Dynamic Ideas 4 Life

Body and Brain Power Max Review – How Does It Compare?


Hello All, Today we are going to do a review of Body and Brain Power Max, by BrainMD. This is as you may likely have guessed is a product to help improve the health of both the Body and Brain. If you are stumbling upon this information today you likely have a few questions, about how this product works? and how does THIS compare to other Nootropics and Brain Health Supplements?

Hopefully, this is something I will be able to explain clearly enough. For sure this supplement is to help the body and the brain function at better levels. Apparently better compared to other products of this kind.

It is said to be of benefit for people who wish for the best health for the brain and the whole body. More so, what people who have apparently used this product say is “they have enjoyed these two important benefits – all from the one product”.

But how true are these statements?

This is the main question, but also what is so good about Body and Brain Power Max? and is there a better alternative?

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Please note that that this post and other parts of this website contain affiliate links. If you happen to make a purchase through one of these links it is possible that I may receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected and I will only recommend products that I believe to be of the best quality.

Body and Brain Power Max Review (2021)

brain body power
  • Product Name: Body and Brain Power Max
  • Company Name: BrainMD
  • Owner: Daniel Amen M.D
  • Price Rating: 2.5 Out of 5 Stars (Not Cheap!) ⭐⭐
  • Support Rating:
  • Product Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Warranty:
  • Do I Recommend (Yes/No): Yes, if you can afford it.
  • Website:

What Is Body and Brain Power Max?

According to BrainMD and Daniel Amen “Body and Brain Power Max” is described as an all-in-one brain health supplement that helps you to maintain a healthy brain and bodily functions. It contains more than 50 vitamins, plant extracts, and mineral salts.

This powerful combination of vitamins and plant extracts gives you the desired results with no reported side effects. If you need to increase your brain energy performance, and overall connectivity, then Body and Brain Power Max could be just what you are looking for.

If you visit the product page it says that the whole production process of BrainMD is backed by both clinical and the most advanced purification process to ensure safety and potency.

What’s more Body and Brain Energy Max supports enhanced memory recall and the enhancement of focus through concentration and attention.

Furthermore, It is claimed that the use of this product promotes a positive mood and emotional balance. Plus, Vitality is assured when you start using this product because Brain MD Health, the company behind it says you will have all the essential nutrients needed in one dose.


What Are The Ingredients? Introduction

brainandbodypowermax 1 1

Inside BrainMD Body and Brain Power Max you can find all the following;

N-acetylcysteine (NAC),

Is often used to manage unstable angina and reduce the effects of carbon monoxide on the brain. Anther benefit is it also reduces the levels of lipoprotein which is a potential cause of heart disease.

Omega 3 Powder,

Is a high source of fatty acids. It consists of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These fatty acids improve cognitive performance, memory recall, improved reaction times, and this ingredient also acts as a fuel for many brain functions

Ginkgo Biloba Extract, 

This extract  can help to reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. It also increases the flow of blood around the brain. Ginkgo extracts as well help to improve memory, cure vertigo and can also be used as a remedy for dizziness and minor headaches.
They are also linked to improved libido in older people. (1)

“Did You Know:  Ginkgo Biloba has long been used as a safe and reliable supplement – derived from one of the oldest trees on Earth, the Ginkgo Biloba tree. You’ll often see it in supplements of this kind.”

Brain and Body Power Max Ingredients Continued

Now, quite a lot here to go through. This is because the Body and Brain Power Max Formula actually consists of 3 different blends; Brain and Body Power Boost Blend, Omega 3 Power Blend and Neurovite Plus Blend. Definitely, more than most would care to read about. I’ve shared a picture above of the label but anyway some highlights;


 Is a good ingredient. It’s naturally found in foods like eggs and needed for the formation of your brain cell membranes. However, Brain MD Brain and Body Power Max uses a cheaper form of PS derived from soy.

 N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)

 This is a small molecule that helps your liver make more antioxidants. This is a good general health ingredient.

 Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-Carnitine or ALCAR is another amino acid in this supplement. It can pass through your blood brain barrier. Although you won’t feel it working, it can provide general health support.


Alpha Lipoic Acid

 Alpha Lipoic Acid works as an antioxidant.


Derived from the Periwinkle plant, Vinpocetine is a synthetic ingredient that is used for cognitive support.

Huperzine A

Derived from Chinese Club Moss, this ingredient can help boost acetylcholine levels in your brain, which is beneficial for memory.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fats, include EPA and DHA, both important for brain health and circulation.  This is a great ingredient.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

 Body and Brain Power Max formula contains vitamins A, B, C, E, and D, along with minerals like magnesium and zinc.
 While these will not necessarily boost your memory or improve cognitive strength, they still help to cover basic nutrient requirements. Which can be a good thing if you aren’t eating your 5 a day.

What Else You Should Know About BrainMD BBPM

Body and Brain Power Max is a very comprehensive formula – it even contains a digestive enzyme blend that should help you to reduce stomach cramps and other side effects from taking so many different ingredients at once.
This product comes in packets, each containing a number of capsules which are claimed to help support your goals.
 However, some of the ingredients in this supplement are under dosed which can make them ineffective.
We also saw Huperzine A included, which can cause unwanted side effects when you take it long-term.
On the bright side, there’s no proprietary blends in this product, which means you know exactly how much of each ingredient is entering your body.

Who Is It Made By

BrainMD Headquarters is located @;
1929 Main St.,
Suite 102, Irvine,
CA 92614
California, USA
Contact BrainMD:

USA: (888) 850-5287
International: (949) 556-4721

BrainMD Customer Reviews

You actually don’t need to look too much further to find reviews for BrainMD BBPM. Their website has plenty and not just suspiciously positive. Out of 225+ Ratings, there is a good mixture including some negative, mid-range but mostly positive.

Here are just a couple that I have found in support of BrainMD

Customer 1 said, 

Omegas, amino acids and a multi-vitamin where suggested by a consulting psychiatrist/neurologist after comprehensive evaluation including SPECT scans. I chose this supplement since I was able to get all three items in one product. At 54 and having just completed my first year in menopause, I am thankful how well it is helping to optimize my brain and body.

Customer 2 Said, 

I’m not Superman yet but I can tell the difference. I don’t lock myself out of the house as often.
Seriously, when I read (and I read a lot) and I would come across an unfamiliar word I would look it up in a dictionary. Two days later if I ran into the same word I would have to look it up again. I do not have to this as often anymore.
This is a confidence builder and I am grateful!

Customer 3 Said… (Lisa Harvey Original Author of this Review)

As a longtime sufferer of Fibromyalgia I suffered from body pain and brain fog. I started Brain and Body Max over a year ago and wow do I see a difference! I am off all my meds and feel a renewed energy and love of life. As a self employed person, it is wonderful to have my brain back! I can think clearly again, sleep well and my anxiety is gone. I have my life back.

Elsewhere, I have looked at a few places for different reviews. On BBB I can only find reviews for Daniel Amens other business Amen clinics (A+ rated, BBB Accredited). Not for BrainMD. TrustPilot has like 2 reviews, Facebook I see Dr Daniel Amen has a very popular business page but I can’t for some reason get up any results for BrainMD. Then finally, Amazon has the most reviews of all but none for this particular product.

My Verdict of Body and Brain Power Max

Seriously, I hope you can agree that is as honest as possible in me saying this. Dr. Daniel Amen is definitely an authority when it comes to healthcare. His company Amen Clinics has been around for 20+ years and is BBB Accredited. BrainMD’s products have definitely changed peoples lives but honestly, I think some of BrainMD healths products including this one I have my concerns about safety.

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone but some customers taking BrainMD BBPM have reported side effects and adverse reactions. Even some of the reviews on the website say this. So, overall I think BrainMD is a reputable company but definitely have a good chat with support – before you buy and see what they all have to say about whether this is safe or not.

Also, this is quite an expensive product $139 a box but you can get a cheaper package for just $99.00

>>>Find out more at BrainMD Health HERE<<<

Possible Side Effects

Speaking of side effects, Brain MD Brain and Body Power uses a few questionable ingredients.

The biggest concern is Huperzine A, which might not be safe to take long-term and can cause the following side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dry Mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Blurred Vision
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Restlessness

  Pros and Cons ✅❎

What Are The Pros

  • Soy Free
  • No Sugar
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Egg Free
  • No Artificial Colors
  • No Artificial Flavours
  • Can be taken with or without food.
  • Made in the USA (California)
  • International Delivery (with exceptions)

The Cons

  • 1. Should not not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • 2. To buy this product it is quite expensive
  • 3. Cannot be used by anyone taking anticoagulants medicine
  • 4. Uses a few ingredients that can cause negative side effects
  • 5.) Free Trial of BrainMD products can be problematic
  • 6.) Capsules can be hard to swallow

Directions Of Use

Contains 60 individual packets. Take one packet twice a day with meals to ensure the highest absorption rate or as directed by your doctor.

My Final Thoughts

This is especially so at this moment in time, considering the huge pressure in our daily lives at present.
The product boasts of having all the needed nutrients to keep your brain moving.
We all understand how difficult maintaining proper cognitive health can be.
 That is where a supplement with a proven track record comes into its own.

Please note: I have not personally tried this product, so I cannot say whether it works or not. if you do give it a go I would love to hear from you.

Do not get me wrong – this product does seem to be popular with people. But, whether it is the best choice for you depends on exactly what you are searching for I don’t know. Although, If you want a product that has some great benefits and that you can take on a short-term basis, then this could be exactly what you are looking for.

If you have tried this already or have read this review and have found this information helpful

What Do You Think About Body and Brain Power Max?

I wish to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this article. If, you have a question or a comment then please feel free to leave it below. I love to hear from you all and I will get back to you.

If, you know anyone else who would benefit from reading this then please feel free to share it.

Take great care of yourself because you are worth it.

Alex C

Final Note: Please speak to a doctor before taking supplements of any kind. Everyone is different and what works well for one may not necessarily work for another. I am not a medical professional, This is intended as advice only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat you.


(1) https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-ginkgo/art-20362032

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10 thoughts on “Body and Brain Power Max Review – How Does It Compare?”

  1. This is really good to see here and it makes so much sense seeing that this supplement has encompassed it all. Honestly, what has been shared here is valuable and can make the difference especially for people like me who has issues with maintaining focus too. So, brain and body power max would be an ideal supplement. I would consult my doctor before trying it though

    • Thank you very much for reading and sharing your thoughts.

      Yes always speak to a medical professional before trying anything new.


  2. This has to be one of the most well developed drug supplement I have to see the entire day and I really have to commend the company for such a wonderful idea that they have come up with. Having supplements free of so many things and even give a money back system gives room for so many people to make use of it. 

    • Hi Lawson.

      I appreciate the time you have taken to read 

      and leave a valid comment. There are a lot

      Of supplements to choose from, it’s always 

      wise to choose one with natural ingredients.


  3. Buying supplements that you know nothing or little about is not appropriate, you need to dig into research and read about the product you’re about to purchase in order to know how it benefits you and how it’s gonna be safe for you to use. Brain body power max is good supplement with a lot of benefits, I’ll check it out.

    • Doing research on any supplement is highly recommended.

      it is also a good idea to speak to a doctor to ensure the ingredients

      do not interfere with any medications you may be taking.

      Appreciate your comment.


  4. I guess I would have to ask my doctor if it is fine for me to try to make use of this one that you shared but looking at everything you shared about it, I’m sure that it would be really good for me to have a supplement that can help my brain activity. I understand the side effects and what medications I’m not supposed to use this with.

    • Hello Jackie,

      many thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

      I know this product has helped a great many people.


  5. Great looking product Alex. I could do with some brain power at the moment plus that omega 3 is something I need more of my bones are playing up badly. This seems to be a good all round supplement.


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