Hello All, today we are going to look at 9 Bad Breath Remedies for Better Oral Health. Follow this guide for whiter teeth, stronger gums and fresher breath. All, are different areas of Oral Health, but for this post, the main focus will be bad breath.
The medical name for this is called Halitosis. A condition that is actually very common and is basically chronic bad breath.
It can be a very embarrassing condition for the sufferer as you may expect. This can also be fairly unpleasant for anyone a person with bad breath may come into contact with. For quite obvious reasons and It can also be quite embarrassing by default for people such as family and friends of the affected person.
Indeed if you are a sufferer of Halitosis this is treatable. Throughout this 9 Bad Breath Remedies guide, I will try my best to help you with finding a solution that works.
Please don’t worry because this is possible;
9 Bad Breath Remedies for Better Oral Health
What Causes Bad Breath
Poor hygiene is the most likely cause of Bad Breath. If you don’t clean your teeth regularly you will most certainly be a glutton for punishment. You should also when you brush make sure to go over both your gums and tongue also.
It is also sensible to floss and use interdental brushes if you have bits of food that get stuck in between your teeth. As these particles of food you may not know are there will eventually rot and can smell revolting. This is for sure a definite one reason you can get bad breath.
It can also be a sign of a much bigger problem. Gum inflammation is also known as gingivitis and it can be the first worrying problem but you can then get after periodontitis. Which is full-blown gum disease.
Either condition, if it’s not treated it can cause your teeth to fall out because it damages your gums. It’s important to visit your dentist regularly to remove the build-up of plaque that causes gum disease.
Bleeding Gums
As if this turns into periodontitis this is a much more serious condition. Which is not only more aggressive but a lot more difficult to treat once you have it.
Exactly why you must take action whilst you still can. Hopefully, this guide will help you…
9 Bad Breath Remedies
1. Visit the dentist every 4-6 months
One of The best ways to ensure you are keeping up with good oral hygiene is to visit your dentist on a regular basis. If you have seriously bad breath, you should visit your dentist first, to rule out any dental problems.
If the dentist believes that the problem is caused by an internal source such as an infection, they may refer you to your doctor or a specialist to help to fix the cause of the problem.
2. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day
Brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes at least twice a day. This is to remove the plaque and the foods you have eaten that day. It’s also very important to brush your teeth before going to bed. You can also use baking soda to help to reduce the acidity in the mouth and make it more difficult for the bacteria that cause bad breath to grow.
If you use an electric toothbrush it should already be set at 2 minutes. If not set a timer and do it this way.
3. Use Dental Floss, Interdental Brushes, or Both!
Some people find it difficult to use dental floss. A great alternative is to use an interdental brush. Both methods will remove food particles from in between the teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach. If the food is not removed, the bacteria will begin to feed on it, causing you to have bad breath.
4. Scrape or Brush your Tongue
Do this to remove any food residue that may be building up in between your taste buds In the tongue. You can purchase a tool called a tongue scraper, which is available from most drugstores. If you don’t have a tongue scraper, you can use your toothbrush to brush your tongue. It’s best to do it slowly so as not to set off your gag reflex.
5. Use a Mouth Wash
Please bear in mind that if it’s a dental problem that is causing bad breath, a mouth wash will only mask the smell and will not cure it. In some cases, mouthwashes can actually make a bad breath problem worse by irritating oral tissue.
For an emergency freshen-up, try a quick rinse with a mix of warm water and a few drops of peppermint oil. You can also use Clove Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, and even all three together. Another idea is to drink Green or Black tea.
A study carried out by the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that drinking green or black tea works. As it suppresses the growth of bacteria that cause mouth odours. It is important to note that bacteria is the problem and helping to fight off this bacteria can for certain help with fresher breath.
6. Chew Sugarless Gum or Mint Sweets
Chewing a bit of sugarless gum or sucking on sugarless sweets such as mints can help stimulate saliva flow. The saliva will help to wash away food particles from your teeth and bacteria that cause bad breath.
7. Stop Smoking
Smoking is a major contributor to bad breath. If you have ever needed a reason to stop, this is a good one. Tobacco dries out the mouth and reduces the amount of saliva. It also leaves a very unpleasant smell that stays even after brushing your teeth. Worse still, It also causes more plaque to build up and increases the risk of gum disease.
8. Eating Apple’s, Celery or Carrots
Fresh fruits and vegetables help to increase your saliva flow. Try to eat between meals to help wash away bacteria from your teeth, tongue and gums that can cause bad breath. These snacks can also help to reduce bad breath caused by hunger. An empty stomach from not eating regular meals can cause smelly breath as acids in the stomach build up.
A saying I’ve recently heard is actually this; “An Apple a Day doesn’t just keep the Doctor away but all the dentist at bay”. You may also choose to supplement with Apple Cider Vinegar for this reason. The Acetic Acid inside is very effective against this nasty bacteria.
9. Drink Lots of Water
Make sure you drink a lot of water, at least 2 litres a day to avoid a dry mouth. Drinking water will help to keep odour under control. This is because it helps to wash away pieces of food and bacteria, the main cause of bad breath.
If you have chronic dry mouth or take medications that cause you to have a dry mouth, speak to your dentist about recommending an over-the-counter saliva substitute.
I personally have a problem with dry mouth when I drink alcohol and go to bed at night. Whilst I haven’t found an ironclad solution I find rubbing vix on my chest and under my nose can help remedy this to a degree. This is because it stops my nose from getting blocked up – another cause for dry mouth.
My Final Thoughts
Best regards and…
Take great care of yourself because you are worth it.
I wish to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my 9 Bad Breath Remedies. If you have a question or a comment then please leave it below. I will always reply to you. I love hearing your thoughts and answering any questions.
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I’m not a doctor and this does not replace medical advice. It is for informational purposes only.

Your article can help me a lot since I know occasionally I have bad breath. After reading your article, I gain a basic knowledge of how to avoid it. Due to skipping a meal can cause bad breath is new to me. Thank you very much. I drink a lot of water every day, that is why occasionally I have no bad breath. My teeth were well taken care of by Dentists since I go for cleaning every quarter. I am interested in finding the kind of brush that can clean out the food from the teeth. I will try to find it in the mall later. I appreciated very much to you for presenting such an informative article to teach me how to avoid long term illness, especially gingivitis.
Hello Stephen,
Thank you very much for reading and commenting, I’m happy you have found the information useful. The little brushes are a lot easier to use than dental floss. I hope you find them.
Bad breath is not something that anyone would want to reckon with and honestly, I have had some bad side of this nasty issue myself. This is why I totally agree with everything you write here about how to deal with bad breath. I like this and I think I will recommend this to more people so they too can read and learn.
Thank you very much for leaving some feedback. I hope others find it helpful