Hello Everyone, How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis ASAP!
This will be my guide for anyone that suffers from Bronchitis. Here is what you can do if you suffer from all the nasty effects of this horrible condition. How you can finally start to breathe properly again. I am not making any promises here! but these are definitely some things you can try out.
Some ideas that you can practice at home to see if they can help with your recovery.
Now, I’m pretty certain that most people reading this will not have Bronchitis. It might be that you suspect you might have it but I guess some of you will just be stumbling upon this post and reading it just out of pure curiosity.
Either way most of us will have heard the term ‘Bronchitis’ before. An infection of the lungs or Bronchi. Which are the airways between our lungs and the trachea (the windpipe).
Perhaps you may have suffered from it yourself? It is common enough. Most people will suffer from it at some stage or another. At least as a more short term illness but actually Bronchitis can be a chronic, ongoing condition. COPD for example is a kind of Bronchitis.
For this post, I will look at How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis ASAP! Both short term and long term.
How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis ASAP – Try This at Home!
Let’s Dive In and learn all about Bronchitis!

So, first of all – I know I have already told you already but…
What Is Bronchitis?
Bronchitis has two different Forms, Acute and Chronic.
Acute is the most common one (short term Bronchitis), and Chronic (Long term Bronchitis) is obviously the more serious of the two.
So, just to elaborate. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs. People who have bronchitis usually have a long-lasting cough and will bring up thickened mucus, which can either be White, Yellow or Green.
Sometimes it can also contain blood.
Acute bronchitis is often called a chest cold, and the mucus being coughed up usually improves within a week to 10 days without lasting effects. However, even with acute Bronchitis, the cough may linger for weeks or even months.
If you have lots of episodes of bronchitis, where it is not so easy to get rid of then this may be considered to be chronic bronchitis.
This type definitely requires medical attention. Chronic bronchitis is very troublesome and one of the main symptoms of COPD
(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
It is also something that can be considered very contagious. Not because it actually is but here is the thing.
Because it is often a symptom of bacteria and viruses it can make these infections easier to spread.
Bronchitis is not itself contagious but because it makes you cough that is why they say it is.
For some, especially those with Chronic Bronchitis they do not have a bacteria or virus but inflammation caused by other things.
It will still make the sufferer cough but coughing alone will not spread infection.
Only if the person is infected will this happen, but of course, by getting infected Bronchitis very likely will be one of the symptoms.
So, I hope that this makes sense but now let’s continue.
What Really Causes Bronchitis?
Acute bronchitis is generally caused by a virus, typically the same one that causes colds and flu (influenza).
Of course, antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, so this type of medication isn’t useful for every case of bronchitis.
Although if the sputum you cough up is green Antibiotics will be given to you because this suggests an infection as well.
However, if you have a virus this is contained in the droplets that come out of the nose and mouth when someone coughs or sneezes.
These droplets typically spread about 3 feet (1m). They hang suspended in the air for a while, these then drop onto surfaces, where the virus can live for up to 24 hours. For this reason, It is important to cough and sneeze in a tissue and throw it away immediately.
Other than this the most common cause of chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking.
Whether that be tobacco or vaping like a lot of today’s youngsters, it doesn’t matter.
Smoking is definitely one of the main culprits of causing Bronchitis Inflammation.
Although, air pollution and dust or toxic gases in the environment or workplace can also contribute to the condition.
The Signs and the Symptoms
These can apply to Both Acute and Chronic Bronchitis.
▶ Hacking Cough
▶ Coughing up Phlegm (Sputum)
▶ A Sore Throat
▶ Pain in The chest.
▶ You may feel breathless
▶ Very Tired/fatigued
▶ Possible chills and slight fever.
If you are suffering from acute bronchitis, you might have symptoms that feel like a cold. Such as a mild headache, body aches, or a runny nose. These symptoms usually improve in around 7 days, but even after this, the cough can stay around for several weeks.
You might also find that tiredness is another symptom and this is usually caused by constantly coughing.
Now, Chronic bronchitis is defined as a productive cough.
This means that you cough up phlegm, and this can last for at least three months. With recurring bouts known to occur for even longer, and I am talking about years.
If you have chronic bronchitis, you are likely to have periods when your cough and other symptoms worsen.
At those times, you may have an acute infection on top of chronic bronchitis.
If this happens you should medical help immediately because…
This Can Cause Complications
Although a single episode of bronchitis normally isn’t a cause for concern, it can lead to pneumonia in some people.
I had Bronchial Pneumonia earlier this year it lasted for 3 months and it was exhausting.
If you suffer from repeated bouts of bronchitis or emphysema, can mean that you have COPD.
This normally affects people who are 40 or older. So…
When To Visit The Doctor
If you have bronchitis, it can be treated with plenty of fluids rest, and also anti-inflammatory drugs.
Visit the doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
▶ The cough lasts for longer than 3 weeks and if you cannot stop coughing once you start.
▶ If you develop a temperature that lasts longer than a few days that doesn’t go away
▶ Coughing up blood with you Mucus
▶ You keep getting breathless
▶ It is causing heart or lung problems
▶ If your symptoms keep coming back
Also, be aware that there is no known mainstream cure for chronic bronchitis.
All you can do is change the way you do things in life. Stop smoking, exercise regularly, eat healthily, rest as often as you can and stay hydrated.
You may also find that taking supplements is beneficial.
However, another important reason to visit the doctor is, if the bronchitis is left untreated it can easily turn into Pneumonia.
it can be as quick as in 1-2 days, and this is a far more serious condition. Complications can even lead to death.
Pneumonia is inflammation of the tissue in the lungs. The infection spreads farther and it causes the tiny air sacs inside the lungs to fill up with fluid.
It is normally caused by a bacterial infection, but there are different types.
In any case, prevention is the best medicine. The best way to treat Pneumonia is to not get it in the first place.
How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis ASAP – Try This at Home!
Available Treatments For Bronchitis
If you visit a doctor you can be given an inhaler that has steroids in it. These open up the airways so you can breathe easier.
There are also medicines that can thin the mucus and make it easier to bring it up. These are known as Mucolytics.
As for regular Cough medicines these doesn’t usually help with this, and should only be used if you have a severe or very dry cough.
Although, a more natural alternative I use is honey and lemon. I find this helps because it soothes the throat and helps to lessen the cough.

You can also try other home remedies. Such as using a humidifier, drinking warm water or Green Tea and also consuming foods that detox the body and help target inflammation such as Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, Brocolli and Citrus Fruits. There are actually loads.
But also try…
Essential Oils For Bronchitis

Eucalyptus Oil, Rosemary Oil, Frankincense, Oregano Oil, Peppermint Oil and Tea Tree Oil are all Essential Oils for Bronchitis. Even if you need relief from a nasty cough these are all recommended treatments.
Now, just to summarize this briefly;
Eucalyptus oil is a great way of opening the airways. It can be used in several ways. “Just pour a few drops into a bowl of boiling water, and place your head over the bowl. Cover yourself with a towel, and breathe in the steam”.
Do this a couple of times a day until you stop coughing up Mucus.
In fact, any of the oils I mentioned you can try this method with, but Eucalyptus is definitely a special one.
It can also be rubbed into the skin of the chest, back and neck. The benefit is it contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Also, another good one. Rosemary oil can be used in a similar fashion. Mix it with a little olive oil and rub it into the chest area.
If it works properly it should help to stop coughing by easing the congestion, and this also has antioxidant properties.
Note: If you are interested in finding out more about Essential Oils [Click Here]
How To Get Rid Of Bronchitis
Supplements Can Help Too
Yes, I know supplements I must be after your money but seriously if you can find the right products these can really help.
For instance, Vitamin C is the most recommended supplement for colds, flu, and bronchitis. Of course, there are premium supplements that are more expensive but most supermarkets or drug stores (for you in the US) sell these supplements pretty cheap. Usually with Zinc.
These can definitely be helpful, and if you find a good organic Turmeric Supplement as well. This might be helpful given that Curcumin helps to fight inflammation. Not only this but N-acetylcysteine is an amino acid that has been used as an effective treatment of bronchitis for many years.
This is usually found in many lung detox supplements. One I have reviewed on this website actually. I need to take another look at this (to see if it is something I’d actually recommend) but in the meantime, if you are interested [Read More Here].
It’s honestly, one of many reviews I will be looking to redo in future but staying on topic. The best way How To Get Rid of Bronchitis ASAP is most probably by getting the right kind of nutrition. The best way to do this is as nature intended but of course, supplements are the more convenient option and mostly for this reason they often give better results.
However, before you buy any supplements make sure they have a good return policy and check with your doctor whether they are safe to take.
My Final Thoughts – How To Get Rid of Bronchitis ASAP
Now, If you are like a lot of people who read blogs and skip to the end, here are the vital points for you;
▶ Bronchitis can be contagious, always cough into a tissue and dispose of it immediately.
▶ If you have Bronchitis this can turn into Pneumonia or emphysema if left untreated.
▶ Both these conditions can lead to premature death.
▶ Most importantly, make sure you visit the doctor if you have any of the symptoms above.
My Personal Advice
Many, that have bronchitis will turn to pharmaceutical medications. For sure these can really help. Some may even save peoples lives but then again these same prescribed medications often have unwanted side effects. Which unfortunately are undeniable.
So, why not try a more natural remedy such as essential oils or tried and trusted supplements.
You can find some examples above by clicking the links highlighted in Blue.
Your Feedback – Leave Us A Reply…
How To Get Rid of Bronchitis ASAP! Do you have any of your own ideas? Have you ever suffered from Bronchitis either Acute or Chronic?
How did you deal with it? Have you suffered from anything similar and is this something you would like to share your experience of?
If you would like to try and answer any of these above questions I would love to hear from you.
Even if it isn’t related to any of this. Maybe you just want to say hello and give me a ? for the information.
This is what the comments section is for and all feedback is welcome.
I wish to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this article.
If, you have a question or a comment then please feel free to leave it below. I love to hear from you all and I will get back to you ASAP
Also, If, you know anyone else who would benefit from reading this then please feel free to share.
Best Regards;
Alex B Chivers
Article Originally Published By Lisa Harvey from her old website HealthyMindHealthyPeople.com
Disclaimer: This post is not intended to diagnose or treat you in any way.
It’s for information purposes only. I’m not a medical professional.
Only a health researcher and a very keen writer.
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Smoking does a lot of harm and no good to the body, it’s a shame that it’s now made ‘trendy’ with the continuous rise of vaping. It’s even scarier to see many young people owning one.
Eucalyptus oil has always had a good reputation for better breathing. It helped me for my morning sinus. The eucalyptus-oil-steam-to-face sounds like a very therapeutic moment.
Chanced upon your article and I’ve taken away plenty, even though I do not have bronchitis. Thank you for sharing! Especially about recommending which essential oils and supplements that are good natural remedies to bronchitis.
Hi Sam, Glad I could help with sharing this information. Was really happy with how the article turned out. Agree about smoking and I am totally shocked that they haven’t said anything about it during COVID. Definitely one of the most sinister industries on earth and all this vaping business it is very strange to me but guess I am just getting old.
Supplements I need to do a bit more research on but I think there are some good ones out there especially Turmeric supplements but whether these are better than specially developed lung health formulas I am not sure. As for essential oils I think this is a good route to go and also getting a humidifier I have heard is very good.
When I was young, I regularly suffered from bronchitis and even pneumonia
My parents would use a humidifier, a bowl with oils in it, and often medicines from the doctor. The medicines have had a long-lasting effect in that they stained my teeth for life. Not so good!
However, I am grateful that I am still alive because of them.
My business partner still suffers from chronic bronchitis, even though he has never been a smoker. He will cough for months and months on end, and as well as being annoying, it is also taking a toll on his mental and physical wellbeing. The doctors just keep giving him more and different types of pills which never seem to permanently fix the problem.
Like you, I believe the only real and lasting solution is to be found by changing his diet and doing some exercise to strengthen his body and immune system.
I’ll pass this article on to him, so he can check it out for himself.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Andrew, Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. It sounds like you have had a tough time with this glad you have managed to come through it. I didn’t know about the medicines staining teeth that is an interesting fact. It sounds like they were a necessary evil though.
As for your business partner, it sounds like he is in a pretty precarious situation. Chronic Bronchitis is caused by lung inflammation. They say there is no known cure but you can remedy other types of inflammation so I don’t understand that. Pineapple I hear is good because it helps break down the fluid but maybe there could be a supplement out there he could try that will help with his inflammation. There are a few lung health supplements best advice maybe look on Amazon for whichever one has the most positive reviews. Any with the Amazon choice badge should be good. The one I reviewed New Lung by Success Chemistry I want to look at some more customer reviews for but might worth a try.
I can truly relate to the post because I myself suffer from Asthma. I have done for as long as I can remember. So I know that Bronchitis can be really difficult to handle and exhausting if not treated right away. I wish this post should be read by many, because of almost similar symptoms, many times people do get confused about the two, bronchitis and asthma. Thanks for sharing this helpful information.
Thank you Mina, Yes I guess there is definitely a link here. Asthma is also not very pleasant and unlike Bronchitis it doesn’t really go away. Both my Sister and her Son who is 16 are almost reliant on an Asthma pump and have been there when they have needed on and haven’t had it. Is very worrying. I am not sure how much this information can help Asthmatics but I guess in theory it could be like using a humidifier and essential oils. My nephew suffers really bad with Hayfever as a result of his Asthma – one natural remedy you can try for this is by drinking Stinging Nettle Tea. Actually not bad once you try it.
Hi Alex,
Taking honey and lemon as a way to help with your Bronchitis is brilliant, and I hope you are doing okay right now. I am also a guy who prefers natural remedies to medications with side effects, so I feel relief that you use them as well.
I am quite surprised to see the essential oils help since I use some oils to help me sleep, and now I have gained more knowledge of using them to relieve Bronchitis. So, thanks a lot for this information.
Take care and be healthy!
Your welcome Matt, Yes honey and lemon I use on an almost daily basis with Green Tea. It’s apparently very good for your stomach I hear too. Ginger is another natural ingredient too. There is definitely a lot of benefits over OTC medications but I am very wary of advising against them. Bronchitis and especially pneumonia is no joke.
As for essential oils I didn’t really know much about these till recently. For oral health, I knew they were a treatment for but not for bronchitis. So was good to learn about.
Thanks for reading. Best regards Alex
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.