Are you looking to lose weight fast? Many people that struggle with their body weight will want quick, fast results where possible. It might sound unrealistic but setting yourself goals can work incredibly well and this is exactly what today’s post is all about.
Have you heard about the 30 Day Flat Belly Challenge or 4 Minute Fat Shrinking Guide By Meredith Shirk?…
If you haven’t no worries I will tell you so this is not my own idea… unfortunately. I should try to do something like this on this website, but no this is something else that I’ve recently stumbled across whilst going through one of the email lists where I am a subscriber.
It’s actually a program called the 29 Day Flat Stomach Challenge. Not exactly what I’ve called it above I know but close enough right?
Now, what does this involve you might ask?
It’s a few different things but the 2 main elements are a morning warm water ritual and an exercise plan.
In essence, this is the same kind of idea as a lot of other digital weight loss guides but it definitely has its own twist.
I’ve seen a few like this before and I will warn you in advance that you will have to buy the ingredients.
These are for the recipes in this guide, but from what I gather this is for a very unique recipe plan and is available for a very affordable price.
#Di4L 30 Day Flat Belly Challenge – 4 Minute Fix — Fat Shrinking Guide
What Does This Include?
So, for starters, this guide is only $15 and includes 6 different individual items.
You get the main recipe guide, an exercise guide with videos and other extras including 2 smoothie guides, and 2 extra diet plans. Overall it doesn’t really look like anything too special but if you are on a budget and you are just looking for something to try to help you lose weight this might be the ideal product.
The program also has some authenticity to it as well I would say. Its author Meredith Shirk is a certified personal trainer. She runs a company called Svelte and has a very popular YouTube channel.
You may want to check that out instead of buying this product but if you really want to see what your missing out on there is a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. So, you can go through everything and if it is not good you can just request a refund.
Anyway, a lot’s on offer here and I will try and cover this in as much detail as possible.
30 Day Flat Belly Challenge – 4 Minute Fix — Fat Shrinking Guide
by Meredith Shirk and D. Wahler Fitness

Please Be Aware: Within this post, I will be including affiliate links. This does not mean you will pay any extra if you make a purchase through one of these links just that I may be compensated with a small % of the sale for my time.
30 Day Flat Stomach Challenge – 4 Minute Fix — Fat Shrinking Guide
1.) Who Is Meredith Shirk
Right so. First things first before we look at the product let’s look at the brains behind the operation.
Meredith Shirk is a Certified Personal Trainer with a huge online following. Well, I think she has it on Youtube at least!

Almost 200k followers from 272 videos. I would say this is a lot of people. Probably more than I will ever have. Never say never and all that but the one thing that strikes me is She’s 100% a real person. I’ve been reviewing ClickBank products for quite a while now, and there are always big question marks over who the author is.
A lot of these scam review sites will say the Guy or Girl is a picture copied from Shutterstock. You even get disclosure with some products saying the author is only a pen name. It happens a lot more with supplements but I have seen diet programs that are similar.
Carly Donavon for example. I have said a lot of good things about her product Cinderella Solution but where is her online presence? Ok, so she is a fat girl that lost weight and developed this product. Just a regular Joe and that’s it. I am not knocking on the product but what is more trustworthy. That or this?
Plus this isn’t the only diet program by Meredith Shirk. There are others.
I don’t know about you a lot but I think when you want to try something out like this you want to be buying from a real person. Not just some cleverly put together Sales System that may as well be the brainchild of R2D2 or some other computer program. At least you know there is a human presence with this one aside from ClickBank support.
2# – What is the 29 Day Flat Stomach Challenge About
This is quite interesting actually because the first book is about making a warm water drink. I’m still trying to work this one out but at the very top of the sales page, it mentions Dandelion Tea. Which I know a little bit about actually. Dandelion is known to help detox the liver. Fatty Liver is a cause of Insulin and Leptin Resistance.
This is why Leptitox (One of the first products I reviewed HERE) contains Dandelion as well as other Liver Detox ingredients.
The other thing about this warm water drink I noticed it said about on the sales page was Meredith used the analogy of a blocked up sink. She also says about Grapefruit Oil, and how her background in Science has helped her come up with several off-the-wall ideas.
This might just be giving the whole game away but I will tell you. So, the warm water drink is Dandelion Tea with Quercetin and Deep Red Vegetables (Beetroot, red cabbage, red onions etc.)
Apparently, this helps along with a 4-Minute exercise to revitalise the Lymphatic system.
Honestly, the basics of how this 30 Day Flat Stomach Challenge is described within this very sales page.
4 Minute Fix — Fat Shrinking Signal (
But, what else is in this guide you really wound need to buy the product to find out. Although it is fairly cheap and has the 60-Day Guarantee so, in theory, you could use this for free. Go through as much of this as you can, make notes and get your money back. Although you may not want to if this helps you – it’s a win-win.
3# – 30-Day Flat Stomach Challenge Q&A
i.) What Do You Get with the 30-Day Flat Stomach Challenge?
▶ The first product is the Warm Water Tea recipe. I know I have already told you it’s Dandelion, Quercetin and Deep Red Veggies. I guess you could do this without this recipe but if you really want to follow this to the letter it’s right here.
▶ Next is the 4-Minute Fix Exercise videos. You could I suppose just use Meredith Shirk’s videos on Youtube if you like but if you want to follow this program as intended you are probably better off watching these one’s.
▶ 15 Day Fat Flushing Protocol; This looks to me to be a mixture of both dieting and exercise that borrows elements from the 2 items above.
▶ On top of this, there are 4 bonuses. a.) 29 Day Flat Stomach Challenge Quick Start Guide. b.) 12-Hour Fix Flat Belly Jumpstart Protocol. c.) 100# Belly Blasting Smoothies d.) 30 Fat Flushing Keto Smoothies.
All for the very generous price of $15. No Upsells or VAT on top. $15 and that’s it.
ii.) Does This Product Work?
Honestly, I do not know. I have not tried this product out for myself. I like that it’s a good price, and it has lots of bonuses. Which include Meredith Shirk’s exercise videos and her science-based recipes.
The morning tea for instance definitely has some merit. In fact, I will be looking to publish a new post about detoxing the liver very soon, and within that, I will definitely write about Dandelion tea.
Dandelion, Burdock, Alfalfa and taraxacum leaves you can look up. These are well-known ingredients that detox the liver. Fatty liver is a cause of high blood sugar and is one of the reasons why people put on weight. As for quercetin (1) and deep red veggies, these too are known to help with different bodily functions (2).
I will include sources at the end of this post.
iii.) What Are the Pros + Cons of the 30 Day Belly Fat Challenge

- Very Affordable Price
- 6 products for the price of 1
- Meredith Shirk is a 100% real CPT*
- Recipes are based on Nutritional Science
- You have to buy the ingredients for the recipes
- Diet Plan requires commitment
- E-Books may involve a lot of reading
- Only Available Online
Final Thoughts
I think this product represents good value even though Meredith Shirk has a ton of exercise videos on Youtube already.
There is a ton here and honestly if you don’t want to pay the $15 this Youtube channel has all sorts. Both exercises and recipes. As much as I would prefer you to buy the product from my link so I can receive a commission honestly, check this out and see what you think.
I’m not saying this is better than the diet plan though in the 30 Day Belly Fat Challenge. If you prefer to follow more detailed instructions I would go with this. The main reason why is because it also has a 60-Day satisfaction guarantee.
That’s 2 weeks to source the ingredients for the warm water recipe. 29 Days to try the flat stomach challenge and 17 days (if you are unhappy with the product) to claim back your $15 investment.
I say investment as it is an investment in your health.
Find out more through the website HERE
Finally, before I go if you have any questions, or would like to leave feedback please share in the comments.
Alternatively, you can also contact me by email at
If you have any experience also with this product, Meredith Shirk, any of her other products, or anything else similar it would be awesome to hear from you.
Plus if you know anyone whom this review may be helpful please send them this post.
Many thanks;
Take Care of Yourself x