and build some body muscle, I don’t think it’s too late for him to accomplished his plans.
Anyway, just a question, is there side effects when we take Carbofix?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Hello, I don’t think there is but if anyone is taking pre-existing medication it is definitely best to talk to a doctor. For instance, some diabetics that take medication will tell them not to eat grapefruit and grapefruit is one of the main ingredients in CarboFix.
You did a great review of Carbo Fix. Granted you are right in the sense that it is a genuine product that could probably help. But, I also think that eating right will do the same thing. I am not a believer in not eating right and then taking a supplement to counter that LOL To me it defeats the whole purpose.
Hi Leah, You make a great point. You could 100% follow a diet plan to achieve the same results or if not better. Not eating right and taking a supplement instead is not a like for like solution. To supplement means to add so you should take a supplement as well if this makes any sense. Although, in some cases I think when supplements have ingredients inside that are unique to what you would find dieting so that I think is the exception.
For this product I do wonder how close you could get to the ingredients inside. I’m not 100% sold on this don’t get me wrong but what I find is encouraging is that the information in the sales pitch actually checks out. So, I do think this might be worth a try for sure.
Hey Alex! Thank you for this post. I had read a couple before yours but you really put together all we need. I didn’t know Matt Stirling was the face behind this campaign. Yeah, I have seen him online before.
My main interest in CarboFix is because it claims it help boost metabolism. I’ll give it a try.
Thanks Paolo, Yes CarboFix works by releasing AMPK which helps speeds up slow metabolism. This because of it’s select ingredients which are specially picked for their ability to level out blood sugar levels. This in turn works by increasing energy levels by higher conversion of blood glucose.
Hi Alex,
The no positive or negative reviews on the internet are indeed the biggest letdown for Carbofix. For a product that claims to help people boost metabolism and burn abdominal fat, there should be some feedback we can find online, right?
From the PROS you listed out, I can tell that they are FDA approved, GMP certified, and made in the USA, which gained my confidence into trying it. Not to mention they also offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Maybe they just need to change the marketing wordings in the sales pitch…
Hi Matt, I need to update this product review. Definitely some things I missed I think in my research for customer reviews.
Also, I must add a link for this new product review I’ve done for another AMPK activator product that I think is a lot better. [See Here}