Are we being poisoned without us even knowing about it? What of the shocking reports of contamination from toxic chemicals linked to serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, raised cholesterol, and fertility problems? [R]
Is this Why You Should Buy a Water Purifier For A Healthier Lifestyle? This is the question I will be looking to try and answer within today’s latest blog post. So…
5 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Water Purifier…

So whether the above is true or not the health benefits of having the most – purest, cleanest water to drink are quite amazing. Even if our tap water is not contaminated with fluoride and industrial chemicals; and our shop-bought bottled water is not full of microplastics and BPAs [R] If we have better-tasting water we will drink more and really being dehydrated is not good and keeping hydrated is very HEALTHY!
So this is another reason to consider why to buy a water purifier for a healthy lifestyle. And throughout this post, I will do my level-headed best to explain all the various different reasons in a bit more detail… Now…
FTC Disclosure: Just to let you know. When you click on links on this site and buy products I may receive an affiliate commission. You will not pay more by clicking my links. When I suggest products it is because research or personal experience has shown that they may be helpful. Read more (here). These links help to support my work as a writer. If you find this content helpful then definitely please bear this in mind.
Health Disclaimer: Also just to point out I am not a medical professional. This information is not intended to replace that of qualified medical professionals. Views and opinions shared within this post and others on this website are for informational purposes only.
So… What is a Water Purifier?
To best describe what a water purifier is I will first need to highlight what water purification is. Below is a snippet from Wikipedia which I think describes the process pretty well.
Quite simply put a Water purifier is a machine that cleans water. This could be for drinking, washing, or even for collecting scientific data. On average our bodies at any given moment contain around 60% of water, so it should never be underestimated how important our water supply is.
Hence why you should buy a water purifier for a healthier lifestyle. As this is a sensible investment for anybody looking to improve their overall health and well-being.
What Is The Deal With Water Purification?
Certainly, if you can afford to do so you should buy a water purifier as a step towards a healthier lifestyle. The cycle of water treatment and possible contamination isn’t something most of us concern ourselves with – but the truth is that the very water that comes out of our taps can easily contain some quite nasty stuff.
Things like Lead, Copper, Arsenic, Nitrates, and Fluoride are just a few to name.
And even bottled water by brands like Evian, Volvic, and Nestle can be just as bad. For anybody that actually does the science, what you might find may just come as a shock.
After seeing what your actual drinking water contains you may likely feel very different than you did before.
Just watch this video below xx
I really don’t mean to scare people here (sorry) drinking water is very important and you shouldn’t stop drinking water because you are worried about what’s inside it. In a lot of cases bottled water and even tap water is fine. Many people including myself drink this water and don’t get ill BUT definitely, you can benefit by drinking cleaner water. If not for peace of mind then because you will want to drink more of it.
However, water contamination is a very real thing. According to WHO Cholera alone – which is usually transmitted from unclean water – is responsible for anything between 21 000 to 143 000 deaths worldwide every year with cases between 1.3 to 4 Million [R].
MOSTLY, this is from poor, developing nations but this just goes to show how easy it is for water to become contaminated. So…
Water Purifier Vs. Water Filter – What’s The Difference?
Here is an important thing to understand about Water Filters and Water Purifiers – as confusing as they might seem they are not actually the same things.
Both are 2 different machines. In the USA the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) highlights 2 major differences between Water Purification and Water Filtration.
- A Water Purifier can remove all bacterial components without removing important minerals.
- A Water Filter will remove minerals and chemicals from water, but it may fail to remove viruses and bacteria.
Of course, there is a quality aspect for the consumer market. For example, a more expensive water filter such as a Berkley or Brita filter might still be a very good product that is better than your home’s water supply and a good investment if you are always buying bottled water.
However, as the name implies a water filter only filters the water it does not purify it. Some studies suggest that the negative aspect of commercial water filters is that as well as filtering out toxins and contaminants it also filters out minerals such as vitamins and minerals which the body actually needs.
Also, another downside of water filters is you have to replace the filters which you have to buy every 1-2 months whereas for a water purifier, you just buy once, and as long as it doesn’t break it’s just one payment and that is all. Short term they are more expensive but long term they can be a great investment.
How Water Purification Works
Basically, the process of Water Purification works by boiling water into steam. This steam is left with the water and everything good inside of it including all the healthy nutrients and everything else that isn’t turned to steam such as the leftover microplastics, heavy metals, and Industrial chemicals.
Then what a water purifier does is collect the steam as it hits the roof of the purification system which then begins to drip back down as fresh water droplets into a container.
Also, further to this UV water purifiers work to eliminate bacteria without removing essential minerals. This uses the UV system to kill bacteria that make this water unsafe to drink.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Vs. UV Water Purification

Clearly, there are a lot of pros and cons between the two types of Water Purifiers but which is better?
The table above says it all really UV water purifiers are what you want. Apart from the top two points you really are much better with UV than Reverse Osmosis but of course, RO does have some significant advantages between the two. Also, I’m sure different products will have different features.
So Which Water Purifier Should You Choose?
After some careful research, I have concluded that some of the best water purifiers for drinking water use a combination of both UV and Reverse Osmosis technology.
Upon looking one company that looks quite good to me is WaterDropFilter. I know there are others but what stands out to me is they operate in the USA, Canada, and the UK.
I’m not sure about the rest of Europe or anywhere else but as they offer state-of-the-art countertop water purifiers that use both RO and UV technology they look like a great option (I think) to consider.
Check out WaterDropFilter and their 2 main countertop devices below;

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Water Purifier
Now just to summarize 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Water Purifier;
1.) Heavy Metals and Free Radicals
2.) Harmful Bacteria and Industrial Chemicals
3.) Micro Plastics
4.) Water Fluoridation
5.) It Will Make You Want To Drink More Water
You can also save money on bottled water if you regularly buy bottled water at home and of course, there are the actual health benefits of putting less of the above-mentioned things in your body.
In Conclusion
So If We Are What You Eat then are we NOT what we drink as well? I mean, after all, our body is made of 60% water and surely we can put as much unhealthy stuff in our body drinking as we can eating right?
Just look at any poor country that doesn’t have a fresh, clean water supply. Drinking clean water can be a matter of life and death. Sadly this is, unfortunately, true but this is the great thing about water purification technology. This offers us the opportunity to drink fresh, clean water on a regular basis.
Whether all the stuff about heavy metals and industrial chemicals frequently contaminating our water supply is true we can not deny that this is still a good investment. Even if it is just to save money on bottled water. I think these devices should be in every household personally but hey each to our own.
I will leave the rest up to you but if you would like to read more I will share a couple of links below;
>>> Search For Countertop Water Purifiers on Amazon
>>> Water Purification Books On Amazon
>>> Fluoride Poison On Tap Documentary
>>> Heavy Metals In Our Water PubMed Article
>>> Excessive Micro Plastics In Bottled Water Article
Your Feedback
Finally, before I finish this up If you have found any of this information helpful it would be great to hear from you.
Please let me know your thoughts, feedback, and any questions you may have in the comments below.
Also please consider signing up for our newsletter if you’d like to be kept up to date with future posts.
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Peace out
Alexander B Chivers
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Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your guide on buying a water purifier and find it very useful for everyone.As we know that If we eat a load of junk then we are going to feel lethargic and tired but if we eat healthy than we are going to feel good. Our body is around 60% water. Now I found that the Best Water Purifier Machine by Make Water Pure. It’s main features its a specially designed Water Distiller, it’s 100% Stainless Steel, and it’s the New Superior 2020 Model.
Thank you for this well detailed article. I now know that it is more healthy to drink from water purifier. I personally filter my water at home because the pipe-borne water in many European countries is very clean but don’t you think our body mechanism also adapt to our major source of water supply taking into consideration those that live in the sub-sahara Africa where people drink Borehole, River and Well water without filtering or purification?
Hi, Yes good to hear really enjoyed writing this article. I think a lot of people could benefit from this knowledge is one of the best bits for me writing this content. I’m glad you liked.
Your guide helped me a lot now I know that the cycle of water treatment and possible contamination isn’t something most of us concern ourselves with but the truth is that the very water that comes out of our taps can contain anything. Things like Lead, Copper, Arsenic, Nitrates and Fluoride are just a few to name. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, your post was very helpful and informative. The addition of the video was great, you actually get to see the different colors of the water and what is in the water. The video also re-enforced what I already suspected about our water, I have been drinking distilled water for years. It also makes me question the bottled water I have been buying, it might not be good to be drinking !!! Thank you
Hi Butch, Yes the video is certainly interesting. There was some debate over what was causing the discoloration of the water in the video. So not sure what the deal is there. The big problem with bottled water is the microplastics and EDC’s floating around I have heard. Distilled water is definitely the way to go. It definitely should be more of a thing for people I don’t know why it isn’t.
Hello there,, Thanks for sharing this awesome article as I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.
When starting or fixing a house or office one of the most important things that must be attend to is the water system and a very important tool that must be put in place is the water purifier whether is a UV based purified or the regular one it very necessary to put it in place especially for the kitchen and then for the bathroom.
Hi David, Yes I believe so. I have read about plumbing in a water filter for the bathroom is a little bit beyond my capability at the moment living in a rented place but I do think if you can it’s a good idea as these same chemicals I believe can be absorbed through your skin.