Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

16 Powerful Detox Food Ideas For Losing Weight!

16 detox food ideas for weight loss

Are you looking to Detox and Cleanse to Lose Weight? Perhaps you have heard about the negative effects of harmful toxins on your overall health? Maybe you have been told how this is linked to a whole host of biological problems that need correcting? Well… So, maybe you have heard that a toxic body disrupts … Read more

Achlorhydria and Hypochlorhydria – What Is The Difference

what is the difference between achlorhydria and hypochlohydria

For those that suffer from Stomach Acid Issues you possibly may have heard of both these names before. Some people think these are the same thing, but, no, they are NOT. Although they are similar, these conditions have different names for good reason So, let’s take a look at this – What is the Difference … Read more

5 Surprising Aloe Vera Health Benefits For Your Skin, Hair, And Body Explored!

5 aloe vera health benefits

For anyone that keeps Indoor plants Aloe Vera isn’t just your typical potted plant that is kept to make the corner of your living room look more aesthetically pleasing. It’s a natural resource of healing that has been celebrated for centuries. Cultures all across the world have used Aloe Vera for health and beauty treatments … Read more

The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric

Hidden Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

The Hidden Health Benefits of Ginger and Turmeric In my opinion are truly remarkable, and I think this is pretty clear for people to see. Offering far more than just flavour in your favourite dishes – these powerful spices, both rooted in ancient medicinal practices, have been used for centuries to promote healing and overall … Read more

What is Kratom for Anxiety? Does This Strange Plant Have Hidden Potential?

what kratom is for anxiety

What Is Kratom For Anxiety? Have you heard of this plant before? Well, in case you haven’t, Kratom known as (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a plant natively found in the countries of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar (Burma), and Papua New Guinea. It is also found in some parts of Africa. Historically, Its dried … Read more

HGH and Weight Loss – The Human Growth Hormone Investigated!

HGH and Weight Loss Investigated featured image for blog post

The Human Growth Hormone (known as HGH for short) is an Important chemical (hormone) that is released by the endocrine system. It is produced by the anterior lobe of the pineal gland and what it does is pretty Incredible. We need HGH as it helps us grow when were children, maintain correct bodily function as … Read more

Making Tea from Wild Plants – Healthy Homemade Brews From The British Countryside

Making Tea from Wild Plants

Here is an Interesting Idea to think about – Making Tea From Wild Plants! for a healthy drink that not only boosts nutrition but also helps to remedy common ailments like no OTC treatments can. So I know that to a lot of people this will sound odd and possibly even dangerous but personally I … Read more

Exercise and Its Impact on IBD: How This Can Help?

Exercise and its Impact on IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) is something that many with this condition might want to look into. Of course, even if we are not sick STILL exercise is always going to be beneficial for our health and wellness. This is a fundamental part of living a healthy lifestyle BUT for those … Read more