Hello All, Today we are going to talk about the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression. This if you live in England (like me) is also called Postnatal Depression.
This is a type of depression that occurs after you have given birth. Sadly, on average this condition affects an estimated 10% of all Mother’s. It does not always happen with the first child either. This can happen after any birth. At any age.
Worse still. Just because a new mother may suffer once it does not mean it will not occur again.
What Are Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
1# – You May Just Think it is Normal at First.
Of course, you will feel very tired after having a baby. This is normal. If you speak to a lot of new Mothers a lot of them will say the same thing. It’s a normal thing to happen.
Your baby has not got into a routine yet. He, or She still wakes up every 4 hours for a feed. You are doing the best you can by breastfeeding, and it’s a lot of pressure. It’s early days yet and it will settle down in a few weeks, you may think. It’s nothing to worry about you might say to yourself. You can sleep in the day when the baby does.
Unfortunately tired is not the only thing you feel. You feel hopeless. It’s your first child so there is a lot to learn, but you speak to other new mums. What they say is that hopelessness was not something they suffered from. Even with the first child.
Now, what do you do? carry on and see if anything changes or speak to a Doctor?
2# – Two Months In
Your baby is now 2 months old. You still feel an overwhelming sense of helplessness. It may be that you burst into tears at the slightest thing. Nothing seems to be right for you. Worse, still, this is now making you snappy and causing you to get into arguments with your loved ones.
You now know this is not how things should be. Your baby now sleeps through the night and is thriving, but still, for you, nothing has changed. You still have the same thoughts and feelings. The problem becomes even more apparent. The symptoms of Postpartum Depression are there, and this maybe something you have to accept.
If this is you. Now is the time to address this and ask for help by speaking to a professional.
3# – Discussion with the Doctor
So, you get to the Doctors. The first thing he asks is;
“How long have you been feeling as you do?”
Your reply; “Since my baby was born”.
The Doctor continues; “Describe the different things you think and feel?”
Your answer – might be something like this;
You no longer enjoy watching your favorite programs on TV. Your husband/ partner no longer interests you; Cuddles, intimacy and sex are now the last things on your mind.
Making Decisions is a massive effort for you all the time. It never used to be like this.
You don’t want to get up. To change your baby’s nappy / diaper, take a shower, go out for a walk, or even get dressed.
Now, in fact, nothing interests you at All.
You feel like You are not good at being a mother. Like it was all a huge mistake.
What Are Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
4# – Diagnosis
The Doctor explains to you that these are the Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression, or Postnatal Depression (depending on where you live).
He/She might say something like; “The feelings you are experiencing affect every 1 in 10 women. They are quite normal and very treatable”.
They will then most likely get you to discuss how you feel in a bit more detail.
“Have you had an event that has been very stressful either before the birth or just after?”
“No”, you might answer…
“Have you thought about harming yourself or your child?”.
Again. “No”, you might say.
“Do you love your child?”
“Yes”, you may say because you most likely do.
If you answer “No” to the first two questions and “yes” to the third, the Doctor is convinced you don’t just have the baby blues, that you are Depressed and it is nothing more serious than that.
You have Postpartum Depression (Postnatal Depression).
Now, there are various treatments open to you.
Things You Can Do
Change your routine if possible. Enlist the help of your husband/partner. Discuss how you feel and what they can do to help you. Expressing some of the milk will mean he can feed the baby while you sleep or take a bath.
Ask the Grandparents to be involved to give you some ‘you’ time. For yourself while they have quality time with their grandchild.
Eat healthier as your diet is very important. Try to have more sleep, and try to fit in some exercise. Take some multivitamins to give yourself some more energy.
Spend quality time with your partner and your friends. Maybe going out for a meal. Or something else you all enjoy.
It will feel quite impossible at the beginning, but if you set out some goals then you will get much further and keep on track.
If, you discuss the issue with your partner, family and friends. They will be willing to help you because they will know what you’re going through. Talking is a great thing to do.
If after a month you do not feel any better, go back to the Doctors and discuss what other treatment is available for you.
What Are Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
Thank you for reading my Article. I appreciate it greatly. If it has helped you then please leave me a comment or a question which I will be more than happy to reply to.
If , you know someone that reading this can help then please feel free to share it.
Many thanks;
Alex B. Chivers
Stay Dynamic x
I wish you to stay safe and well.

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