Do you suffer from sudden pains in your feet? They could be something that happens quite regularly or maybe every once in a while. Perhaps it is quite a severe pain. Maybe it is something that goes away… or does not. Either way – you could have gout!… But maybe you know this already…
If you do, or maybe you know someone else (perhaps a friend or family member) for today’s topic What are the Best Home Remedies for Gout? Which different solutions can you try at home to help relieve gout pain?
This is a question that I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. If you suffer from gout and all the shooting pain that comes with it – what can you do about it?
Personally, I have suffered from gout since my teenage years. It used to be just irregular attacks. Sharp pains that lasted for a few minutes at a time and for a long time I thought this was all that this condition was.
Nowadays, I suffer from this condition ongoing. It is especially worse when I drink alcohol and can make walking about sometimes very difficult. Although it does at times seem to subside. So for me, it isn’t all bad.
I am 35 now and they do say this is more common for my age group (35-50). Although, I wouldn’t say my gout is all age-related. It can also be hereditary and I do have a family history, as my father suffered from gout and my brother (on my mother’s side) also suffers from bad gout.
It kind of causes me to limp about at times so I think it is easy to spot in others – if you know what you’re looking for.
Also if you suffer from Gout yourself you may notice these symptoms. Although they do say for many it goes undiagnosed. if you know what it actually is I would say it is unmistakable. You definitely will know if you have it.
Anyway, so it is treatable to a degree and this is what I want to try and explore further with today’s post.
The Best Home Remedies for Gout
I think if you don’t suffer from gout yourself you will never know how painful that it can really be. Even I think that my gout is probably nothing compared to some other people. My brother for example has to take medication for his. Others suffer from this pain to such a degree that surgery is required.
In this case, it is almost always due to a condition called tophaceous gout. Basically, untreated chronic gout has been left to worsen over an extended period. This is definitely not the type of gout you want to have as this can spread to other joints as well. If this happens 3 different surgical procedures may be recommended;
- Tophi Removal
- Joint Replacement or
- Joint Fusion
In any case, gout is something that can be treated if action is taken in good time. Lifestyle changes such as changes in diet, gentle exercise and medication have been known to both completely cure gout and to lessen its effects.
The underlying cause of gout is when uric acid begins to crystalize and forms what is called Tophi or Tophus.
These are gritty, chalky nodules, that form inside of your joints. Those who suffer from this kind of gout are certainly those that feel the most pain. See infographic below
Types Of Gout
Generally, Gout is usually split into 5 different categories.
- Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia (Elevated Monosodium Urate with no signs or symptoms of Gout)
- Pseudo Gout (known as false gout) is caused by a build-up of calcium pyrophosphate crystals (CPPD).
- Chronic (Topheous) Gout. Discussed above.
- Acute Gout. Infrequent attacks of gout usually subside after a couple of weeks.
- Interval or Intercritical Gout. This is where a build-up of uric crystals lays dormant for a prolonged period.
Other than Chronic (Topheous) Gout the others listed above usually can be treated by changes in lifestyle, medication and changes in diet. I have said a little bit about this already but further to this point. There are a few ideas you can try.
Such as;
- Applying an Ice Pack,
- Doing Gentle Exercises.
- Fresh Cherries,
- Turmeric and
- Lemon Water may also help.
You may also find that avoiding alcohol, meat and fish that contain high levels of purines may reduce your symptoms. As can avoiding stress, drinking plenty of water and elevating affected joints.
Below I will look to explore this further with the following information, but before we continue…
What Causes Gout
Historically, gout was said to be more exclusive to old men drinking port more than anything else. Not sure if this is some sort of joke, or what but thought it was kind of humorous.
Of course in truth, the reality is it can affect anyone of any age. Even small children, although very rare, can still suffer from gout (juvenile gout). In case you are curious this screenshot explains this in a bit more detail.

Now, aside from this, generally speaking, the cause of gout (excluding pseudogout) is a build of uric acid crystals.
Actually, gout is considered to be a type of arthritis. When somebody has gout it is caused by inflammation due to high levels of uric acid which have become crystals. Initially why this happens is because of chemical compounds found in our food called purines. When we consume these foods high in purines Uric acid is a waste product created in the blood.
Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Helium are the four elements that make up Uric Acid.
To avoid the development of Uric Acid the main things to avoid are alcohol (all drinks), and certain meats (such as bacon, turkey, veal, venison and organ meats) as well as Seafood (Sardines, Anchovies, Mussels, Cod, Haddock, Trout, Herring and Scallops). This may be helpful for those with the development of gout but if you have it already…
Here are some ideas to try out.
Dietary Tips For Sufferers Of Gout
Personally, I have found avoiding alcohol has made all the difference for me. Having detox weeks and months but not everyone will want to make such wholesale lifestyle changes. I get this I do like a drink and also meat, and seafood!
Many, will not even think about what they should and shouldn’t be eating but it can certainly help. Especially (I have found) taking a break from drinking alcohol has made all the difference. So there is that.
Now, I have a few different ideas to share below – they are not the only treatments out there. If you know any I haven’t mentioned please share in the comments section.
Anyway, let’s take a look at some different dietary tips to try if you have gout! Let’s begin with…
Cherries and Berries for Gout Pain

According to researchers in the USA sufferers of gout that ate cherries over a 48-hour period reported a 35% decrease in gout attacks [R]. Studies in Arthritis and Rheumatism found cherries are high in antioxidants, anthocyanins and are powerful anti-inflammatories. Many will recommend Cherries or Cherry Juice for Gout because of this.
As for Berries, one interesting example is Blackberries. In Ancient Greece, Blackberries were used to treat symptoms of gout, and even more interesting is that they became known as ‘Goutberries’. A name that was used well into the 18th century. So, there is this but also it is probably pretty safe to assume that blackcurrants, blueberries, raspberries and related fruits all have possible benefits. The key is that anthocyanins help reduce inflammation.
Gout as I have mentioned already is a result of inflammation caused by a build-up of uric acid crystals. So, in essence, anything that can reduce inflammation will be a possible dietary solution.
Cherries Vs Celery for Gout
Aside from Cherries, another very popular dietary recommendation for gout is Celery. This is because alike Cherries and Berries this is another anti-inflammatory. Not only this but it is also a diuretic that helps flush out uric acid through urinating.
It is on top of this what is known as a Xanthine Oxidase (XO) inhibitor, similar to allopurinol that helps manage Uric Acid levels plus it is highly alkalizing, which helps reduce uric acid buildup.
Celery is also rich in several phytonutrients that combat inflammation, like:
- Apigenin — a highly active bioflavonoid that works as a COX-2 inhibitor to stop inflammation and reduce gout pain.
- Luteolin — a type of flavonoid known to prevent inflammation by inhibiting certain pathways to the central nervous system, thus furthermore helping prevent gout.
Organic Turmeric and Ginger
One very well known treatment for Joint Pain is Turmeric. This is usually in the form of dietary supplements. Many products advertised will say on the packaging ‘For Joint Pain and Inflammation Support‘.
Not all of these products are actually suitable though. Some will be of lesser quality than others. Like anything really and it’s usually the cheaper brands that are less effective. When shopping around be sure to look for Organic Turmeric.
Also, the fermented kind some say is better than the type made with black pepper extract. [R]
It’s debatable for sure but one product I would recommend is Turmeric 3D by Organixx which is a blend of organic fermented turmeric and ginger with Vitamin D3.
Otherwise, if you can get your hands on any Turmeric Rhizome or good quality organic turmeric powder then this could be used in cookery with cayenne peppers to help increase the curcumin absorption. Ginger is also beneficial for increasing the absorption of curcumin as well and actually besides this has its own anti-inflammatory properties.
So, yes Turmeric and Ginger together may help lower the inflammation caused by gout. This may lead to short term pain relief but take alongside a diet of cherries and celery to help break down the uric acid which is actually causing your gout in the first place. Other than this I do have one more tip.
Can Lemon Water Help With Gout Pain
According to my other research, online another possible solution to help remedy gout pain is Lemon water or Lemon Juice.
This is potentially good as it can lower uric acid levels in the blood. In a 2017 study Adults were tested with high Uric Acid. They drank freshly squeezed lemon in water every day for 6 weeks. Results showed significantly less uric acid in their blood.
Studies on mice also showed very similar results.
What was concluded was that Lemon Juice has an alkaline effect that helps to balance the blood’s pH levels. Apparently, because the high Vitamin C content helps to release more Calcium Carbonate into the body. [R]
Other Home Remedies for Gout
Ibrogel for Short Term Gout Pain Relief
For short term relief from gout pain, I know my stepdad has used this method with moderate success. Use Ibrogel to rub into the affected area. This is essentially Ibroprofen gel. It is an NSAID [Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug]. I’m not the biggest fan of NSAIDs and will very rarely take anything like this myself but it’s certainly something to consider.
However, here is my favourite alternative to the likes of Ibroprofen and NSAIDS…
Try DMSO Spray
This is something that the big pharmaceutical companies have demonized the hell out of. DiMethylSulphurOxide or DMSO for short is a much more powerful Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory but the big difference here is this is the untampered version. DMSO occurs naturally in garlic and broccoli amongst other things. The reason it’s possibly not so readily available on the market is that it is so much more powerful than the likes of paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen. Profits before health.
If you would like to try DMSO spray check out this website
In Conclusion – Best Home Remedies for Gout?
Try Eating Cherries, Berries, Celery and Drinking Lemon Water with freshly squeezed lemons. You can also try an Organic Turmeric and Ginger supplement or Ibrogel or DMSO spray for the Inflammation.
More so lifestyle changes might be able to help. Try to take a break from drinking alcohol and smoking. Get some exercise. It doesn’t have to be anything too intense, and one more idea – try using an Ice pack.
Gout is never pleasant if you ever find yourself having it. It is important to have it treated before it gets worse and begins to spread to other body parts. Many might associate gout with the elderly, and it is more common for older people but don’t let this ignorant misconception fool you. It can affect younger people also.
So, if you think you have gout get tested. The sooner you can deal with this condition the better.
Your Feedback – Let Us Know What You All Think…
What are your Best Home Remedies for Gout? Do you like the ideas I’ve shared above? Perhaps you might have tried some of these for yourself. What happened? Did you find that these things helped?
Maybe you found something else that worked better. Whatever the case if you have anything you would like to share with us about gout… Any feedback or questions please let us know in the comments.
Also, if you know anyone that might like to read please pass this link on. Share on Social Media with anybody that this information may be able to help.
Many thanks in advance. Look forward to seeing you all again, hopefully soon
Alex B. Chivers
Disclaimer: I am not a qualified doctor or medical professional. The article above is for informational purposes only. It is not for diagnosing any health condition. I am just a health researcher and the information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. However, this does not mean everything I have shared is 100% verifiable. Although I try my best mistakes can happen.
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My friend suffers terribly from gout. I see him hobbling around, in pain, and always think that there is more that he could be doing to help himself.
He drinks beer every day and then complains that he is suffering from gout. I’m constantly telling him to lay off or even limit the number of beers he drinks. But he won’t.
So I will pass on these other suggestions to him. I’ve heard that turmeric is good from other people that are using it, so maybe this and a combination of your other suggestions will help relieve his symptoms.
I’m a great believer in doing things naturally which means lifestyle changes are at the top of my list. This means to try and limit putting the stuff into my body that causes the build-up of uric acid in the first place.
Hi Andrew,
Your friend I think is his own worst enemy. Lot’s of people with gout suffer because of their relationship with alcohol. The first thing he should consider is cutting down but honestly for me I try to eat celery as much as possible because this is supposedly great for it. So is Lemon water I actually haven’t had bad gout pain for a while but actually I have stopped drinking as much as I used to and I think that is probably why. Maybe it is both. He can try turmeric supplements as gout is a kind of inflammation but my main tip cut back on the beers and eat celery sticks.