Hello, Welcome to DynamicIdeas4Life.com. A special post today – 12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained. For this post, I really wanted to try and make people aware of this. Just how common being deficient in one or more different essential vitamins or minerals is.
The symptoms may vary for each deficiency but some may be quite similar. In fact, there are a few broad symptoms that fall into the category of vitamin/mineral deficient. These include a compromised immune system, weak bones, and fatigue.
More specific symptoms may be pale skin and anemia if you have a Vitamin D, or Iron Deficiency. Or if you lack Magnesium and Zinc you may struggle with sleeping. The list goes on. Many will know for instance that if your body does not get enough Calcium this will likely affect your bones, teeth, and nails.
In total there are something like 27 different Vitamins and Minerals that are considered essential.
I will try my best to cover most of these throughout this post.
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
So, let’s begin, and first up we will look at…
Deficiencies In Magnesium and Zinc
I will begin with these two because they were the first I think I wrote about. When I first started this website I come across Magnesium deficiency as a topic. Zinc I also did a bit of research about as a result. Both minerals are quite often spoken about together I have found.
They say that Zinc and Magnesium in their different forms play a vital role in some 300 different body functions.
Signs that your body may be lacking these important minerals include;
- High Levels of Stress,
- Anxiety,
- itchy skin,
- Heart Palpitations
- Having Trouble with Sleeping.
Magnesium is important for creating melatonin, and melanin whilst Zinc is essential for building a healthy immune response. Together both are needed to make GABA ( Gamma AminoButyric Acid) which is needed to stabilize the Central Nervous System (CNS). Also, both deficiencies are very common.
Zinc Deficiency although in its severe form is quite rare affects some 2.2 Billion people worldwide. Whilst Magnesium Deficiency or Hypomagnesemia affects to some degree 70% of the whole population.
Read more Here: Signs and Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
Calcium and Iron Deficiencies
How many people have told you that you must drink your milk before? How about eating all your vegetables? Many Pregnant women as well are told they need to boost their Iron levels.
These are probably the two most common deficiencies people hear about (I think). After all, Calcium is needed for strong teeth, nails, and bones. It is also known to be essential for other functions including heart rhythm and muscle function. Children for example have milk teeth, and Calcium is one of the best-selling types of supplements on the US market.
Iron on the other hand is very important for our red blood cells (hemoglobin). Although, both together they should not be taken at the same time. This is because Calcium can block the absorption of minerals such as Zinc and Iron.
If taken as a supplement form Calcium and Iron should be taken 1-2 hours apart from each other. You in most cases will know if you are deficient in either. A doctor will very most likely tell you for one but otherwise, it is always sensible to incorporate Iron Rich foods and Calcium into your daily diet.
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
Potassium, and Sodium – Electrolyte Imbalances
I’ve mentioned two electrolytes found in the human body above already. Calcium and Magnesium are known as Electrolytes. Others include Bicarbonate, Phosphate, Chloride, Potassium, and Sodium.
Sodium Chloride I shared a whole article about here already.
Sodium Chloride is Salt. Too much Salt like other minerals can be bad for you but you still need adequate levels for the human body to function. Hyponatremia, as it is otherwise known, can cause a whole list of symptoms including;
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Loss of Appetite
- Muscle Cramps and Pains
So, your body at least to a certain degree needs Salt.
As for Potassium. This mineral is needed for both your bones and muscles. Hypokalemia is when your body doesn’t get enough of this important electrolyte. Symptoms include;
- Kidney Problems
- High Blood Pressure
- Muscle Cramps, Spasms
- Heart Palpitations
- Digestive Problems
Tip: Bananas are very good for Potassium.
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
B Complex Vitamins
This is quite a scope of different things. There are 8 main B Vitamins that are identified but if you actually look into this further it actually goes up to Vitamin B20 (L-Carotene). Nutrition-wise the main B-Vitamins that your body needs are;
B1 (Thiamin) – Supports the Central Nervous System
B2 (Riboflavin) – Good for Eyesight
B3 – (Niacin) – Essential for a Healthy Cardiovascular System
B5 – (Pantothenic Acid) – Helps to Heal Wounds
B6 – (Pyridoxine) – Needed to Metabolize Amino Acids and Blood Sugar
B7 – (Biotin) – Important for Hair, Nails, and Healthy Looking Skin
B8 – (Folic Acid) – Important for the Growth of Babies
B12 – (Cobalamin) – Required for DNA Synthesis
Tip: Yeast Extract such as Marmite is packed full of different B Vitamins
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
Are You Deficient in Vitamin D?
Here is a very interesting one. The main source of Vitamin D is Sunlight! You can not really rely on your diet alone for Vitamin D. Some foods such as Oily Fish, Beef Liver, and Egg Yolks contain Vitamin D. You can also buy Supplements like Vitamin D3 but the ultimate solution is going outside during the day whilst the sun is out.
The main reason you need Vitamin D is that it is required for the absorption of Electrolytes including Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate (Phosphorous). Someone that doesn’t get enough Vitamin D can find themselves with all different kinds of mineral deficiencies as a result.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency include;
- Weak Immune System
- Fatigue and Tiredness
- Depression and Anxiety
- Joint Pain and Trouble with Your Bones
12 Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Explained
How Important Is Sulfur?
Something I learned about recently was the Sulphur cycle. A process where fields use animal waste (manure) to fertilize crops. In a system that helps provide the human body with one of our most important nutrients. This is because the animals will consume the sulfur content from their animal feed, and we consume Sulphur from their meat and the fertilized crops.
It is a system that has worked for centuries. Like a kind of circle of life that we all unknowingly depend upon. It has only apparently become an issue in modern times. This is because the use of things such as chemical fertilizers for instance means less Sulphur is getting into people’s diets. Thus making more and more people Sulfur deficient.
The reason we need Sulphur is that it is essential for the body’s waste management system. It is no coincidence that vampires in fictional stories do not like Garlic. Garlic is the prime source of DMSO – a sulfur compound with a very interesting medical history. It is shown from studies to help purge the body of parasites, toxins, and free radicals.
Without adequate levels of sulfur, the body can suffer from all sorts of problems. Although there haven’t been many studies it is believed that Sulfur deficiency can cause;
- Inflammation and Swelling,
- Poor Glucose Metabolism,
- Chronic Fatigue,
- Obesity, and even
- Alzheimer’s Disease.
Tip: If you grow vegetables make sure that these plants are not themselves Sulfur deficient. One sign can be the color of the plant. If the plant is light green it could be because of a sulfur deficiency.
Vitamins A, C, and E
Deficiencies in these vitamins are not actually very common in the western world. Although, they are not completely unheard of. You can like anything be deficient in any one of these essential vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin A deficiency for instance can lead to issues with vision. Including
- Night Blindness,
- Dry Eyes,
- Dry Skin,
- and Infertility problems.
Vitamin C deficiency has practically been eradicated in the modern era. If you know the story about Scurvy this is the same thing. This used to be a very horrible condition that affected a lot of sailors in the pre-20th century. Indeed many at sea died from this until it was discovered that eating citrus fruits could cure Scurvy completely.
Scurvy in the modern-day is quite rare although it is not unheard of. The symptoms are really not very pleasant.
These include;
- Gum Disease, Gingivitis, Periodontitis
- Poor Wound Healing, and Excessive Bleeding
- Rough Skin
- Fatigue and Weakness
As for Vitamin E deficiency, this is again very rare. If you have it though symptoms might include
- Disorientation,
- Weakness,
- Poor Coordination and
- Numbness.
Here is another mineral much like Sulfur which I mentioned above. Its role in nature is quite different but like Sulfur this in a lot of places has been taken out of the food chain. Mostly due to food and water refinement methods. For this reason, Chromium Deficiency is on the rise and supplementation may be necessary.
The reason people need Chromium is that it is very important for something called the Glucose Tolerance Factor. Without enough Chromium in the body, it can interfere with the correct regulation of blood sugar.
Scientists believe we only need small amounts of Chromium but the extra need for this mineral in modern times means many take in the form of supplements.
What is Iodine Deficiency?
Finally, the last mineral on my list is Iodine. This is a very important mineral because it is essential for the Thyroid gland.
Without sufficient levels of Iodine, this can lead to swelling of the Thyroid (around the neck) and many problems as a result.
Iodine Deficiency symptoms include;
- Weight Gain
- Tiredness, Fatigue
- Weakness
- Hair Loss
- Dry Skin
- Poor Cognitive Function
- Problems During Pregnancy
Read More Here: 11 iodine deficiency signs (medicalnewstoday.com)
Also if you are considering Iodine Supplements – here is my suggestion;
In Conclusion
Out of the Deficiencies mentioned above, 7 are incredibly common
- Calcium
- Iron
- Iodine
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
The 7th is Vitamin A in developing countries. The best remedy if you wish to avoid Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies is to consume a nutrient-rich diet. Plenty of whole foods including vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. If you have any symptoms that could indicate that you could have any of these deficiencies please visit a doctor.
If you are considering taking supplements look at multivitamins, and possibly more defined supplements if you believe that you might have a mineral deficiency. If you would like to discuss your symptoms with me – I am only a health and wellness researcher – not a trained medical professional but I will gladly have a chat with you.
If you would like to do so please use this link here: Contact Us
Finally, before I go many thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed reading and found this information helpful. If you know anyone this might benefit, please share. Anybody that you can bring to this page would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if you have any questions or would like to share your experience about anything discussed within this article it would be great to hear from you. Please lookout for the comments section below. Also, if you would like to be notified whenever we publish new articles or would like to get your hands on cool-free stuff such as ebooks be sure to join our email list.
Best regards
Take care of yourself – because you are worth it
Alex C

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Thanks for sharing the Symptoms of mineral deficiency Alex. I am showing signs of some of those mostly joint pain and fatigue. But I do need to increase my Vitamin D intake especially with the lack of sun in these parts. There is milk marketed in the stores here in Ireland that is high in Vitamin D. I am unsure are these products any use at all?
Hi Chris, Didn’t realize you are from Ireland been a few times. A lovely country will visit again one day no doubt. Anyway, so if you have joint pain this is usually a type of inflammation although it could be to do with fluid in your joints. As we start to get older are cartilage starts to retain less water which things like arthritis etc. For that, I would recommend either a turmeric supplement (to reduce inflammation) or something like ProJoint Plus (a product I reviewed here) which contains Chondoitron and Glucosamine. As for the fatigue, this could definitely be due to Vitamin/Mineral deficiency just try to eat plenty of Fruit/Veg and Nuts see if it helps. Vitamin D Milk gives it a try, by all means, you can see if it helps but the best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. I think the hot weather probably does make a difference but the main thing is to just get outside whatever the weather.
Hope this helps
Best regards
Alex C
I never took mineral deficiencies seriously until I experienced their effects first-hand. I was always aware that it lacking minerals can lead to various health problems, but it never crossed my mind (not once) that I’ll end up being fatigued for an entire month.
I run several blood tests, and all of them pointed at the same issue – lack of calcium, iron, and vitamin D.
I improved the way I eat, took a few pills, and I was back to normal in no time, showing that it truly matters whether you’re taking your daily dose of veggies and greens or not.
For anyone that might be reading this. Take it seriously since it’s not a joke and can lead to more severe issues.
Hi Gorjan, Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is helpful to know if you have mineral deficiencies I totally agree with you. Fatigue is definitely something you don’t want to be on the raw end of. I’m a lot more sensible these days about how much alcohol I drink but I know from when I do drink a lot that when I start to readjust I feel severe fatigue, I can’t sleep, and get headaches. This I am pretty sure is as you describe. I don’t personally need to be tested when I end up in this predicament I know as long as I eat and drink the right things it will help my body to sort itself out.
However, I do realize that for others these kinds of deficiencies are more day-to-day and need to be more accurately pinpointed. I think a blood test or tests is a sensible course of action. Whether by visiting a doctor or with a home test kit. Either way yes it can lead to more serious issues.
Best regards;