For today’s post. What Causes Bladder Leakage… and How Can You Treat It? This is unfortunately a condition that affects many different people, of all ages. It can affect both Men and Women and it is a condition when your bladder leaks urine involuntarily. Sometimes it is referred to as urine incontinence.
It can be so bad that for the unfortunate ones all they need to do is to cough, sneeze, or even laugh and that is all it takes for this to happen. So much so that for anybody that suffers from this, it is a very embarrassing problem.
For women during pregnancy, and as we begin to grow older this can be more common. Years of alcohol abuse may also cause this problem. As can good old genetics.
It can be something you are born with or something you develop as you get older.
For the sufferer of this condition, it can be very difficult going through this day-to-day. So, finding a solution is definitely a very attractive idea. Exactly what the following claims to be able to help with…
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This article contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through any of the links on this page I may be compensated. The price you pay will not be affected. I am simply offering a solution and if you decide to make a purchase great but otherwise I promise to still try and share my own helpful information for free.
What Causes Bladder Leakage…
And How Can You Treat It – Pelvic Floor Strong Review 2021
Please note: for this post I will be reviewing a product called Pelvic Floor Strong by Alex Miller Fitness
Product Name: Pelvic Floor Strong
Company: Alex Miller Fitness
Owner: Alex Miller
Based In:
Product Rating: TBD
Warranty: 60 Days
Do I Recommend Yes, worth a try
Short Summary: Available as both Digital and Physical packages. Exercise and Diet Program Designed To Help Stop Bladder Leakage and Urinary Incontinence.
What Causes Bladder Leakage…
The Ugly Truth About Bladder Leakage
Before we begin looking into this possible solution for Bladder Leakage let’s first look at some of the facts;
- Bladder Leakage Mostly Affects Women
- It is a Lot More Common Than People Like To Admit
- This Can Be Caused As A Post Natal Condition
- Not Always Treatable
- May Be Helped With Pelvic Floor Exercises
Another thing that is significant about this condition also known as Bladder Leakage Dysfunction is an underlying condition known as diastasis recti.

‘Diastasis Recti’ is a condition that happens when the left and right abdominal muscles broaden to permit space for excess fat. Notwithstanding, many individuals consider it to be just “Mummy Tummy.” Most ladies have this kind of stomach issue subsequent to being pregnant, yet that isn’t the solitary cause. This enlarging will frequently mend inside around 90 days of conception, however many individuals keep on having this issue after that time span.
The best way to address this muscle issue is to further develop the body’s affected muscles from within.
What Causes Bladder Leakage…
How To Stop Bladder Leakage
There are several actions that can be taken to help prevent urinary incontinence or Bladder Leakage.
Alcohol is a big one that you should try to cut down on. Many will know how this affects your bladder.
As is Caffeine because it is a diuretic. You don’t want to drink Tea or Coffee if you are trying not to pee yourself.
Then smoking is thought to be something else. As smoking can irritate the bladder.
Heavy lifting and High Impact Exercises as well. These can put too much pressure on your weakened muscles.
So stop them and also try to lose some weight if you have obesity problems.
Constipation; if you suffer from this it should be treated because it can affect your Pelvic Floor muscles. This is because when you are constipated you are straining your pelvic floor muscles too much. Which can make them weak.
Then of course apart from this drink plenty of water. I know how this sounds you would think this is the last thing you should be doing. However, as this helps to flush out toxins it can actually be beneficial.
Same as eating the right kinds of food, detoxing the body of toxic waste will help it to repair faster.
And all this before we come to… doing low impact exercises including Pelvic Floor Strengthening Workouts.
What Are Pelvic Floor Exercises
As the name suggests these are exactly what they say they are – Pelvic Floor Exercises. Which as the name suggests is exercises for the area around the Pelvis. Not surprisingly, It is these muscles around this area which we use to basically hold it in. One feeling that nearly all of us must know all too well.
For the regular person, this is done almost subconsciously but when these muscles become weakened this is usually one of the main causes of Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Leakage.
Now, there are many reasons why this might happen (as mentioned in the last section).
Of course, making the right lifestyle changes can help the pelvic floor muscles to strengthen on their own. This is the main thing to remember but then saying that these exercises can still make a huge difference.
Which, is exactly how this product by Alex Miller Fitness “Pelvic Floor Strong” may be beneficial. If you don’t already know these exercises this is a great way to learn. Although, of course looking online you can easily pick up the basics without even buying this. Below is a pin I have shared from
Here are 6 examples that anyone can try at home;
Interesting right? I can share some more pins just like this if you are interested but please keep reading.
There are still some things I would like to share about this actual product. So…
About Pelvic Floor Strong – What’s Inside
Inside the Pelvic Floor Strong product, you will find the following videos and training exercises;
- Chapter One: Introduction to Pelvic Floor Strong and what you will find throughout the course.
- Chapter Two: Getting Started With Kegal Exercises. The best exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor.
- Chapter Three: Engaging your abdominal muscles and how to achieve a flatter, more toned stomach.
- Chapter Four: Improve your posture and how to speed up your metabolism, and lose weight.
- Chapter Five: Focuses on all the various issues that can develop because of a weak pelvic floor.
- Chapter Six: A sequence of three movements that focuses on healing and strengthening your entire body.
- Chapter Seven: This last section is a step-by-step clarification on the most proficient method to stop bladder leakage.
On top of this as a bonus, all customers who buy Pelvic Floor Strong get the following materials as well:
Bonus No. 1: Pelvic Floor Strong Total Core & Pelvic Repair Method Information Handbook
Bonus No. #2: Diastasis Recti Improvement Checklist
These bonus materials are a written variant of the video guidelines that accompany the main program. It’s ideal for the individuals who need to peruse the step-by-step instructions as opposed to watching the videos.
Bonus no. 3: Flat Belly Fast Exercise Manual & 10-Minute Quick Start Routine
This material is intended to additionally assist you with strengthening your core muscles, getting a flat belly, and helping to lose weight. Alex Miller shares every last one of her #1 stomach muscle works out, which you can securely do in the comfortable atmosphere of your own home.
Bonus no. 4: Back to Life, 3 Stretch Pain Relief Exercises Free Video
Last but not least the final bonus is from Emily Lark, a health expert who suffered from bladder leakage dysfunction herself. Emily shares a series of videos that can likewise help people who suffered from similar issues as her own.
About Alex Miller Fitness
Biography: In the event that you go to any of the wellness classes in Vancouver, Canada you may have come across Alex Miller before. If you haven’t then this is a brief introduction. Miller who went through eight years working at various nearby studios, likewise began a business teaching mindful meditation to kids aged from five to 12.
The South Surrey local wound up at an intersection in mid-2019. “I was burnt out, and I wanted the next step,” Miller recollects. She considered opening her own studio—a move that might have been ruinous after COVID struck. In any case, two friends who both host the 7 Figure Entrepreneur podcast acquainted her with Emily Lark, a U.S. business visionary who made a mainstream back pain program.
As a result, Alex Miller decided to set up her own program based on her passion for pre-and post-pregnancy health. She followed this up with a three-month online mentorship with Emily Lark. Then over the course of the following year, she had created the materials for Pelvic Floor Strong. An exercise program focused on women over the age of 40 that seek to gain better bladder control.
Despite the fact that Miller had no prior experience with marketing, the business took off quickly when it was first released in May 2020. She continued; “So I quit my place of employment at the studios, and it’s been all out from that point forward.”
Bottom Line: Largely thanks to U.S. customers, Langley-based Pelvic Floor Strong saw incredible sales growth in its first year. Miller, who had her first baby in April has already started creating an offshoot brand called Alex Miller Wellness. Her future plans include launching a pre-and postnatal program for women in their 20s through till their 40s. [Original Article]
Pelvic Floor Strong Customer Reviews
Now here is a pretty big problem. I haven’t been able to find any customer reviews for this product hardly. There is one on that Isn’t even worth including and besides this nothing on Amazon, Google, or Trustpilot.
However, one glimmer of hope is the Alex Miller Fitness Facebook page. If you really want to know what you are getting into with purchasing this product Alex is definitely quite active on here. Her most recent videos are from July 2021 and I think these will give you some insight before purchasing the actual product.
In case, you are interested this page was created in June 2021. There aren’t any reviews at the time of writing this but maybe this will change soon after more people try the product.
Does Pelvic Floor Strong Work?
I can’t give a definite answer here but the exercises are 100% proven to work. They are even recommended by the NHS here where I live in England, and I would think it’s a very safe bet it is the same in other countries as well.
On top of this Alex definitely knows what she is doing. From watching her videos I can say that she appears to be more than qualified to put together a product that works to prevent the causes of Bladder Leakage.
Pelvic Floor Strong Pros and Cons ✅❎
What Are The Pros? ✅
- Alex Miller is 100% a real person
- From her online videos, you can see what is on offer with PFS
- There doesn’t seem to be any other products like this
- A possible solution to fix Bladder Leakage Dysfunction
- Beneficial for Both Men and Women
- 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
The Cons ❎
- Requires dedication to follow the exercises
- As of now, I have not found any customer reviews
- The price may not be for everyone
- Only available online through Clickbank
My Verdict – To Buy or Not Buy
I’d say it’s worth a try. I can’t speak for everyone with Bladder Leakage Dysfunction but I can only imagine how embarrassing it is for some people. Not even wanting to leave the house in case they have an accident. Of course, I would say this only fixes one part of the problem.
If I was to speculate I’d say that before committing to this exercise plan you should also make the necessary lifestyle changes – stop smoking, take a break from alcohol and caffeine; and eat more healthy. From here I think you could maybe make a start with watching some of Alex’s Facebook videos and then make a decision from here.
Whether or not you would like to commit to her whole program.
It is a yes from me but I also wonder (honestly) how much more extensive this product is compared to what has already been shared online on Facebook. I would guess there is a bit more routine to it all but what I wonder is if you could just do the free exercises and if they would actually suffice on their own.
I guess without buying the product and trying it out for myself I never will really know.
But what do you think? Have you tried Pelvic Floor Strong let me know in the comments ⏬
Link To Buy Product
If you would like to give Pelvic Floor Strong a try you can purchase from the following link:
Your Feedback – Do You Have Any Questions?
Finally, before I bring this article – What Causes Bladder Leakage to a close. What do you think? Is there anything you would like to ask me? I would love to hear from you and appreciate any feedback you would like to give me.
If you know anyone that might benefit from reading this information please pass this on. The more people that get to read this the better and actually if you can give this a share with your friends and contacts on Social Media I would really appreciate it. This is a project that I am very passionate about so definitely keen to get this out there.
Many thanks and hope to see you all again soon in the not too distant future.
Alex B Chivers

Hey Alex,
Thank you for tacking this embarrassing topic. Not many people want to talk about it and many are looking for a solution. Your article is really helpful because it both shows some basic exercises anyone can do for free from home – from your image. This is perhaps a good place to start. Then to take this more comprehensively to resolve the problem then Alex Miller’s program seems reasonable. As you say though, real customer testimonials would be helpful.
I think I’ll start with the exercises on your infographic for now as a preventative pelvic floor stengthener.
Hi John, Thanks for commenting yes I know what you mean. I am glad you think it is helpful and yes I agree you could maybe print out the infographic, check out some of the exercises on the Alex Miller Fitness Facebook page and then if you would like to take things a step further then try out Alex’s Pelvic Floor Strong product.