Hello All, today we are going to look at the Maximum Slim Detox Kit. This is a multi-pack of supplements that contains 3 separate products.
- An Organic Detox Tea,
- A Nighttime Weight Loss Formula,
- and Maximum Trim with Garcinia Cambogia & Green Coffee Bean.
These supplements are reported to help you to cleanse, detox, and support weight loss.
But, Do they work? Let’s dive in and find out.
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Please note that this post contains affiliate links. If you happen to make a purchase based on this review and through these links I may receive a small commission for my trouble. The price you pay will not be affected. Also, if a product I review I do not recommend I will try my best to let you know.
Maximum Slim Detox Kit Review –
How Does This Compare?
Product Name: Maximum Slim Detox Kit (3-In-1)
Company Name: Maximum Slim
Owner: Unknown
Where Is This Made?: Made In The USA
Who Is This For?: Anyone looking to detox and lose weight.
Rating: TBD
Do I Recommend This?: TBD
Returns: 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Where To Buy MaximumSlim.com

How Does The Maximum Slim Detox Kit Work?
Together Maximum Slim has combined 3 different products together. These are chosen to be used during different times of the day and night. Each has its own purpose for a different area of detox and weight loss. Each individual product I shall discuss in a bit more detail below;
I.) Maximum Slim Organic Detox Tea
Maximum Slim Detox Tea is an organic formula recommended by health professionals. It is designed to help curb your hunger cravings and to suppress your appetite.
The Tea helps to remove Toxins from the body and improve the way the digestive system works. It boosts your energy levels as well as your metabolism and helps the body to flush away excess water.
Another benefit is that it helps to stop you from feeling bloated. This feeling then makes you feel and look slimmer.
How To Use: Make the tea with 8 oz of boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes, and drink it on an empty stomach. Once you have drunk it all, consume 10 oz of water to give you maximum results. It is also advisable to take alongside a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise.
Rooibos is a plant from South Africa. The leaves can be used to make herbal tea. May have the potential to speed up weight loss by increasing levels of leptin.
Oolong is a Chinese tea, that may boost your metabolism.
Guarana, helps you to feel full and helps to suppress appetite.
Pu Erh comes from China, helps with fluid retention as well as improving your mood.
Matcha Green Tea helps to release toxins from the body.
Nettle leaf helps with fluid retention.
Garcinia Cambogia helps to promote weight loss, Improves metabolism and helps to suppress the appetite.
Green Tea boosts the metabolism as well as detoxifying the body.

ii.) Maximum Slim Advance Nighttime Weight Loss
This next product Advance Nighttime Weight Loss is for taking before you go to bed at night.
It’s designed to give you more energy, and a good nights sleep. It also speeds up the metabolism which helps you to burn more calories.
How To Use: Take 1 or 2 pills a minimum of 3 hours before going to bed. do not eat anything after taking them but make sure to drink a minimum of 10 Oz.s of Water.
African Mango, the active ingredient is Irving Gaboneses, has the ability to heal the body’s metabolism. Offering a faster metabolism which means your body processes food at a very efficient rate and burns the calories as energy, as opposed to storing them as fat.
Raspberry Ketones, supplements containing ketones have been shown to decrease appetite, which may help you to lose weight by eating less.
Grapefruit (powder), helps to burn stored body fats, as well as speeding up your metabolism.
Banaba Leaf Extract, tests carried out have shown that this helps you to lose weight.
Resveratrol acts on adiponectin, which is produced by our fat cells and helps us to lose fat by improving our insulin sensitivity.
Apple Cider Vinegar may help to burn belly fat.
Melatonin is made by the body and helps you to sleep.

iii.) Maximum Trim
Helps you to control your appetite and to reduce belly fat.
Maximum Trim (Garcinia Cambogia & Green Coffee Bean) –
The combined effect of Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean targets your stubborn belly fat and naturally boosts your metabolism to help you reach your fitness goals even quicker.
Maximum Trim contains Green Coffee Beans, these help you to lose weight because of the caffeine which is a stimulant. It also has high levels of chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant that researchers say may promote weight loss by reducing the absorption of fat and glucose in the gut, and lowering insulin levels to improve metabolic function.
Garcinia Cambogia HCA, most products contain 35% of this ingredient, this one contains 95%. It is true that the HCA in garcinia has been found to boost the fat-burning potential of the body.
How To Take It?
Take one Pill before breakfast and a second one before lunch.

Who is it for ?
Together These 3 products are designed to help you to lose weight and reduce belly fat. They can be used by both men and women.
With a healthy calorie-controlled diet, doing exercise at least 3 times a week. Most important of all is to consume lots of water. (2 litres a day).
Maximum Slim Customer Reviews
Firstly, after doing a search for Maximum Slim on BBB.org I can see that there have been 3 complaints in the past year. All resolved and none about the actual products. From as far as I can tell this would mean that very few people have had trouble with this company.
Secondly, I was not able to find anything on TrustPilot but Amazon.com has a good few different Maximum Slim products listed. Mostly, all of these are 4 out of 5 stars but if you actually look there are some negative reviews as well as positive.
It is quite conflicting really as most of these are 5 stars but there are some that say that they have tried Maximum Slim with no results.
Pros and Cons
What Are The Pros?
- Made in America
- Gluten Free
- Non GMO
- No Additives/No Fillers
- All Natural Ingredients
- GMP Certified
- 100% Money Back Guarantee
The Cons
- The Nighttime Weight loss is not suitable for people who have had a stroke. if you have a heart condition, or you suffer from High Blood Pressure you should not take this..
My Final Thoughts
Mostly, I like the fact that Maximum Slim use all-natural organic ingredients and it is made in America. There were not that many reviews on the website about these products which was a little disappointing. Although, you find reviews on Amazon.
Based on the ingredients, it seems like this product may help you to lose weight and give you much more energy. You also have 60 Days to claim back a refund if this does not give the results you want. Overall I think the price is fair and it is definitely worth a try but I honestly don’t think only 60 Days warranty is a very good look by the company.
By all means, you can get a lot worse but maybe I think you can get a lot better as well.
I wish to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this article. If, you have a question or a comment then please feel free to leave it below. I love to hear from you all and I will get back to you ASAP
PS: If, you know anyone else who would benefit from reading this then please feel free to share it.
Take great care of yourself because you are worth it.
Alex B. Chivers
Please speak to a doctor before taking supplements of any kind. Everyone is different and what works well for one may not necessarily work for another. I am not a medical professional, This is intended as advice only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat you.
Alternatively, check out some of my other weight loss reviews here:

When I was younger I trained to compete in Triathlons and adventure races. My coach used to say you get out what you put in. He was talking about the quality of training but also talking about the food I was eating. If you eat rubbish you will not perform well. Detox is also helpful in that it helps to clean out your body and then it performs well.
All that you have written here is very true.
if you put in junk, you won’t feel to well after a while.
If you can’t eat the right foods and exercise, then the
next best thing is a detox kit like this.
Thanks for stopping by.
I also like that the products are all made from natural organic ingredients. I am a firm believer that natural and organic products are good for our bodies. Lab made pharmaceuticals are not good for us. My only worry is there is too many ingeredients all mixed in the 3 products. Then you have to take all 3 in one day. I wonder if you do not get a negative reaction from your body. Just too many ingredients. Thanks
Many thanks for leaving a comment.
during my research a few people had the same concern.
The general finding were that it worked with very few side effects.
I highly vouch for a product that is made from 100% organic ingredients that on its own reduces health risks and can be trustworthy. The product sounds like it would work and the reviews all sound very promising. it is good that you have shared this with us. i will share it with some of my friends who are looking to lose weight. I’m sure they will get benefit from it.
I appreciate you reading and commenting.
It makes me happy that you wish to share it with others.
Thank You 🙂
Being a person that has struggled with weight loss most of his adult life, It has been my experience that products like this do not work. You did touch on the fact that with a reduced-calorie and exercise 3 times a week you will lose weight with this product. The key to any weight loss is creating a lifestyle change that includes reduced calories and exercise.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Yes a calorie controlled diet can and will help you to lose weight until you hit a plateau.
When this happens you need help from supplements such as these. otherwise you will keep
doing what you were doing, your weight will not go down any further and then you will give up.
Hi Lisa,
Great article and information on energy, weight loss, and detox all in one! I am taking Melatonin currently with el tryptophan and a concoction of other herbs. Isn’t it amazing how these products can actually help you loose weight WHILE you sleep! It truly is great! Maximum slim looks like a good product here and I would support your findings! Thanks for sharing Lisa.
Hello John,
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and saying about the supplements you are taking that are working for you.
Hi Lisa,
Great article and information on energy, weight loss, and detox all in one! I am taking Melatonin currently with el tryptophan and a concoction of other herbs. Isn’t it amazing how these products can actually help you loose weight WHILE you sleep! It truly is great! Maximum slim looks like a good product here and I would support your findings! Thanks for sharing Lisa.
Very much appreciated John.
Your thoughts and comments mean a lot.
Thank You.