Hello Guys, What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy? I have been thinking about this for a good few weeks now. The reason why is because of a few things actually.
I think I really started to think about this after a recent post I did about blood sugar (read it here). From that, it really made me think about Fatty liver and all the knock-on effects that this adverse condition can cause.
Note: High and Low Blood Sugar levels can be caused by Fatty Liver.
This is because the liver works closely with the pancreas to control how much sugar in our blood is released.
Also, I never realised till I did a recent revision of one of my Leptitox posts that ingredients such as Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Alfalfa and Burdock were liver detox ingredients. Plus I’m sure there are more as well.
So in a nutshell, this is what I wanted to write about today. I don’t want to review or recommend any products in this post.
Instead, I wanted to look at What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?
I think will do this post more along the lines of my Making Tea from Wild Plants post. As what I will share towards the end will be some kind of tea or tonic probably with Dandelion, and some other ingredients as well. Before this, though I’m just going to share some quick Information just about the liver in general.
What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?

Table of Contents
- What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?
i.) Introduction - What Can We Do To Look After Our Liver?
- Why Detox the Liver?
- Natural Ways to Detox the Liver
- Dandelion, Burdock and Milk Thistle Tea
i.) What Parts of the Plant to Pick
ii.) How To Prepare
iii.) Method #2 - In Conclusion / Your Feedback
1.) What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?

i.) Introduction
Here is quite a haunting analogy. The words ‘Live’ and ‘Liver’. Sure we need our hearts to live but why is the word ‘liver’ the one that uses the word ‘live’ instead? Well, it is perhaps aside from the heart, lungs and brain one of the most important organs in our whole body.
Seriously, as after all, it is our liver that breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, metabolizes fat, filters out all the waste and altogether some 500 different vital functions. (1)
So, it is important to take of our livers. Take care of your liver and it will take care of you. It’s actually the only single visceral organ that can regenerate but still for this to happen we must keep it healthy.
Now, what do you think you can do to keep your liver healthy? Taking care not to go too over the top on alcohol, sure. Keeping an eye on how much sugar we consume, and what else we eat of course. I will get to my Liver Detox Detox Home Remedy soon but first, let’s just look at the above question.
Just so well as finding out how to detoxify we can also look at what causes this damage in the first place.
2.) What Can We Do To Look After Our Liver?
Above I have shared a video “How To Reverse Fatty Liver.” This is a common condition that can cause health problems associated with the Liver. Alcohol and Obesity are the 2 main causes here.
Fatty liver though is not the only disease that can affect the liver. Also, there is Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Fascioliasis (Liver Parasites) and also a few others that are not exactly pleasant.
To really look after the liver aside from eating a healthy diet you mostly need to just take precautions. With alcohol, they say you shouldn’t have more than 2 drinks at a time. This is because it releases toxic chemical such as acetaldehyde and free radicals. The same is the cause with medication and other illegal drugs.
Unprotected sex and coming into contact with blood as well as other bodily fluids can also pose a risk. Hepatitis is actually a transmitted liver infection that affects the liver’s ability to heal itself.
So, those are the main things. Vaccines I’m not a massive fan of (too many horror stories) but if you are ever offered malaria or yellow fever vaccines these are both diseases that attack the liver. Also if your painting, or varnishing something – anything that puts you into contact with airborne toxins – try to wear a face covering.
Now, let’s get to my Liver Detox Remedy…
3.) Why Detox the Liver?

OK, maybe a stupid question but as mentioned above the liver comes in to contact with toxic chemicals. Through alcohol, drugs, and even our food and water. In fact, any toxins that enter our body probably come into contact with our liver.
This is actually a good idea for anyone with a liver (everyone basically). Whether you think your liver could do with a detox and cleanse or not still this is worth a try.
But, What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?
4.) Natural Ways to Detox the Liver
Actually, I might share a couple of different recipes here. In a nutshell, though there is…
- Grapefruit,
- Carrots,
- Beetroot,
- Spinach,
- Bananas
and wild plants Dandelion, Burdock and Milk Thistle.
Also Tumeric and Ginger are all-around powerful detoxifiers. So is Garlic and Onions.
You can get as creative as you like with any of these ingredients. If you have a juicer then great!
However, my recipe will be for…
5.) Dandelion, Burdock and Milk Thistle Tea
Feel like an old witch here suggesting this concoction but honestly I say it’s either one of three things. 1# Make another concoction with the other things I mentioned. 2# Buy actual Milk Thistle and Dandelion Supplements or 3# follow this recipe.
So first of all let’s identify each wild plant
Here is the Dandelion (you most likely know this already)

Burdock you might have a bit more trouble trying to find. Just use Dandelion if you can’t.
It is actually quite often confused with Rhubarb but there is a difference. Look for leaves like this…

Also, you can identify Burdock by its flowers

Then Milk Thistle this you should be able to find quite easy. Again if you can’t find just use Dandelion.

i.) What Parts of the Plant To Pick?
- From the Dandelions pick the Yellow flowers and if you like get a few roots
- With Burdock again pick the flowers and you can also use the roots as well
- For Milk Thistle actually the same but just be careful picking. Use Scissors!
Note: An important thing to remember DO NOT pick from anywhere that they might spray pesticides or herbicides. Look for a nice meadow, a park or a garden. DO NOT go picking from down the side of your local wheat or cornfield. Remember the reason you are doing this is to detox your liver not add more toxic crap to it.
Just before you pick just have a quick think about your surroundings.
ii.) How To Prepare

You can either the flowers or take the roots and flowers and add them to water.
This is my own method which I use for other Teas such as Stinging Nettle and Mint Tea.
So, first of all, take the flowers and decide how many is enough for one cup.
Add flowers for as many cups as you’d like to make.
Put in a saucepan and pour boiling water.
Leave to sit for 5 minutes and then boil for 10 minutes.
Then leave to cool for 1-2 minutes and drink ☕
iii.) Method #2
Another way to make Dandelion Tea which I will use as a broad term for all 3 ingredients is to dry out the roots and flowers.
This is if you would just like to boil the kettle and make a cup of tea as you do with tea bags.
So, first to dry out take the flowers and roots then add to a baking tray.
Be sure not to burn them? 2-3 hours on 200 c should do.
Maybe also do a couple of jacket potatoes just to be conservative.
Once you can dust-up you can then make it to a tea. People actually call this Dandelion Coffee and it’s usually made with the roots that are picked in early Spring or Autumn.
6.) In Conclusion
Now, I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I think for anyone really looking to improve their liver health this is definitely something to try instead of buying supplements.
I actually have another post on this website about liver detox supplements (will add a link later)
Anyway, I’m not sure what your idea of fun is but for me, I’m going to enjoy a nice walk in a day or so to make my first brew of the year. I’m not really the best when it comes to looking after my liver. Too many of these ?
but I love foraging and the tranquillity of the countryside so I will be making my own brew soon no doubt.
Look out for my next newsletter I will publish probably Sunday the 4th or 11th. Use the form below to subscribe if you are not a member. I haven’t really sent too many of these out lately but if I start getting new members on my list I will no doubt.
So, What is the Best Liver Detox Home Remedy?
Honestly, there are a few different types of vegetables, fruit and plants that are good. Potassium-rich foods I believe are very good. Liver Meats as well (an acquired taste no doubt) and deep red veggies especially – Beetroot, Red Onion, Red Cabbage are also recommended.
I really hope this helps
Finally, if you have enjoyed reading please share with as many people as possible. If you have any questions or would like to share your own liver detox recipes it would be great to hear from you. Please leave us a comment in the comments section below. Or to contact me privately you can message me at alexc@dynamicideas4life.com
Many thanks and Stay Dynamic ?
To your good health ?
Alex B Chivers
PS: Please Like, Share and Subscribe ❤
The liver: Structure, function, and disease (medicalnewstoday.com)