Belly Fat Myths Debunked – Things You Shouldn’t Believe In; Now, when you read up online about health and nutrition, you’ll find tons of valuable resources. The subject is rather oversaturated with different kinds of information. However, whilst you could come across a lot of good informational articles (like this one!), you’ll also read through some myths circulating with no scientific evidence.
Naturally, most people that would like to lose weight always have belly fat on the mind. Let’s face it: a big belly is one of the main reasons why people hit the gym! It can be annoying, unappealing and, most importantly, cause a grave health risk.
Even though you’d like to get rid of your belly fat, this shouldn’t be your main concern when losing weight. It comes along a healthy routine of both diet and exercise. So I’ve decided to focus on these myths circulating online on belly fat and expose the real truth behind them.
Belly Fat Myths Debunked –
Things You Shouldn’t Believe In…
1# – Nuts Will Make You Gain Fat Easily

Nuts seem to get a bad reputation for having high-fat contents. While that is true, most nuts have what is called unsaturated fats inside them. These make up an integral part of any healthy diet. When it comes to fat in particular, it’s always about the quality of the fat and the quantity.
If you’re looking to direct your focus on foods that are more nutritious, nuts should be one of your main sources of fat. Like anything else, if you eat way too much of it, you’ll gain extra weight… obviously.
Moderation is key when it comes to making your diet plan.
2# – Cutting Down on Fatty Foods Will Make You Lose Your Belly Fat

As we’ve just explained, you have to start differentiating between the types of fats you’re consuming. Cutting out all types of fatty foods, in general, is not always a wise thing to do.
Avocado oil and olive oil, for example, will help you fight off cardiovascular diseases, promote healthy skin and nails. They also can help stabilise your glucose levels. It’s crucial that you make the distinction when sorting out your food options. Even animal fats again get a bad reputation but when they are compared to other vegetable oils they have more healthy levels of fat inside.
Read more here: The Difference Between Vegetable Oils and Animal fats – Which is Healthier?
3# – Ab Workouts Will Get You a Six Pack

Now, this ought to be one of the main myths regarding belly fat. Lots of inexperienced people will tell you to hit those crunches and to hit those crunches real hard if you’d like to see a six-pack by next summer. And, in all sincerity, this can’t be farther from the truth.
If you think about it, lots of beginners quit due to this unbelievably false claim. They go to the gym, try all the ab workouts in the book, and quit in a month or two when they see no noticeable results.
In reality, ab workouts are just another workout for a certain muscle group in your body. You can have the hardest core muscles human beings can ever build, and your belly would still look fat.
Fat layers are lost when you have a healthy routine in place along with regular cardio. They don’t just disappear from one particular body part. You lose fat all across. You can’t possibly focus on losing belly fat, get yourself a shredded core, and still have really fat arms. That wouldn’t look proper, would it?
4# – Big Bellies Are Just Natural Bone Structure

Another justification for having a bad diet would be: “I just have big bones structure.” Well, what a loss. Maybe you need to go and have that trimmed? This is honestly just a false claim that makes me sad when I see people believing in it.
There are three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph – the first being the skinniest, and the latter being the widest and more prone to gain fat. Even if you’re an endomorph, with proper diet and training, you can have that six-pack you’ve always dreamt of. In fact, endomorphs can gain muscle mass a lot easier than ectomorphs. So it’s not an excuse in any way that you should be giving yourself for leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
5# – A Juice Cleanse is All You’ll Ever Need

And, lastly, the renowned juice cleanse shared around that will end all your health problems. Smoothies and juices can be beneficial to you. However, you should never rely solely on them.
First of all, it’s quite easy to consume tons of sugar through them. Aside from that, you’d be missing out on fibres which make you feel a lot fuller and balance sugar spikes. As we mentioned earlier, everything in moderation can be beneficial to your body and crucial to your healthy lifestyle. Eating fruits is much better than consuming juices. You don’t want to miss out on minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that are found in whole fruits.
And that’s it for now, everyone. I hope these myths are debunked and you understand better what it means to lose your belly fat and turn your whole life around. Everything lies within your diet and the kind of inputs your body is receiving.
6# – In Conclusion
Belly Fat Myths Debunked is an interesting concept. Even the official narrative about fat being bad, and cholesterol being dangerous is only a half-truth. Indeed, when we look at fast food we think about eating too much but not about the vegetable oil it is cooked in. There are so many things – is it what we eat, or how much we eat? Is it a mixture of both? Do weight loss supplements work, or just some of them?
The human body is a complex organism. Is losing weight even always necessary? A funny phrase I often hear people say to others is “Your as skinny as a rake”. What are these ‘skinny as a rake’ types doing what these overweight people are not. Does this even matter? People have different body types as pictured above. Metabolisms that work at different speeds.
If you are someone that is big ask yourself the right questions. Are you happy with your size? Have you always been big? Do you exercise and are you healthy? The answers lie with you, and so do the solutions but if you need any help with trying to figure these out feel free to private message me anytime. My email address is
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