Hello Everyone, Today for this post I will be writing a guide on the 9 Best Foods for Prostate Health. Honestly, if you are a male and of a certain age, this is something you should definitely read through. Most men who have reached a certain age will know all about what this part of the body is.
Honestly, I’m only in my early 30’s. I’d heard of the prostate and the dreaded prostate exam (usually given to men over 50) before, but till recently I never really knew what this was. It was only really after going through one of the posts which I inherited from healthymindhealthypeople.com that I really got educated on what this was.
Scary stuff (I think) – It’s OK for you Ladies lol as you don’t have one, but for men, the only thing scarier than the prostate exam is getting prostate cancer. Exactly why getting this exam is an absolute must, but what is the Prostate?
If you don’t know (I think you will if you are a certain age) it’s a small organ that’s roughly the size of a walnut. A gland that is connected to the bladder, which produces the fluid component of Semen.
When problems occur with the Prostate it can many problems usually with urination. Peeing frequently, dripping urine after you’ve finished peeing, being unable to hold in your urine, and even blood in your pee can all be telltale signs.
Drinking alcohol for me personally is one cause of my own prostate problems. This guide I am writing for myself for this reason, but another is because this was a question that popped up on my Quora account.
The 9 Best Foods for Prostate Health
1# Tomatoes and Lycopene
Inside Tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant called Lycopene. It is widely believed that cooking with Tomatoes in recipes such as soup and tomato sauces may help the Prostate gland. This is because consuming cooked tomatoes helps to make Lycopene more readily available all across the body. (1)
There is surely nothing abnormal about these ordinary natural food products you might think, but…
Lycopene is a cancer prevention agent that gives tomatoes their red tone. A randomized control preliminary analyzed the impacts Lycopene had on men with BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia).
Men in this trial were given either 15 mg of lycopene each day or a fake treatment for a half year. PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) was essentially diminished in the Lycopene gathering, and prostate volume was unaltered following a half year.
Prostate size expanded by 24% in the fake treatment bunch. Nonetheless, a few examinations have announced no impact of Lycopene supplementation.
The Results From This Test…
Giving participants around 30 mg of lycopene has appeared to lessen PSA in men with prostate malignant growth. These advantages were applied from Lycopene from entire food sources as opposed to as a concentrate. All things considered, Lycopene from entire food sources applies medical advantages that don’t happen with a concentrate.
Men who eat tomatoes every day had a lower chance of developing prostate issues, as per contemplates distributed in the Diary of Nourishing Science and Vitaminology(2)
The 9 Best Foods for Prostate Health
2# Salmon and Oily Fish
Oily fish such as Salmon, Pilchards, Sardines and Mackerel are good for the prostate! This is because they are not only packed with healthy Vitamin D but also are packed full of healthy Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids. Both of which help to reduce inflammation in body parts including the prostate.
What’s more, is a link between obesity and enlarged prostates. Omega 3 fatty acids if added to a healthy diet alongside exercise has been shown to help with both weight loss and fighting back against obesity (3)
3# Legumes and Soy Beans
Examples of Legumes (or pulses) include beans, peanuts, cashews and lentils. Inside legumes are powerful plant compounds known as phytoestrogens. Isoflavones are one such phytoestrogen.
One survey found that individuals who ate the most phytoestrogens had a 20% decreased danger of prostate malignancy than the gathering with the least admission. The malignant growth battling impacts of phytoestrogens may come from their cancer prevention agent properties and consequences for chemical guideline and cell passing.
While there’s as of yet a requirement for more decisive exploration, some examination has connected soybean isoflavones with decreased risk of prostate malignancy.
The Public Malignancy Foundation (NCI) shows a connection between the utilization of soy and diminished degrees of prostate-explicit antigen (PSA). PSA is a protein delivered by the prostate. (4)
The PSA test, which estimates the degree of PSA in your blood, is utilized as an evaluating test for prostate malignant growth.
This exploration likewise appeared to demonstrate that soy was more compelling when eaten alongside other malignant growth battling food varieties.
4# Berries and Anthocyanins
Berries of all kinds are top superfoods for a sound prostate. Be sure to add different kinds to your eating regimen routinely!
Particularly ones such as Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, and Blueberries.
What’s so extraordinary about berries for prostate wellbeing, you inquire?
Berries, particularly wild and natural assortments, sneak up suddenly and have a high Vitamin C substance. Their cell reinforcement content battles free radical, which are specialists that can add to disease development in the body.
They are also packed full of powerful anthocyanins that make a significant repair nutrient and can also help forestall the development of BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia).
5# Pomegranite
Like Green Tea, Pomegranates are a rich wellspring of cell reinforcements.
Pomegranate Juice has a standing as a supernatural product because of its significant degrees of cancer prevention agents.
Cell reinforcements may help forestall ongoing illnesses identified with oxidative pressure.
The NCI says that Pomegranate Juice and a portion of its bioactive segments may help restrain the expansion of prostate malignancy cells.
Other studies have discovered that Pomegranate Seeds and Concentrate hinder the creation of some prostate malignancy cells, however, more exploration (tests) is required to actually determine this.
6# Green Tea
Individuals have been utilizing Green Tea for its medical advantages for millennia. Scientists have directed numerous examinations on its consequences for Prostate cancer.
Proof proposes that unique mixtures in Green Tea may lessen the danger of Prostate Malignancy by impacting tumour development, cell passing, and chemical flagging.
The accompanying compounds below could clarify the medical advantages found with Green Tea: (6)
- Xanthine subsidiaries
- Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
- Epicatechin
7# Onions and Garlic
Eating garlic and onions can assist with forestalling BPH and other prostate conditions. An expanding measure of exploration information is discovering its way into general visibility that recommends that an eating routine high in creature protein is liable for a considerable lot of the universes most lethal infections.
An Italian multicenter, case-control study inspected the possible part of allium vegetables, to be specific onions and garlic, on BPH. Utilizing dietary surveys, specialists found that men with BPH normally ate less garlic and fewer servings of onions each week than those without BPH.
8# Citrus Fruits
Oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruits are especially high in Vitamin C, which may help protect the prostate organ.
Since these organic products additionally help assemble our invulnerable framework against free extremists that may assault the cells, these natural products are copious.
Numerous investigations have been directed to comprehend the job of foods grown from the ground in bringing down the dangers of prostate disease and related issues.
Natural products like lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerine, lime, and their assortments showed huge upgrades in prostate wellbeing, while most veggies didn’t have any checked effect on BPH (Favorable Prostate Hyperplasia) or PCa (Prostate Malignancy).
9# Broccoli
Broccoli is a vegetable that contains numerous intricate mixtures that may help shield a few groups from malignant growth.
A few examinations propose there’s a connection between the measure of cruciferous vegetables you eat — a gathering that incorporates broccoli — and a lower prostate disease hazard.
The reasons are somewhat hazy for the time being, however, specialists suggest that a few phytochemicals in these vegetables — including sulforaphane, which broccoli sprouts contain concentrated measures of — specifically target and execute malignancy cells while leaving ordinary prostate cells sound and unaffected. (8)
Other cruciferous vegetables that are good for the Prostate include Cauliflower, Cabbage, Sprouts, and Kale.
9 Best Foods for Prostate Health
My Recipe for Better Prostate Health
Before I go just a quick recipe to share. This is not my own recipe but just something I found online that uses some of the mentioned ingredients above.
Tuscan Salmon With Creamy Garlic Sauce, Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomatoes – hmm hmm hmm ?
Ingredients to buy;
- Salmon Fillets (2, or 3 Pieces)
- Baby Spinach Leaves
- Cherry Tomatoes (Sun-Dried) You can buy in jars if you prefer.
- Garlic (4-6 Cloves)
- 1 Small Onion (White)
- 2 tbsps Butter
- Around half a cup of grated Parmesan Cheese
- 1 1/2 Cups of Heavy Cream
- Salt and Pepper
- Vegetable Stock (80ml)
Also, consider eating with a cup of Green Tea with Honey, and if you have room for dessert be creative with wild fruits such as blackberries and raspberries.
9 Best Foods for Prostate Health
In Conclusion
Well, what else can I say looking after the Prostate from a young age is more important than you think. I think for most men getting a prostate exam isn’t really very high on their to-do list. The less I say about what it involves maybe the better. You can usually get a vague idea if you have problems in this area.
If you have any medical problems with your release of urine this is one thing that may suggest you need a check-up. I mentioned some of these symptoms above but maybe to better explain…
So, definitely check out some of these dietary ideas above. They are not the only foods either but get creative and try and bear this in mind next time you go shopping. Unfortunately, Prostate Cancer is one of the biggest health risks that a man can face in the 21st century. It’s the 2nd most diagnosed type of cancer for men in the Western World.
It is believed to affect at least 1 in every 7 Males on average at some point during their lifetime. So, definitely, prevention is always better than the cure, and if you are worried – the best idea is to definitely improve your diet. Get at least some exercise and if you need to lose weight then make sure to do so.
Plus if you really want to take precautions you can also try a Prostate Health Supplement.
Read my recent review here: https://dynamicideas4life.com/what-are-the-signs-of-prostate-problems/
Finally, just before I go. Thanks for reading my 9 Best Foods for Prostate Health
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Many thanks, and to your Good Health ?
from your friend – Stay Dynamic ?
Alex C
Informational Sources Used for this Article;
(1) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321079#foods-to-eat
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4808858/
(3) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1665114616301423?via=ihub
(4) https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/prostate-supplements-pdq#link/_163
(5) https://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/health-benefit-of-pomegranate-juice
(6) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084675/
(7) https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/onions-and-garlic-may-ease-bph-symptoms-20090403155
(8) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mnfr.201000547

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Hello Alex. I like all of these foods and drinks but don’t eat them often enough but I eat lots of greens. I seldom drink anything but coffee at the moment. Is bagged green tea good for health benefits or just loose?
Hi Chris, That is good to hear. What did you think of the recipe towards the end? Want to try to make this myself soon I think. Anyway, Green Tea I drink from tea bags – Green Tea and Lemon. I only pay something like 90p a box much cheaper than PG tips. Never tried loose Green Tea – Black Pu’er Tea loose I sometimes drink but never tried loose green tea. . Anyway, thanks for commenting. Appreciate it.
Hi Alex,
Great work coming along with your website. I admire your work and am very interested in the health and wellbeing niche as well. I find your articles very informative in all matters involving our daily livelihood. I’m specifically interested in CBD and other natural herbs that may serve as alternative medicine sometime.
Cheers Sergej, I appreciate your kind comments. It’s good to hear you are interested in healthy living. Plus I’m glad to hear your positive words about my articles. I have written about CBD in 3 different posts now. If you would like to take a read and leave some feedback I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for bringing us this very important advice on prostrate cancer.
It is very sobering to hear that it is do often misdiagnosed.
I recently had blood in my urine and I have been dribbling for a long time. After the blood stayed for a few days I decided enough was enough and off I went to the doctor. I will warn your readers that it is not the most pleasant examination. All I will say is fingers and back passage. But it is over very quickly and it is far from painful. So if you have any symptoms then go and get checked out. It could be a matter of life or death.
Fortunately the doctor found nothing wrong and the blood cleared up quite quickly afterwards. The dribbling still continues which I am putting down to old age.
So don’t ignore it, get checked, but better still, eat the foods that have recommended and hopefully you will never have cause for concern.
Thanks Geoff, I am glad your results came back with positive news. For anyone reading your comments above I hope they can also find the courage to visitor the doctor if needs be. You are very right it can be a matter of life or death. I was speaking to my mum about some people she knew that died from prostate cancer. It doesn’t sound like something you would wish on your worst enemy and worse still I hear it is very often fatal.
So, I hope this article can help peoples health to be fair. I appreciate the input. Kind regards;
Hello Alex, thanks for an highly elaborated and detailed article on a very actual subject that affects lots and lots of people and also by pointing out some easy, daily and doable nutrition ideas to prevent the prostate malfunction and eventually prostate cancer.
I belong to the risk group (58) but fortunately everything works properly so far but after my reading, I’ll particularly increase my level of berries and green tea!!!
By the way, I am a tea lover, please let me know you if you have any kind of information on teas: types, benefits, etc…
Everybody should read more about preventing health issues with natural products to, in a daily basis, take care of their well being, so reviews like this one are always welcome.
Thanks, Antonio I am glad to help. As well as berries and Green Tea. Tomatoes are one of the main foods that are good for prostate health. Tomato Juice I think is good to drink.
As for teas yes Green Tea has many different health benefits. As do many other different types of tea. I have a whole cupboard full of different types at home. If you look through some of the other articles I’ve written about Green Tea in a few posts. I will have to start tagging them I think.