Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric


The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric In my opinion are truly remarkable, and I think this is pretty clear for people to see. Offering far more than just flavour in your favourite dishes – these powerful spices, both rooted in ancient medicinal practices, have been used for centuries to promote healing and overall wellness.

Ginger maybe you might have been told is good for travel sickness (if you fly or catch a boat) but according to many trusted sources Ginger is renowned for its ability to ease digestive discomfort, reduce nausea, and combat inflammation.

Turmeric on the other hand, with its active compound Curcumin, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. It is said to be great for Inflamed Joints and again for digestive issues and as a result you may feel more energetic and a lot more healthy.

If you put the two together both work together in harmony to support joint health, boost immunity, and even aid in improving cognitive function.

You really can’t go wrong with Ginger and Turmeric – whether consumed fresh, powdered, or as supplements, the benefits of these two spices extend far beyond what meets the eye, making them essential components in any health-conscious lifestyle.

But let’s explore this further.

Here is what you might be Interested to know…

The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric

Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric

For this post, I will be looking at the Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric, and WHY you might want to consider adding both into your diet more often. Perhaps you may do this through supplements if not food but either way, if you are seeking to improve your health and wellness there is a reason why each plant is so popular in Chinese (TCM), and Indian (Ayurveda) cultures. Plus a lot of homeopathy in general.


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The Main Things To Know About Ginger and Turmeric

Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric

Both Ginger and Turmeric are considered 2 different superfoods with powerful antioxidant properties.  The health benefits of Ginger and Turmeric are very much something worth looking into. Especially for Gut and Joint Inflammation but it goes well beyond this.

Both are very similar plants that are popular in both cookery and alternative medicine.

Using a blend of both Ginger and Turmeric can help with many health issues.  Indeed a mixture of both is a well-known combination used all across the world. Whether it is taken as a tea for example, in a wellness shot or as part of a meal plan the health benefits of Ginger and Turmeric are very clear to see.

For this article, we shalll be looking into;

  • What These Are,
  • How They Might Be Able To Help You, and
  • Some different options that are available for adding these ingredients to your diet. 

Check out further down in this post for some recipe ideas to incorporate Turmeric and Ginger in your diet – plus my Number One Recommended Supplement if this is what you would like to do.

Now, so…

What are these Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric?

Both Ginger and Turmeric together can help remedy a vast number of health conditions.  These include reducing Inflammation, Boosting the Immune System, and improving overall joint & muscle health.

Other than this;

✅Ginger has been found to lower the risk of diabetes.  A study taken in 2014 by researchers from Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd, Iran showed Ginger could lower blood sugar in diabetics.  Tests showed that ginger had the natural ability to reduce both Insulin Sensitivity and Plasma Glucose.

✅ Turmeric is used for pain relief.  Not only does it reduce inflammation but can also help if you suffer from arthritis.

✅ Ginger is great for a bad stomach.  If you have tummy troubles then ginger is what you need.  It is also a known remedy for both morning sickness during pregnancy for women, and travel sickness.

✅ Turmeric can be used to treat mood disorders.  If you take antidepressants you may just have another option.  Curcumin has actually been proven to be effective as Prozac in the treatment of depression.  Other studies have shown promising signs as a treatment for preventing Alzheimer’s.

✅  Ginger may help prevent Ovarian and Breast Cancers in Women.  Scientists at the University of Michigan have discovered that Ginger has the ability to kill cancer cells.

✅ Turmeric can help Lower Cholesterol.  Curcumin found in turmeric aids the metabolism in removing cholesterol.

Ginger and Turmeric Facts

Ginger and Turmeric in their most common edible form are known as Rhizomes.   These whilst many believe to be roots are actually more like a midsection between the roots and the plants which grow above ground.

Ginger contains several different compounds known as Gingerol.  There are many different types of Gingerol in Ginger but one of them 6-Gingerol is the one with most of the health benefits. 

Turmeric, on the other hand, is most abundant in a compound called Curcumin.

Curcumin and Turmeric is a popular spice in ayurvedic traditions.  Being praised in the Eastern hemisphere for many centuries for its role in traditional medicine.  Curcumin is what makes Turmeric so yellow, and has been known to outperform many medications.

Both Ginger and Turmeric are botanically related and contain compounds that are not found anywhere else.

A Brief History of Ginger and Turmeric In Ancient Medicine

Ginger and Turmeric have been cornerstones of traditional medicine for thousands of years, celebrated across different cultures for their powerful healing properties.

Ginger, native to Southeast Asia, has been used since antiquity in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Its warming properties were believed to;

  • Boost Digestion,
  • Soothe nausea, and
  • Relieve Respiratory Conditions.

Ayurvedic texts describe ginger as a universal medicine, prized for balancing the body’s internal systems and improving circulation. In ancient China, ginger was used to treat cold symptoms, joint pain, and gastrointestinal issues. The Greeks and Romans also adopted it for its ability to aid digestion and calm an upset stomach.

Turmeric, with its distinct golden hue, hails from South Asia and has been a vital part of Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine for over 4,000 years. It was known as “the golden spice” and was often used to purify the blood, treat skin ailments, and improve liver function.

Ancient texts revered turmeric for its ability to promote longevity and restore balance in the body, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It was also used in religious and spiritual rituals, believed to be imbued with protective and purifying powers.

Together, Ginger and Turmeric became essential components of ancient healing practices, offering natural solutions to many health challenges, and their relevance continues today in modern wellness circles.

Ginger and Turmeric Recipes

Saag Aloo with Red Pepper, Ginger and Turmeric

Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric


1 Large or 2 Small Onion
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 Red Pepper
Chopped Spinach
Maris Piper Potatoes Cubed
Salt and Pepper
Cumin Seeds
Ginger Root
Turmeric Root or Powder


Add oil to the pan and add chopped up onion and garlic
Stir for a minute and add potatoes with red pepper diced and start frying.
Add in ginger, turmeric, cumin with salt and pepper.
also, add a little bit of water.
Once the potatoes are starting to soften add in the spinach
Cook for an extra 5-10 minutes for a very tasty Saag Aloo!

PS:  You can also add mustard seeds.  I don’t use myself but have heard these are included in a lot of other recipes.

Chinese Black Pu’er Tea with Ginger and Honey

Puer Tea

OK, so I have not tried this with Turmeric – not yet but might be worth a try!  Turmeric Tea is a well-known remedy for a number of ailments but fresh Turmeric I find as not as available to buy as Ginger.  So, I haven’t tried this recipe with Turmeric but I have on the odd occasion made this special tea with Ginger.

Bear in mind I am not copying this recipe from anywhere else online.  This is something I occasionally make myself because a friend in China sends me a cake of Pu”er Tea every couple of years.

*I sell small samples of this on eBay (I’m based in the UK) if you’re Interested. [See My Link HERE]


approx. 10g Chinese Black Pu’er Tea
Ginger rhizome grated or sliced
Ground Turmeric (optional)


Chop up Pu’er Tea.  Try to dust-up as much as possible. Although not essential.
If you have a Tea Strainer this is much more easier to use.
Grate, or slice Ginger (I usually Grate).  Add to a small saucepan with Pu’er Tea.
Add water and leave to brew for a short while.  10 minutes is fine but you can do for longer if you wish.
Bring to boil.  As you would a kettle. In theory, you could boil for few minutes longer but you are not really cooking off these ingredients just heating up the water.
Sive through into a larger pan this is to get all the bits mostly from the Pu’er Tea.  #You can also use these for a 2nd even 3rd brew.

Optional:  Add honey or Sugar.  You can also Squeeze a bit of lemon in.

Add to cup and if you wish like normal tea you can add a dash of milk.

Turmeric and Ginger Supplements

Turmeric and Ginger Supplements

Although it is always a good idea to supplement things in their natural form there is always the added convenience of taking things in their pill form.  For instance whilst regularly consuming both Turmeric and Ginger is good for you it may become a bit of a chore constantly having to go out to buy both ingredients, preparing meals, or tea every day.

Not to mention the monotony of eating the same thing so often.

And, another thing about Turmeric and it’s main compound of Curcumin. It is known that there an issue with absorbing this compound to get its full benefits because Curcumin is very quickly metabolized by the liver. 

This does not mean that it is completely ineffective but for this reason, to boost its medicinal qualities another ingredient is added called Piperine.  A compound found in Cayenne Peppers.

So taking any supplement is always a whole lot more convenient for obvious reasons, but by choosing the right supplements you also add to this a more potentially powerful way of absorbing things like Ginger and Turmeric for their full health benefits.

This formula is used in products such as VitaPost Turmeric & Ginger with BioPerine®

BioPerine® is a patented Peppercorn extract much like Piperine to boost how much of the Curcumin your body is able to absorb.   This supplement I won’t go in to too much here about in this article but if you wish to read more see link below.

Website:  https://turmericginger.net

Our #2nd Recommendation: Organixx Turmeric 3D

Organixx Turmeric 3D Supplement

Since originally publishing this blog post something that I have discovered about Turmeric and actually Ginger that I find Interesting is this. That there is a bit of a divide over what is the best way to supplement with Turmeric and Curcumin. Like the product I shared above many Turmeric supplements use Bioperine as an agent to assist the body with absorption of Curcumin.

However, the claim by Organixx and it’s creator Jonathan Hunsaaker is that Bioperine can have negative effects and to counter this actually a better way to take Turmeric in supplement form is by fermenting it.

You can ferment Ginger or Turmeric yourself like your typical jams and preserves but in terms of dietary supplements Turmeric 3D by Organixx has a pretty Impressive formula to maximize Curcumin absorption and not just this but with this product you also get a nice dose of Ginger, Vitamin D3 and Ashwaghanda with this too.

It’s a bit expensive (that is the catch) but if you really want to get the job done I think this is a good option.

I won’t blabber on too much about this product here but if you would like to read my review (you can HERE) or alternatively you can find out more about why Fermented Turmeric/Ginger is better that Bioperine/Piperine by checking out the Turmeric 3D Home Page HERE)

I hope you find this helpful but anyway…

IN Conclusion

Personally, I have been aware of the Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric for some years now.  I was given a bottle of Turmeric herbal pills by my mother for problems I was having with my stomach.  These had a pretty strong taste to them but they definitely made a difference. 

As for Ginger, I like to use this for a number things including Curries, Tea and Juicing.

For anybody with stomach problems, I would definitely recommend this as a treatment.  Not just this though – as mentioned above in the health benefits section – muscles, joints, immune system, reducing inflammation and you can bet there are other things this can remedy also.

The countless hours that have gone into research and the rich history of these spices being used in traditional medicine.  I think it says it all really.  Their is a reason WHY Turmeric and Ginger are still popular in India as EVER and what worked back then definitely seems to work still now.

So, maybe consider trying the recipes above, or the supplements and see what you think. The big thing is these plants are rich antioxidants – they work to relieve Inflammation and Inflammation in the Gut, in the Joints and other organs is behind most (if not all) health problems. For this they are both good remedies to put to the test.

I shall finish here and leave you to conclude with your own research but if you have any questions please feel free to ask away… (See the comments section below)

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6 thoughts on “The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric”

  1. Hello! 

    I did not realize the benefits the Ginger and Turmeric have! I confess that I can not keep eating the same thing over and over again. So I do think adding the the supplement was a great idea because it gave me something to look into! 

    The two recipes included were a great touch to showing me something different to do at home with these ingredients! Thank you for the article!

    Keep Being AMAZING!

  2. Ginger and Turmeric, such great spice plants. I do not eat turmeric, in fact I have never eaten turmeric or uses it for anything before, but I do take Ginger a lot, especially adding it’s powder to my tea. It is great to know that finger has so much benefits, turmeric also having that much benefits too. I have learnt something new from reading this article and I feel thrilled. Great job!

  3. I am currently studying to be a holistic nutritionist. At this moment I am actually learning about Insulin Sensitivity. This information about ginger is great to read! I have taken ginger when my stomach just doesn’t feel right and have noticed that it helps. I also use ginger and lemon when I feel a cold coming on.

    My sister takes a turmeric supplement and has noticed an improvement in the discomfort she feel in her shoulders.  I am having some lower back issues lately, and thanks to this article, I have been reminded to give turmeric a try in helping with the inflammation that I more then likely have in my lower back!,

    Thanks for this post!

    • Hi Anna,  Good to hear I will be publishing a new post soon about Turmeric and Curcumin.  If you bookmark my site I should have up by next week.  


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