This is something that popped into my head recently during a last-minute trip to Scotland. I was just walking back to get the bus from Loch Ness and I thought Is Travelling Good For Our Mental Health?
So I have been away 4 times this year already. The first 2 times with friends and the 2nd 2 times on my own. Really to be truthful going away with my friends was quite problematic. Mostly because of alcohol but also because I kept getting lost.
I think people must have thought I was crazy because I basically spent more nights than I could count out on the streets asking people for directions. Really, and the worst part I think was probably spending 3 nights out on the streets in Malta, and then another night out on the streets in Budapest. The stories I could tell… You couldn’t make this stuff up.
So yes In a lot of ways, it was all quite mentally draining but seeing certain sights I think made it all worth it. Especially since I learned from these lessons and during my next 2 trips I didn’t have the same problems.
These 2 trips really made up for it but then even the bad stuff I wouldn’t change – I went to places that I probably otherwise never would have and I must say I find walking – even if it is for 20 miles (lol) can be very therapeutic (I think).
It kind of depends on the circumstances lol but yes anyhow Is Travelling Good For Our Mental Health?
Really with this post, I want to delve into this a bit deeper. I can certainly share a few stories here but mostly for anyone reading this that suffers from mental health issues I hope this can help… So
Is Travelling Good For Our Mental Health?
“Having new experiences is beneficial for improving brain function and boosting your mental health. Travel has been linked to stress reduction and can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression“.
Original Article:
I mean I can understand this totally. Since 2018 I’ve had the travel bug and ever since I’ve been to 16 different countries.
Really I want to go away off to even more. One reason I’ve started running this blog is for this reason.
I want to go away, and whilst I’m at home and away I want to make the money to make this a possibility.
Some will say that this is a bit lame this idea – traveling thousands of miles away from home just to work but I like to think I’m looking ahead. In an ideal situation, I would like to travel away with no financial burden there for when I come back home, and I would like to think that I can also start thinking ahead financially about future trips.
Although, I think this is a good point to bring up whilst I’m on the topic – If we are going to talk about mental health one reason traveling may be detrimental is the stress that comes with accumulating debts.
Like this may just be my downfall. I would rather think about what’s possible more than what’s feasible. People ask me what my secret is for getting away so much and this is probably it. Having a credit card.
This is definitely one reason why Travelling Can Be Bad For Mental Health as getting into debt can itself be the catalyst for a whole host of different problems. So this definitely must be highlighted – do not let something like this spiral out of control. If anything this can be the single worst trigger for mental health issues. I will cut this section short here but anyway…
Advice For Travelling Safely

Some people that know me personally such as family and friends will probably have a little giggle here. ME advising others about safe travel lol but seriously, I can speak from experience here.
There are a few things I have learned that I can share based on my own travel experiences.
Still there is much I need to learn about travelling (I know) but just to summarize.
- Do your research before traveling away and make arrangements prior to arrival.
You really should know what you’re letting yourself in for. One simple mistake could ruin your whole trip. On my last trip to Scotland not having a passport or photo ID with me almost meant I had to sleep rough. I was lucky here but another example where I messed up was going to Budapest and paying for a transfer (at midnight) from the airport to the wrong side of the city because I didn’t write the address down for where I was staying. Never again xx I was very lucky that night but things could have been a lot worse under different circumstances so I urge people to take notes before going somewhere new. Make notes of things like bus times, train times, and even directions for emergencies.
My next point should make this a lot easier but still bring a notebook to write things down should not be overlooked. - Bring a phone with Roaming Data
The massive difference that it made for me going to Zagreb after I went to Prague earlier in the year was that I didn’t have any trouble finding my way around. I swear as much as people say that smartphones are evil in these situations they can really be such a great thing to have.
Although, here is the thing what you want is a phone with mobile data so you can use Google Maps on the go. This takes a bit of getting used to but once you do this it really can be a lifesaver in so many ways.
- Stay Out of Trouble and Don’t Upset the Locals
Something else I’ve kind of been guilty of doing on my travels. I mean, fortunately, this has not ended up turning too ugly for me. I’ve been quite lucky in this respect but you don’t want to upset people whilst you’re away.
You shouldn’t upset people anywhere really but whilst you’re extra vulnerable thousands of miles away from home its best to play nice with the locals and even I would say if you can help it try to keep yourself to yourself. - But Also Be On Your Guard
I noticed this when I was in Prague there were a lot of scum bags there and I see that their main way of pickpocketing people was going up to them asking for directions with a big map in their hands. One of my friends got robbed this way I think so be careful about who approaches you.
Seriously take a step back and say ‘Sorry I can’t help I’m not from around here.You might find some people are genuinely lost (I’ve been there lol) but yes be on your guard about who you talk to.
- Make Sure You Are Prepared For The Hot or Cold Weather
Bring sun cream and a hat if it’s hot and bring a coat, gloves and a hat if it’s cold. Use your common sense. Check the weather forecast before you travel. Going away and getting ill is not something you want to happen under no circumstances.
And I would say there are a fair few important points I’m almost certainly missing here. But mostly if you want to avoid issues with your mental health these are just a few pointers.
Further to this let’s explore this question further below…
Should You Travel With Mental Health Issues?

I think this is an excellent question because traveling as WebMD (I think) correctly pointed out in their article (which I quoted from above) can be very good for better mental health.
Really I would say it depends on one’s ability to look after themselves whilst away from their network of support.
I know I need to choose my words very carefully here, but I believe this is an important point to make.
Like I’d love to think that someone with mental health issues can get some level of relief by getting away on a plane to another country. If they can get themselves to where they are staying at OK and can take adequate care of their important possessions; such as phone, charger, laptop, bank cards, cash and basically everything they will need for things to go as intended then I am sure this could really help them to relax and feel more normal within their own mind.
Really I have experienced my own fair share of mental health problems myself – mostly due to alcohol abuse and I think this is something important to highlight. If something like alcohol and going to parties is going to trigger bad things in your mind forget about them. Go to the Zoo, or Museum or a City Tour or something instead.
In my experience alcohol need not be the focal point of any trip away. There are always things to do as tourists you just have to find out what they are. My point I think is – if you have mental health issues you shouldn’t be put off traveling as this can be good therapy for the mind but then also plan carefully – take precautions to make sure absolutely nothing goes wrong. Things probably will to some degree but just take as much care as you can and this should make your trip a lot easier.
My tips:
Get a taxi from the airport to where you’re staying, and get to your room before anywhere else. Then when you go out only take what you need and in case of emergencies have the means to contact family or friends if needs be.
Also, make sure you keep a bit of paper with you that has the address where you are staying.
Why Travelling Is Good For Mental Health

Given a situation where nothing actually goes wrong, there are several things to note in favor of the following;
– Is Travelling Good For Our Mental Health?
There are many reasons why they say it is and these include;
- A temporary respite from the stress of everyday life
- The opportunity to get away from people that negatively impact your mental health and wellbeing
- Sunshine, Vitamin D and Exercise
- Creating good memories can help with depression
- New experiences can help improve brain function
Like I think this is everything mostly but seriously if you can think of anything else please feel free to share in the comments section below.
Where To Find Cheap Flight Deals (UK & Europe)
OK so hope I am not taking ‘the mickey’ here. Honestly, the idea for this post came to me when I was walking back from Loch Ness. Actually was thinking of a few different ideas really for future blog posts and this was one of them.
But whilst writing this I thought I would add this in here because this is actually something I’m looking to do and this might be relevant to some people reading this (UK only, unfortunately). But I think this is great – I will let you decide.
So I am an affiliate of this program. This means that if you subscribe to one of their paid plans I will earn a commission.
Really I want to point out this before I say anything else but if you are in the UK I think this looks like a great way to travel for cheap. The program is called Jack’s Flight Club and really some of their recent deals WOW!
Some recent RETURN flight deals that they have offered their subscribers;
- London to Tokyo: £248
- Manchester to Peru: £319
- Birmingham to Melbourne: £441
- Inverness to Hawaii: £289
- Manchester to Las Vegas: £199
- London to Havana: £225
- Dublin to New York: £163
So I don’t want to sound all salesy here – I know this blog post I am sharing Is about whether or not if Travelling is Good For Our Mental Health? It shouldn’t really be about anything else but I thought as I am from England there is nothing worse than having to pay the earth to get away on holiday.
Getting into debt is not good for our Mental Health and one reason because of this is the price of flights.
So I think this might actually be something that helps people. If you think this is wrong let me know in the comments and I will edit this part out. I don’t want this section to take anything away from what I’ve written above…
But seriously anyone that is interested… If you want to you can join Jack’s Flight Club for Free to get similar deals to the ones I’ve mentioned above – use this link below
Note: So I think I’ve covered pretty much everything but one important thing – practice makes perfect!
Final Word (Just To Make A Few More Points)
So if you haven’t been away before go somewhere that is easy. Choose somewhere in which you can get used to how things work at the airport. You will want to get an idea of how you can get through as quickly as possible I would say. These are really the things people don’t think about.
You don’t want to be queuing up at a desk waiting for someone to tell you what to do an hour before your plane leaves.
I’ve been there and I’m sure that when I went to Morocco in 2018 me, my sister, my 2 nephews and my niece missed our first plane because of the situation above. So there is this and luggage I think is another thing to be ready for.
I literally only travel with one bag that I can carry on the plane with me. I make sure everything is ready to get through customs ASAP and I always make sure I know where to get to at the airport at the soonest possible convenience.
Also, one final tip if you can try to get your return flight sorted early as possible. Same with coach trips because the nearer you get to the day you plan to leave the more the prices will go up.
I am actually terrible at this but yes this is my main advice. Try and keep as many of these things in mind and if you suffer from mental health problems and are looking to travel away I wish you the very best of luck.
If you can remember to do so definitely feel free to back here and share your stories.
Best regards;
Alex B. Chivers
Contact us at:
PS: If you are interested in Jack’s Flight Club (Find Out More Here)
I have to agree that traveling is very good for our mental health for a number of reasons. Spending time with locals and learning new cultures is a main motivating factor when I travel even when I have business functions to complete. I appreciate all the valuable information you have provided.
Thanks, Joseph, appreciate you taking the time to comment. It’s good to hear that you agree that travelling is good for mental health. Like I know from reading your blog that you yourself travel away quite a bit. Really I was kind of a bit worried about publishing this article as I know that in some cases travelling can be bad for mental health. There is so much to organize before you really decide to go anywhere but definitely, I do think if you can manage to prepare yourself right for your trips away that it can be very good for your mental health. Of course, it depends on the person but one thing I think is that just getting away from the usual people and places can be very good for the mind. I’m off tomorrow on my next trip – Spain and Gibraltar will be interesting to see how this goes after writing this article.
These are great tips!! Yes, I will have to agree that travelling is good for mental health, depending on the reason for the travel (:-)
If it is for a visit to the thanksgiving family or even Christmas and New Year reunions, you may end up with increased mental stress in some cases!!!! However, if it is truly to get that proverbial “breath of fresh air” away from work and home to experience new scenery and cultures, it can be extremely therapeutic – BUT only if you plan for the trip properly! I have had several amazing trips to Europe -Greece, Italy, France and Scotland. Even with what you think is “air-tight planning’, something can go wrong -such as encountering another broken train which causes you to miss your connecting flight….Ha!Ha!
Fantastic article because I’ve added a few additional tips to my list.
Enjoy your upcoming trip.
I believe traveling is good for mental health. You don’t have to develop mental issues before you start paying attention to your mental health. In fact, I think getting away from work, family and things that cause stress could be a great way to relax, reboot, and refresh. The trip could be a personal one where you have alone time with yourself. And it could be with friends or families, depending on what you want your trip to be like. Of course, as with most trips, you want to travel ready. Meaning you need to plan well for where you’re traveling to. From taxis, flights, the weather of the city and the locals too. Otherwise, it’s going to be a disaster if you don’t do the necessary research before you make your trip. For instance, getting robbed can create a traumatic experience that can have an effect on one’s mental health.
Thank you for sharing your dynamic ideas for life blog post. It sheds some light on a very interesting topic. I am very impressed with how you were able to use your travel experience and challenges as steppingstones. It is always inspiring when we beat the odds. Our victories can inspire and help others.
I am convinced that if a person plans carefully, keeps in touch with family and friends, and has included their basic essentials prior to traveling abroad, the sky is the limit. No one should be defined by a circumstance or condition. I am sure that travelling is good for our mental, when we are prepared to rise to the occasion.
Hi Rachele, So I think each time I’ve been away having really allowed me to learn quite valuable lessons.
On each trip, I learned something new. Getting a phone with roaming data has really helped me big time but yes there are just little things like planning ahead and really just checking things through. I got back from my latest trip away to Spain/Gibraltar yesterday that trip I could have saved I think an easy £200 by planning things more carefully. Really just when I think I’ve got the right idea something happens – I brought a book with me to write things down but really didn’t use it much at all.
Also, I lost my phone charger last night – I think that is really something you do not want to happen because this for most people is the only way to get about if you are unfamiliar with the surroundings, and even though the airport with tickets, etc.
So I mean yes I think travelling is a great way of character building and it can be great for mental health in many ways. Just I think what I mentioned about credit cards thats one very big issue I think that can be very troublesome.