Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

What Is Addictive Personality Disorder? Here is How To Tell!


Hello All,  For today’s post – What Is Addictive Personality Disorder? – Here Is How To Tell. 

So, a lot of us believe that an addictive personality is a bad thing.  Of course it can be but this is not always the case.  It really depends on what the addiction is.

If it’s something like watching a particular TV program that can be construed as being innocent and not a problem.  Yet, If we are addicted to alcohol or drugs then this can be a really big problem.

What Is An Addictive Personality

An addictive personality is when someone has a problem with controlling their need to take part in an enjoyable activity.  Often, they stop one addiction only to swap it for another one.  There are many things you can become addicted to such as train spotting, coin collecting, binge eating, sex, drugs, alcohol, and gambling.

Many millions of people suffer from Addictive Personality disorder.  I’m one of them.  My addiction was gambling.  Not as bad as some others in my opinion but this really depends on the person.

Nowadays my enjoyment is found in writing articles to help others to let them know they are not alone.

If this sounds like you, please remember that there is help available if you ask for it.

Is There An Exact Cause

The short answer is No.

Research suggests there isn’t one generic personality type that is more or less likely to get addicted.

Addiction is a complex mental health issue that can affect anyone and everyone.  It does not matter if you are rich or poor, working-class or from noble descent.

But why is it that some people develop an addiction to activities or substances while others can try them once then move on?

Addiction Has nothing to do with your personality, it’s a disorder that affects your brain.  The pleasure circuits in the brain can send mixed messages to constantly want the things that someone is addicted to.

What To Look Out For

  • Telling lies to be a big part of an Addictive Personality disorder
  • Manipulating people be another trait, especially those closest to you
  • Difficulty with controlling your impulses
  • A tendency toward obsessive or compulsive actions
  • Low self-esteem
  • irritability or big mood swings
  • Isolation or a lack of strong friendships
  • Lack of personal motivation
  • Susceptibility to risky, impulsive, or thrill-seeking behaviors
  • Not taking responsibility for things you do
  • A close relative or friend who struggles with addiction
  • People with Mental health conditions


Overcoming Addictive Personality Disorder

Whether it is compulsive binge eating or an obsession with airplanes any addiction can be used to mask a deeper underlying need. Instead of giving in to your addictive tendencies, you can take certain steps to feel healthier and more at peace with yourself.

Here are a few things you can try :

1. You can Practice things like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, relaxing in a hot bath or shower, exercising, or getting a good night’s sleep.

2. Avoid using sex or shopping as a substitute to help to boost your self-esteem.

3. Connect with friends or family through enjoyable activities

4. Limit your non-work screen time as well as how much time you spend watching the television or films

5. Try seeking excitement through healthier alternatives like trying out a new activity, walking, traveling or setting a goal for you to achieve.

6. Make sure you seek professional help if you have a Drug or Alcohol Addiction.

7. Stay away from people who suffer from the same addiction


My Final Thoughts

You can be surrounded by people who suffer from Addictive Personality Disorder.   Do you find that a scary concept?

Many of those that suffer from Drug and Alcohol abuse does display some very recognizable symptoms.  Being a very accomplished liar from many years of practice of obtaining funds to feed the addiction becomes very apparent over time.

Another recognized symptom is the ability of the sufferer to manipulate situations and manipulate those closest to them to their way of thinking. They seem to be experts in these 2 activities.

Having spent a lot of years around sufferers of these 2 particular addictions, alcohol and drugs I would urge you to get professional help.  The hardest part is admitting you have a problem.

I’m not saying it’s easy to stop because I know that’s not the case, but wanting to be free of the addiction is a huge step forward.


Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy day to read this article. If, you would like to leave a comment or you have a question you can leave them below. I love hearing from you and I will always reply back.

Do you know anyone else who would get benefit from reading this post, if, you do then please feel free to share it using the buttons above.

Take great care of yourself because you are worth it.

Alex ?

This article is for information purposes only, it’s not intended to diagnose or treat you. I am not a doctor. Please speak to a medical professional before starting a regime of this kind.

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0 thoughts on “What Is Addictive Personality Disorder? Here is How To Tell!”

  1. Having a grandmother who suffered from addiction was tough. I did not know her as I would have liked, because she died when I was young. My mother was so heartbroken and I have always wondered why. I am sorry for the lost of your son in law!

    The question (I think so) that is always in our mind is: Why were we left behind to suffer? and I think that would be a GREAT follow up article! 

  2. Thank you so much for sharing us an interesting and informative article. The main theme of this article is the Addictive Personality Symptoms. It is really laudable that you have illustrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Overcoming Addictive Personality Disorder. To keep me free from personality disorders, I always keep myself involved in fun activities with my family. When someone has symptoms of personality disorder, who will keep that person away from it by making everyone in the family happy?

    Finally I have read and enjoyed your article so I want to publish the subject of the article on my social media so that everyone can know about personality disorder and keep themselves and others free from it.

    • It is very difficult to help someone if they don’t think they have a problem.

      That is the hardest part, trying to get them to see they have.

      Once that is accomplished help can be sought and then the support and

      encouragement to stick to it can begin.

      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Wow, this is just making me happy that I finally have a name for what I have seen in so many people and it really nice to see a full and well-detailed article indeed. However, knowing the root of the problem is the first step in creating a solution and I feel happy to be here reading this post. I would also share with my friends 

    • Appreciate your time and comments. Thank you very much.

      Sharing it with others will open their eyes to the problem and then 

      a solution can be found.


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