What Is Kratom For Anxiety? Have you heard of this plant before? Well, in case you haven’t, Kratom known as (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a plant natively found in the countries of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar (Burma), and Papua New Guinea.
It is also found in some parts of Africa.
Historically, Its dried leaves and stems have been used in herbal medicine for centuries, and still today many people use it for a number of health conditions.
Yet, however, away from native tribesmen, Kratom has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. It has got a reputation that has given it a very bad name.
In many countries including Malaysia it is actually illegal! Thailand only recently legalized its use – much to the delight of many prisoners locked away for possession and supply.
But still, this doesn’t change the fact that this is still a very popular herbal remedy. Something many of its users will attest to.
In fact, What Kratom is for Anxiety is a very interesting topic that I think is worth exploring in this blog post.
SO, If you don’t know about Kratom – in this post I will tell you. This is a South-East Asian tropical evergreen plant. It has quite a reputation – both good and bad but one thing that is reported is it is said amongst other things to help relieve both Stress and Anxiety.
This I can neither confirm nor deny but my idea for writing this post was because I recently did another 2 posts about CBD and one about Kava.
I will be doing more posts for a section on this website in the future but yes CBD, Kava and Kratom are becoming increasingly known to be a kind of new-age plant medicine which I think are definitely worth taking the time to write about. So then…
What is Kratom for Anxiety? and Is It Safe?

So on this topic I was recently watching a video on Bitchute. This is a less censored version of Youtube if you never heard of it. I had looked into this topic before but anyway, I noticed one video on here that was titled something like ‘the health benefits of CBD and Kratom’.
You can watch this below. It’s by a guy called John Bush, a self-claimed activist that runs a channel called the conscious resistance.
He is definitely an advocate for Kratom. This video shares a lot of good information if you care to watch it.
This is very convincing for me (the video above), but further to this… I was also able to find out about a company in the USA called Kraken Kratom.
*This is just to let you know quickly I have signed up with them for their affiliate program. I don’t want to make this post an outright review but just to let know I will include affiliate links in this post for their products.
This does not mean you will pay any extra if you use them but I may receive an affiliate commission.
What this means is if you read this post and you decide to buy Kraken Kratom using my links I may receive a small percentage from any potential sale.
**Also, just a quick disclaimer I am not a medical professional. The information shared within this post is not meant to replace that of a doctor or any qualified health professional. So please just bear this in mind.
What Is The Deal With Kratom – Important Things To Note

For those considering trying out Kratom is for Anxiety the main thing to note is its active ingredient is something called mitragynine.
Mitragynine works by binding to the brain’s opioid receptors and helps to relieve feelings such as pain by blocking them out. This actually is which is thought to be responsible for Kratom’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects reported by some users.
Although, this effect on the opioid receptors is also believed to be Why Kratom is so addictive for some people.
One reason why it is believed to be so dangerous is because of this, as you can overdose if you take too much. But also, further to this, Kratom is said to help with withdrawals from both alcohol and benzodiazepine drugs. It has a lot of good potential!
It is in fact one of the many reasons why many places around the world are actually calling for Kratom usage to be made fully legal.
I personally am undecided about what is ethical and what is not about the sale of Kratom but there are some arguments for Kratom’s decriminalization that I think do sound quite valid.
I will let you decide for yourself – but anyhow…
How I First Heard of Kratom ?
So, prior to seeing the conscious resistance video (I shared above), I remember reading about Kratom a good few years back. I hadn’t really heard of it before then but I found it interesting to read about how dangerous it apparently was.
What I read I can not really remember too well, but I think I googled legal highs or something. It was around the time I think when Mephedrone (M-Kat) was just made illegal in the UK.
I think there was a lot of Interest in the legal high market around this time and I come across an article about the controversy surrounding Kratom use in the UK and about its history in Thailand.
This was I think in 2015 and since then Kratom has been prohibited under the Psychoactive Drugs Act of 2016.
I think actually that there was quite a lot of trouble with legal highs building up to this and Kratom was kind of tarred with the same brush.
Lots of people in the UK were overdosing on mephedrone (MKAT) around this time and it was kind of like they would make one legal high illegal and their would be another released that was still legal with a different compound or something.
I think perhaps maybe if it wasn’t for this Kratom would not have been banned around this time in the UK.
It does seem like this could have been linked given the timeframe. It makes a lot of sense I think seeing what i have with my own eyes.
So I hadn’t really heard much about Kratom since then. I wrote the posts about CBD and Kava Kava, but I hadn’t really thought about doing a Kratom post until I see the video – It’s definitely well worth a watch – Check it out if you get the chance, but anyway.
Is Kratom Actually Safe To Take?
Kratom is of course touted as an alternative medicine with a very interesting reputation. It has several variations Yellow, White, Red, and Green (just to name a few) and it grows native in several countries including Thailand and Malaysia.
The plant name for Kratom is actually Mitragyna Speciosa and this actually is a type of Caffeine-free Coffee plant. It has been known for its use recreationally since at least the nineteenth century and with this has come it’s very questionable reputation.
Just like Cannabis (CBD) and Kava Kava, there are a lot of countries where Kratom is illegal or at least to some degree. For instance across the 10 ASEAN nations which include many countries where Kratom grows wild it can not be used in supplements or traditional medicines.
Australia, New Zealand and Canada have basically banned Kratom. As have several countries in Europe including Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Sweden. [R]
However, in the USA it is still legal to buy Kratom. Although there have been attempts to ban it here as well none has so far been successful, and for many Kratom companies, it is still business as usual.
If you would like to see it for yourself ~ check out this website here.
Now, so this is basically it but of course, we still have the Million Dollar Question...
Is Taking Kratom Safe?
Of course, this is maybe the biggest question on people’s lips as potential new users. Sure we have asked what is Kratom for Anxiety and some of Kratom’s other health benefits Include…
Stress relief, depression, and drug and alcohol withdrawals. It is also said to help improve sexual performance (libido). But is is it safe to take?
Well, I can’t give you a definite yes or no for this. I’d like to say it is and generally, it is quite harmless compared to something like heroin, cocaine or even alcohol but according to some reports if this is taken in large doses you can overdose it can certainly be dangerous, possibly even lethal.
YET, here is no real evidence to support this but because it contains high levels of alkaloids this is why it has narcotic effects. In fact, Kratom is said to contain as many Alkaloids as the Opium used to make Heroin and Magic Mushrooms.
Its main Psychoactive element is one of these alkaloids and it is this that is believed to cause addiction amongst regular users.
In the USA there have apparently been 2 reported deaths from Kratom overdose. I can NOT confirm the validity of this but what I read was that from reported Kratom overdoses 7 died from taking a cocktail of other drugs with Kratom.
The other deaths were apparently caused by the users taking Kratom without other substances.
So, no it’s not totally safe but yes from what I can gather if taken responsibly it may be able to help with health problems – things like for instance Anxiety.
Where to Buy Kratom in the USA
>>> Visit Kraken Kratom Official Website<<
As I’ve mentioned so far throughout this post, Kratom is legal to buy in the USA. I don’t think it is in every state (see which states here) but in most of them, you can legally buy kratom.
If you would like to try Kratom yourself I would proceed with caution but one popular website you can visit is krakenkratom.com.
This is a family-owned business based in Portland, Oregon and they are a GMP Qualified Kratom Vendor that started up in 2014.
I’ve not really looked into many other websites but I think this looks like a pretty good one and it sells a wide range of Kratom products as well as Kava Kava.
I will let you decide whether this is a good option for you or not but I think there is a bit more to all this to really explore. For Instance…
Do You Suffer From Anxiety?

Now, for people reading this article that actually suffer from anxiety, of course, you can try kratom but a very Important thing to clearly state is it’s NOT the only solution for treating this condition.
Medication and psychotherapy are usually what the doctor might recommend. Many will turn to the likes of Kratom because they don’t trust their doctors or this treatment is not working out for them.
Personally, from my own research I think poor digestive health should be highlighted as a possible cause. The central nervous system (CNS) channels are intricately connected through the gut-brain axis.
This axis enables bidirectional communication between the enteric nervous system (ENS), which governs the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and the CNS, comprising the brain and spinal cord.
Think about it – if you feel anxious people might say you look NERVOUS. This is a big part of feeling anxiety – the interactions between your central nervous system – Including the Gut-Brain Axis.
Lifestyle changes and diet you can make all the difference here but also one popular idea that I’ve written about on this website is taking Probiotics for anxiety. Just to give your diet that extra boost.
This is very interesting as essentially your gut has its very own kind of ecosystem and if this is not maintained properly it can cause anxiety. They actually call the gut the 2nd brain for this reason. [R]
So, instead of taking your chances with Kratom if it’s actually because you suffer from anxiety, I would say instead to try some good probiotics.
Kratom may work as it can calm your nerves but if you are worried about taking it there are other things you can try.
My choice would be I think a probiotic supplement or something with prebiotics to help populate your own gut flora. 2 products I have written about are P3-OM and CogniBiotics both manufactured by Bioptimizers.
Visit their website here>
It is really up to you but I hope this can be helpful
However, if you would like to read more check out some of our other posts about stress and anxiety.
Final Word About Taking Kratom For Anxiety
Just before I go so there are supporting cases for using Kratom as a treatment for stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, there may be limits to Kratom’s effectiveness depending on the actual causes of stress.
For instance, in a ncbi.nlm.nih.gov article, a case study was made on a German man that used Kratom for a generalized anxiety disorder. He had previously turned to Alcohol prior to this but had managed to abstain for a period of more than 25 years.
However, he found that with Kratom, over a period of 7 years this worked efficiently as a self-management of his depression with no escalation of dosing. It was also found to be very effective in reducing his Morbus Menière symptoms of tinnitus and sudden hearing loss.
In fact, as this article states this use of Kratom eventually allowed this man to give regular performance as a caregiver, in a demanding job working long shifts. Something he would have never thought possible before.
Although, in conclusion, it did say because of the extra stress of COVID-19 and working these long shifts that this man became worse than before and the Kratom no longer worked for him. So much so that he no longer uses it [R]
So, based on this Kratom doesn’t appear to be as bad as people say but it is not a complete miracle cure. Try it but don’t expect it to be the answer for everything. Actually removing yourself from stressful situations is very often the best solution.
One you don’t need Kratom or any other herbal remedy for. Gut health too should not be overlooked but I guess Kratom is just a very good example of plant medicine and what it might possibly be able to do.

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Before I go – Thanks for taking the time to read through. If you have any questions, feedback or would like to share your own experience of using Kratom, or anything else similar please do let me know in the comments below.
Alternatively, you can also contact me directly at chivs86@dynamicideas4life.com
Also, if you know anyone that might find this information helpful please share!
Many thanks;
Stay Dynamic x
Alex B. Chivers

You have taught us something new about kratom, it is used to help anxiety, help with alcohol withdrawal, benzo drugs.
Kratom seems to be a powerful drug that is not banned in the USA, we had no idea of this and how it even got here. We are glad that you provided us with this information and what we are going to take a look into what this can do for us.
We use CBD and we are glad that you support what CBD and Kratom can do for others.
Hi M&D, Glad to hear it – it’s a quite fascinating plant I think. Definitely, it’s quite powerful yes and if you watch the video I shared it basically says it was quite an underground sort of thing but it become a lot more popular since it was in the news after the FDA in the USA tried to ban it a few years ago.
I think it is quite different to CBD but you should maybe look into it as might be something for your website mygreatvapes.com
Also, have you heard of Kava Kava before? Maybe you might like to read this as well?
Kava Kava Health Benefits and Side Effects – Is Kava Safe?
Thank you for the very informative article on Kratom! I have not heard of this before and I do happen to live in the Philippines. Much appreciated!
Hi Mel, Thanks yes I think it grows in the Philippines but I’m not sure if it is legal here for recreational use. I know Thailand legalized Kratom a few years back after banning it for like 70 years or something. Do you have Kava bars in the Philippines by any chance? I have never been here before. I was going to go there for a wedding a few years ago but never went. Maybe will in the next few years or something instead. Beautiful country from the pictures I have seen. Also, there is a bar there called the Chivz bar which I’d like to visit. Chivz is basically my nickname lol so will definitely have to check that someday.
Even though I have spent some time in Southeast Asia primarily in Singapore and the Philippines, I have never heard of Kratom. I have researched natural products for many years but somehow have not discovered this product. Thanks for introducing it to me. Much appreciated.
Hi Joseph, Yes I think it is more popular in other countries in this region such as Thailand and Malaysia. I think Singapore and the Philippines have banned it. Maybe why you never came across it. It’s basically in the same vein as CBD its legal status is a bit shaky but many people advocate its use and it kind of seems there is a lot more to it than meets the eye.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for introducing me to Kratom, I had never heard of it before. After reading your article, it does sound like it has a lot of promise for treating different disorders including anxiety. Personally, I will take your advice and be cautious about it. If it is classified as a narcotic, then it most likely is addictive. I think others should be cautious as well, especially those who could be susceptible to addictive compounds.
CBD may be a better choice, because it is made from hemp, and does not contain the THC that gets you high. And it appears to be getting legalized in a lot of places.
Hi Chas, Yes I think this is a problem with Kratom it is supposedly addictive because of the alkaloids it contains. Many swear by it for its effects on treating anxiety but of course, it is something you should be very careful with. I think that CBD is a good alternative – Touchstone Essentials Calm CBD Oil is my current top pick for CBD but also as well the company I mention Kraken Kratom also sell Kava which is another good alternative for treating anxiety and actually Kava is non-addictive.
Hi Alex, from my experience small amounts of red kratom prove to be the best kratom for anxiety – it has the potential to relieve stress, anxiety and depression as well as also make the mood more pleasant. Kraken Kratom is a good company have used them in the past.