Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

Does Anxiety Affect Relationships? Is It Normal?


Hello All,  Today we are going to discuss another subject for my Mental Health series.  Does Anxiety Affect Relationships? Is It Normal?  I think it is, but what about you?

Have you ever felt insecure in a new relationship? or even in one you have been in for years?  Does your Anxiety play a huge part in this, or is it just a normal day?

Anxiety matters to the sufferer, but is it possible to not let it affect everything else?

These are some of the questions I will be looking to answer.  But, mostly Does Anxiety Affect Relationships?

I will try to cover this topic to the best of my ability, but before I do.  If you haven’t checked out any of my other posts in my Mental Health Series I will quickly share below;

  1. How Depression and Tiredness Are Connected!
  2. Signs And Symptoms Of Depression
  3. How to Deal with Anxiety or Depression?
  4. Can Exercise Help With Depression?
  5. How to Help Someone with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts?

Does Anxiety Affect Relationships? Is It Normal?

Do You Matter? ?

Why do I matter? Is this a question you ask yourself?

Is it because you personally don’t feel very secure, or is it because the person you are with does not make you feel the way you think you should feel?

The above issue is something you need to address within yourself.  If the love of your life makes it known every day that you matter how isn’t this person a keeper if you feel the same way?

The issue lies with you.  You need to ask yourself some serious questions.  Mostly, on how you are going to deal with the anxiety because it is an issue that needs addressing.  If you don’t it could destroy everything.

Don’t avoid bringing up issues that you feel matter greatly. If your partner loves you they will be willing to work things out to be mutually beneficial.  Remember this also works both ways.

Working things out between the two of you is what is going to keep you together in the long term.  Anything you work at is beneficial.

It is very important to understand the way you both feel.

Don’t Destroy the Relationship

You need to communicate in order to keep your relationship alive.  Whatever is bothering you, needs to be discussed with your partner.  Don’t think for one minute it will destroy everything because it won’t.

Do not let anxiety get in the way.

Your partner loves you and they show this to you more often than not.  What he or she wants is to be taken into your confidence.  Which shows a great deal of respect and trust.

You can both work it out if you take this into consideration.

The main component to make this work is talking to each other.  You will be so happy that you did this part.

Please make sure you do not skip this important step.


Do Not Miss Out On The Goodtimes

How many good times do you get every year?  You may have had at least a hundred good times this year so far.  Surely that is time for a celebration?  If the partner you are with does everything in their power to ensure you are happy, and you are – what more could you ask for?

Do not let your anxiety get in the way.  Believe in yourself like your partner believes in you.

Now it is time to help your partner out by showing how grateful you are.  For all of the things, they have done for you.  What things do they enjoy that you can do to show them how amazing they are?  How much you appreciate them?

Think about this very carefully and respond in an appropriate manner.  You will be greatly appreciated by the response.  It is not all ‘take’ you to have to give as well.

Plus make the good times you create a very memorable experience.

You don’t necessarily know if your partner feels insecure and this will be a great time to obliterate it once and for all by your thoughtfulness.

Acting on the Way you Feel

Do not act straight away on the way you feel.  There are many reasons for this.  If you are very angry you will say something hurtful and when you calm down you will not of meant it.  You always try to wound when angry by saying something extremely hurtful.  I always remove myself from this situation so I don’t have anything to apologize for, this is a lot easier than scoring points by arguing.

It’s a lesson that was learned a few years ago and it serves me well today.

If you feel good then let it show in a demonstrative way.  Hugging is a very beneficial thing to do for both of you.

Do Not Let Anxiety Take Over

The Anxiety you feel can take over your life if you let it.  A lot of people suffer from this issue-in silence.  The more you speak about it the better.  More your significant other will understand and will be on hand to help.  The easiest way To go forward is to address the issues and make a plan on how you both can deal with it.

If you don’t include your significant other, then they will feel excluded and unloved and you certainly don’t want that.

Every mind matters.

To Sum, it All Up…  Does Anxiety Affect Relationships?

The relationship you are in is very important if you both feel the same way.  Always communicate with each other.  Do not bottle things up and let them fester.  You are very important to your partner and vice versa.

Treat this person as they treat you.

Be loving giving and grateful.  You will receive the same back in abundance.

Anxiety only controls you if you let it.  If you cannot control it on your own then seek help from a professional.

You will not regret it.  Help is always there if you need it.


I wish to thank you greatly for reading this post.  Please leave a comment if it resonates with you.  Also, if you know a friend it could help then please feel free to share it.

Do you have any questions? I would be very happy to try and answer for you.

Many thanks;

Keep well and safe

Alex B. Chivers

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