How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation? Hey Guys, So in my last post I wrote about using CBD for Pain Management. Quite an eye-opener as a lot of things I didn’t know about. I will definitely be taking a look at CBD again in another post – no doubt.
Although kind of sticking to the topic of pain management this post will be looking at another powerful antioxidant that is known as DMSO.
Dimethyl Sulphoxide is a colourless liquid discovered in Germany in the early 1800s. It supposedly works by blocking peripheral nerve C fibres, and by absorbing toxic free radicals that cause inflammation of joints. It is available as both prescription medicine (for inflammation of the Bladder), and as a dietary supplement (Non-FDA Approved).
One such is Artic Blast which I will also review in this article but before this, the other thing I will look at is how DMSO works and how it can help relieve pain.
How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation?
Artic Blast Pain Relief Supplement Review 2021
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How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation?
1# – What is DMSO?
DMSO is a very powerful Sulphur compound and highly effective Anti-Oxidant. Mostly forgotten about in the modern age. – it was said once upon a time to have a very promising future but it has now pretty much been relegated to the realms of pseudoscience, and yesterday’s news. Although due to the internet it is again building popularity…
Read More Here: ==>>My Top 5 Recommended Articles About DMSO<<==
i.) Introduction to DMSO
As stated above DMSO is short for Dimethyl Sulphoxide. It is as you likely may have guessed a Sulphur compound and not only this but it is made from a high concentration of organic bioavailable sulphur molecules. Which at a cellular level can easily be used unlike the usual poisonous forms of Sulphur that are largely toxic to the human body.
The health benefits, as a result, are very powerful. Why taking DMSO as a treatment for pain or inflammation can be so effective. In fact, how this compound isn’t used more in mainstream medicine is a real head-scratcher because what it does definitely does warrant it.
Something that Dr Stanley W. Jacob and his team of researchers discovered from tests in 1963. That DMSO for pain relief, inflammation and many other adverse health conditions had HUGE potential. This is only really coming to peoples attention now again some 50+ years later!
ii.) – History of DMSO
So the history of DMSO I wrote a little bit about already. How it was discovered in Germany in the 1800s and was researched by Stanley Jacob in the 1960s. Further to this from what I can gather this compound was first discovered in the paper manufacturing process when Pine Trees were used as a cheaper alternative to other types of wood such as Oak.
In addition to this DMSO was first isolated by a Russian Chemist in the mid 19th Century, and from here it continued to grow in popularity. Mostly, when it was found out by other scientists what it could actually do. Enter the skin transmissible and attach itself to unwanted foreign invaders within the body, and chuck them out.
Its fall from grace, however, can maybe be put down to when it was refused for FDA-Approval in the 1970s and the many other NSAIDs that have taken their place commercially ever since.
iii.) How DMSO Compares to Other NSAIDs?
This is kind of shocking to say at the very least. But this is that your run of mill Painkillers and NSAIDs that you get from the doctors can be dangerous. Even lethal in some cases. The pure fact that some of these other NSAIDS are prescribed for chronic pain and other such conditions, instead of DMSO is nothing short of criminal.
DMSO as a treatment is not only safe but also proven to be a lot more effective than its mainstream pharmaceutical counterparts. Adverse conditions said to be caused by these NSAIDS are as follows;

Indeed, just so certain corporations can make profits we really are paying the price. By comparison, side-effects reported to be caused by DMSO are minimal, and certainly not dangerous.
iv.) – Why You Most Likely Have Not Heard of DMSO
Now, I have come across a lot of sales pitches for products where they say a certain health product has been blackballed by pharmaceutical companies. I often think this is just to help with sales. For example one of the products I reviewed here on this website is Tinnitus 911.
That I really thought was milking this idea. It had some professor saying that he only had access to this health secret, to relieve tinnitus because he was in an elite institution.
It is the same excuse used again, and again by these dietary supplements sales pages. In the above example, I read many reviews saying this product doesn’t work. In fact, DMSO actually can be used to treat tinnitus, and maybe more effectively.
Although, the reason DMSO is not so well known is mostly that it is NOT FDA-Approved whereas other less effective treatments are.
According to Terry Bristol PhD, who was on the research team of Stanley W. Jacob in the 1960s, many pharmaceutical companies started creating their own NSAIDS based on the discoveries made about DMSO. More, so because of these new drugs being more profitable this is why DMSO does not get the attention it probably should.
It isn’t anywhere near as profitable as other modern NSAIDs. Plus it (DMSO) can NOT be patented (owned and resold) so the reason most people likely have not heard of it is that it is not widely available commercially.
2# – How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation? –
How DMSO Works…
Commercially DMSO has only been approved by the FDA for one single condition so far – interstitial cystitis. A type of inflammation of the bladder. Other than this the only other conditions it has been approved to treat are for those that affect dogs and horses. Certainly by no means representative of the true scope of what DMSO can really do.
Which, is something I will now try my best to answer. So, in short, DMSO provides the body with a transmittable form of Sulphur. The 8th most abundant mineral in our body and very important for the detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminium and cadmium.
DMSO also blocks the production of prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation.
Prostaglandins are kind of really both good and bad depending on their active role.
But, back to Sulphur. In most forms, it is highly toxic and you can NOT just bite into Sulphur crystals and hope for results. Yet, contrary to this our body still requires this mineral to work because it basically cleans up all the mess. It fuses together with heavy metals and free radicals then it totally flushes these unwanted toxins out.
It is kind of like a magnet that picks up these heavy metals that our body really DOES NOT react well to. Then releases them either by sweating, defecating or urinating. Not, only this but DMSO, by contrast, also protects cells that can be damaged during this process.
In short, it builds new DNA and Rebuilds DNA that has been damaged.
Even in small doses compared to the usual types of painkillers and NSAIDs is far superior.
3# How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation?
3# – DMSO and Free Radicals
Further to this DMSO is called “a scavenger of Free Radicals”. I’ve pretty much said this same thing above but for anyone that doesn’t know I thought I would just write a little bit more about what Free Radicals are…

The picture above can maybe describe where Free Radicals come from a little bit better than I can. These are all factors of Free Radical and Oxidative Stress contamination. You will notice that one is Inflammation which is a MASSIVE cause for Chronic Pain and other related inflammatory conditions.
This happens as Free Radicals are unpaired electrons. They are unstable atoms that look to fuse with other healthy atoms that are damaged as a result. When we look at radiation and mutants for example in popular culture this has a basis of truth because free radicals which come from radiation manipulate DNA.
Cancer can be caused by this same process and here is the interesting thing about DMSO.
As, well as toxic metals Organic Sulphur also finds Free Radicals and it fuses with the unpaired electrons. This stabilizes the highly reactive atoms and then expels them. In a quick and easy process of detoxification.
4# Organic Sulphur + MSM
i.) DMSO vs MSM
So Organic Sulphur is pretty much what DMSO is, and it’s a type that the body can easily absorb. Although commercially it has some serious competition. In the form of another type of Organic Sulphur – MSM.
MSM – which is short for Methylsulfonylmethane is a less potent form of Organic Sulphur found in many pain relief supplements. The difference between this and DMSO is that MSM is FDA approved.
For this reason, MSM although not as effective is much more well known and widely available.
ii.) Why We Should Supplement with Sulphur
As I’ve mentioned above Sulphur is naturally found inside the human body and it actually protects the body from Free Radicals and Toxic Metals. It is the 10th most abundant mineral on this planet and the 8th most abundant in our body but here is the kicker – Sulphur deficiency is a big problem for a lot of people.
Other than taking MSM and DMSO there are many foods we can add to our diet to boost our Organic Sulphur levels. These include Garlic (which is actually a source of DMSO, one of 70 active ingredients found inside), Broccoli is another, and other examples are as follows;

But why it might be better to go for Organic Sulphur supplements? then solely focusing on this type of diet is because that Sulphur has been taken out of the food chain big time. There is something called the Sulphur cycle where we and the animals we eat receive Sulphur through the plants and vegetables we eat.
This has been severely impacted in modern times by people using non-organic chemical-based fertilisers where before they used more organic types such as manure.
This means that the meat and vegetables we consume are more often than not lacking in Sulphourous compounds. Exactly what our body needs to fight back against Free Radicals.
Read More Here; ==>>My Top 5 Recommended Articles About DMSO<<==
#5 What is Arctic Blast?

i.) Introducing Arctic Blast!
Now, I didn’t know a thing about DMSO before I read about Arctic Blast, and I will admit I didn’t expect to get so drawn into so much new information as a result. I am glad that I did because this has so much potential. Not just for joint health, arthritis (Oesteo + Rheumatoid), Inflammation and Detoxing but…
Apparently, Tinnitus can be treated, Erectile Dysfunction, Alzheimer’s Disease, PMS, and even types of Cancer. Many other things I’ve read too, and I don’t just mean Arctic Blast ~ I mean DMSO in general but this is certainly one way of taking it.
Not just this but Arctic Blast offers a whole year’s money-back guarantee. This to me speaks volumes. The only products I’ve reviewed on this website that offers a year guarantee are the ones by Bioptimizers, and they are all 100% high quality. I am not saying this IS as well but the fact it offers this guarantee says a lot about it – I think.
==>Visit the website for Arctic Blast Here<==
ii.) Arctic Blast DMSO Ingredients

Other than DMSO there are 5 notable ingredients that make up the Arctic Blast Supplement. These are as follows;
- Arnica Montant Flower
- Emu Oil
- Menthol
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Camphor
There is a bit of writing about these other ingredients above but as well you can also find inside;
Deionized Water, Calendula Officinalis Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, St. Johns Wart Oil, Isopropyl alcohol, Winter Green Oil, Olive Oil, phenoxyethanol, and SD-alcohol 40-B.
Now, I haven’t heard of half these ingredients but this certainly makes this a unique product I think.
Read More Here: ==>>My Top 5 Recommended Articles About DMSO<<==
iii.) Pros + Cons ✅❎
Pros ✅
- Potential to Treat a Wide Array of Health Conditions
- 16 Different Ingredients Including DMSO
- Other Ingredients Included to Target Pain and Inflammation
- 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee
- Made in the USA
- 3-Bonus Digital Guides
- GMP Approved + 3rd Party Certified
Cons ❎
- The price might be a little too high for some people.
- Because this product contains DMSO it is not FDA Approved.
- DMSO does NOT have a good reputation within the Pharmaceutical Industry.
- Other DMSO products are for sale on Amazon for cheaper.
- May cause Garlic Breath and must be kept away from the eyes.
iv.) Arctic Blast Customer Reviews
Above are 4 of the customer reviews copied from the Arctic Blast website. This to me is not exactly trustworthy ~ I guess I will see what else I can find out over the coming months. I definitely don’t think Arctic Blast is a SCAM but for me personally, legitimate customer reviews speak volumes and this is not enough to convince me.
Update: I found Customer Reviews on Amazon – Keep Reading the Next Section!
v.) Final Verdict – To Buy Or Not To Buy?
Quite simply I think that DMSO holds a lot of promise and Artic Blast is simply just ONE WAY that you can administer it. It is manufactured by a company based in NY called Nutriomo Labs Pte Ltd. and the man who puts his name behind this product is called Kevin Richardson. A quick search for Nutrimo Labs and you can find the following information.
You can contact them by phone (USA) – 1-800 856 5587 and they also have a Facebook page.
In my opinion, for 1 bottle this product is a bit pricey and the only thing I think warrants this is the 1-Year warranty.
However, if you purchase a 3, or 6-month supply you can make a considerable discount…
Also, if you purchase this product you will also receive 3 digital guides as bonuses…

Honestly, My Verdict: Undecided
My Reason: Have not read enough customer reviews, and I’m not even sure if this product is a proper DMSO supplement. The active ingredients inside are Camphor and Menthol. DMSO is not actually an active ingredient.
If I’m being honest I read on one website (no names) that Arctic Blast is a SCAM.
It made some good points (I thought) but then again this website is the only one I could find with a negative review, and it uses Negative Reviews to get people to buy other products.
I think that I will definitely need to update this article in future when more information comes to light, but if you are generally interested in Nutrimo Labs – Arctic Blast you can purchase here by clicking the button below to visit their website;

How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation?
Arctic Blast Review 2021 – Update
UPDATE: So, I wasn’t able to find any reviews on Amazon because I was typing in Artic Blast DMSO instead of Arctic Blast Pain Relief. I need to work on my spelling I think lol? – anyway jokes aside…
I was, in the end, able to find on Amazon a product called Arctic Blast by another company called Biostar. Not Nutriomo Labs like the product I’ve been reviewing but still …
Here is their label – almost identical to the other Arctic Blast…

Strangely, this is exactly the same product as Nutrimo Labs Arctic Blast. Just a different company name and phone number but the same address. Which, I know is very SUSPECT right?
About whether or not Arctic Blast is a scam but…
However, the customer reviews I was able to find from this amazon product reviews page does give me exactly what I’ve been trying to find; Customer reviews: Arctic Blast Pain Relieving Drops with DMSO
233 Global Ratings on Amazon… 45 x 4 + 5 Star ⭐ Reviews which I’m pretty sure are genuine.
Although in contrast to this there are also 26 NEGATIVE 1-Star Reviews ⭐ but one of these reviews really did make me wonder.
IF the dose these people were taking was too small? It doesn’t actually say on the label how much you need to use. Except one customer who revised his initial review said this…
…That after using more than the usual 8-10 drops he was able to get sufficient relief for his back pain in about 30 mins. So, if you buy this product – if it doesn’t work the first time around try using a higher dose. Maybe a few more drops.
How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation?
In Conclusion…
Finally, I would say that for Artic Blast I give an overall rating of 3 out of 5 stars. As, unfortunately, I can not ignore the negative reviews. But as for DMSO, and How Does DMSO Reduce Inflammation? I will be looking at other products in other articles I think.
I’m hoping I can find some that have a better reputation than Arctic Blast. I am not saying don’t buy this product because it may be exactly what you need but I wonder if it is better to try more of a single type of DMSO product.
I won’t be reviewing any other products by Nutriomo Labs anytime soon I don’t think. Put it this way. I think that there isn’t a proper website like for Bioptimizers or Vitapost/Vitabalance this does put me off!
Although, my research I would actually like to share with you about DMSO so you can kind of get where I’m coming from;
Read More Here: ==>>My Top 5 Recommended Articles About DMSO<<==
Bit of a long one – this article. I’m surprised I’ve even finished it BUT if you have found this helpful, interesting or would like to offer your experience with DMSO or Arctic Blast then please do leave your comments below…
Also, in addition to the above please help share this content with your friends and contacts on Social Media. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.
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But before you do I would just like to say;
Many thanks and Best Regards
Alex B. Chivers
Scientific Resources:
“DMSO Health & Safety.” Gaylord Chemical,
Jacob, Stanley Wallace, and Jack C. de la Torre. Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease. CRC Press, 2015.
“DMSO: Many Uses, Much Controversy.” Pharmacology of DMSO, Alternative & Complementary Therapies,
Whitaker, Julian. “DMSO Treatment Relieves Joint & Muscle Pain.” Health Vitamins & Supplements Products,
Oler, Dr. Chad. “The Difference between Sulfa (Drugs), Sulfites and Sulfur.” Natural Solutions, 25 May 2017,
Dr. Walker, Morton. DMSO Nature’s Healer. Avery, 1993.
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Hello there! I have not heard of DMSO before like you were talking about in your article and its most likely due to the reputation it had. For me though, I am always open to new ideas and willing to try new things out. I definitely agree with you that sulfur is still one of the necessary compounds needed for healthy living and of course anything in high amounts will always be harmful to health (even too much water). That’s really good that you included some academic journals at the end of your post to support the benefits of this product. Thanks for this informative post!
Hi Mike, Thanks I really enjoyed writing this. It was a bit difficult to fit in everything I think. Have come across a few articles now and I continue to be amazed at what this compound is capable of. Will be more articles on this topic coming soon that’s for sure.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your great article on DMSO. I was interested to read that it has been relegated to the realms of pseudoscience. On the other hand, the NSAIDs and pain killers are a huge industry and if DMSO is a natural anti-inflammatory that actually works then the big pharmaceutical industry would like to be dominant. Personally I want to avoid NSAIDs and chemical pain killers and you have highlighted the stomach problems and other side effects from long term usage.
I can see the product you recommend looks to have good ingredients and good testimonials. The addition of Emu oil is interesting from my country Australia. I know many people swear by emu oil for joint and muscle pain. It was also interesting to learn about DMSO and MSM. As you say MSM is less potent but FDA approved so that why it is popular in joint supplements.
Hi John, I thought you might find this article interesting. Your evaluation is spot on – the reason why DMSO appears to have gotten such a bad name is the threat it poses to common NSAIDS – Paracetamol, Aspirin, Nurofen, Ibuprofen etc. People could take DMSO which is naturally found in Garlic and the pharmaceutical industry would lose billions. Also, yes by comparison MSM is definitely not as good and the only reason it is likely approved as it does not pose a threat to the NSAIDS industry.