Consuming the right blends of tea provides various health benefits. Many different kinds of tea can be found worldwide and many are known for things such as improving metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels, and helping to lose weight.
Looking at some of the All Day Slimming Tea Reviews it’s no surprise that this new product makes all these claims plus more. However, with so many other weight loss tea products being released on such a frequent basis it does really beg the question of WHY this one will be any good when so many others are not.
Although, you do have to admit that drinking tea to lose weight over the years has definitely got people’s attention.
Whether it be good old Chinese Green Tea or Oolong, Red Tea or Purple Tea from West Africa, or Yerba Mate from South America – people love tea and according to a lot of studies drinking the right tea is very good for you.
This is true and actually, after researching a good number of weight loss tea supplements it definitely looks to be that some of these products do look like they can really help.
Just looking at feedback similar to the All Day Slimming Tea Reviews people do look to be getting results here.
I would rather be honest than recommend a product that doesn’t work but on the face of it, this looks like it could be something worth looking into. Maybe I am wrong but please keep reading to see why I think this could be true.
I will share my own ideas on what you need to do to lose weight towards the end as well but just quickly before.
All Day Slimming Tea Reviews – Can This Really Help Fat Loss ☕
Product Name: All Day Slimming Tea
Created By: Unknown
Company: All Slimming Herbs
Price: $69.00 for 30 Day Supply
Short Description: Specially Blended Tea Bags Based On a Costa Rican Tea Recipe
The Good: Looks the part, 100% natural
The Bad: Limited Information About The Creators
Do I Recommend: Yes if you are a keen Tea Drinker but No if you are looking for a solution for losing weight.
It’s not that this won’t help you lose weight (I actually think it could) but in my own opinion if you are looking to try a weight loss supplement then I would instead recommend something else. {See Here}
Also, check out some of the other product reviews I have written below;
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Please note that this product review contains affiliate links. So please assume that if you click on any links within this post that lead to you making a purchase then by this action I may receive an affiliate commission. The price you pay will not be affected – please do not let this put you off. Just think of this (if you find this content helpful) as a way of supporting my work.
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What Is All Day Slimming Tea?
For anyone just hearing about all day slimming tea, this is a set of 2 different products that are directed to be taken once in the morning and once in the evening.
Based on a natural slimming tea recipe used in Nicoya – Costa Rica, All Day Slimming Tea is designed to support 4 key areas. Digestion, Detox, Food Cravings and Metabolism. Plus it also claims to help improve sleep quality and energy levels. Inside each tea bag are clean, organic and toxin-free ingredients that help burn body fat all day long.
Each package contains 30 herbal tea bags so for each order you will receive 60 in total. 30x of each blend.
Find out more about the All Day Slimming Tea Ingredients in the table below;
Morning Energy Blend | Evening Detox Blend |
Green Tea | Senna Leaves |
Oolong Tea | Liquorice Root |
Orange Peel | Peppermint Leaves |
Lemongrass | Fennel Fruit |
Ginger | Orange Peel |
Dandelion Leaves | Dandelion Leaves |
Ginseng Root | Lemongrass |
Garcinia Cambogia | Ginger |
Monk Fruit | Monk fruit |
Peppermint Leaves | Natural Honey |
Lemon Flavour | Lemon Flavour |
Cinnamon Bark |
Mostly, these are all ingredients I’ve come across in weight loss supplements before. At face value, this does appear to be a good product. There doesn’t really seem to be much of a Costa Rican feel to this list of ingredients but nevertheless, this does look like a good mixture of different herbs and plants etc.
I would probably recommend something else based on the price and other factors but if you are genuinely interested I will continue to review this product in the next section below.
How Does All Day Slimming Tea Work?
To begin with, the first thing you will find out about All Day Slimming Tea is it is designed to work in two ways. Firstly you will begin by drinking the morning energy blend.
This is a mixture of 11 ingredients including Green Tea and Oolong Tea.
Green Tea is basically in every weight loss supplement online. This is because inside are polyphenols called Catechins that are high in antioxidants. These, include EGCG {Epigallocatechin Gallate) which works alongside caffeine to help boost energy levels by speeding up the Metabolism.
Oolong Tea works in a very similar way but also has different compounds inside that further help with metabolism and burning more calories. In fact, studies taken on the effects of Oolong Tea suggest that by drinking this tea you can increase fat burning by an extra 3.5%. It might not sound like a lot but there is more.
Orange Peel is obviously a rich source of Vitamin C this is important for the absorption of trace minerals and this in effect is great for boosting energy levels. It is also great apparently for anyone taking All Day Slimming Tea that has allergies because of its anti-histamine effects.
It doesn’t stop here either so Monk Fruit is another interesting addition. This is often used as a natural sweetener in a lot of weight loss tea supplements. This is said to be 150-250 times sweeter than sugar but has zero calories or carbs.
However, it actually does a bit more than just act as a sweetener. Monk Fruit also works as an effective anti-inflammatory and can be beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar levels.
So these are just some of the ingredients you can find in all day slimming tea. Of course, there are more but without making this section too long I will continue below with a few more ingredients from the evening detox blend.
All Day Slimming Tea Ingredients Continued
Now, this second blend is, as the name suggests, meant to be drunken in the evening and this is quite a different herbal mixture that is supposed to work whilst you are asleep at night. Some ingredients are the same as the morning blend but let’s continue by looking at some more of these ingredients.
We will begin with Dandelion Leaves. These are in both blends and perhaps why is because Dandelion is great for detoxing the liver. Many people that struggle with their size may have a condition called fatty liver which itself can really make losing weight difficult but not just this. As the liver breaks down fat, proteins and carbs into energy having a clean toxin-free liver is very important.
Also, Senna Leaves are quite important to this second blend. It’s kind of odd that these are added to the evening blend as these are known for their laxative effects but when it comes to actually detox the body an ingredient such as Senna Leaves can play a very significant role.
So What Else?
Lemongrass is found in both the morning and evening tea bags. Making Tea from Lemongrass is known for its many health benefits including antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Digestion, weight loss, blood flow and lowering LDL cholesterol are thought to be some of the many health benefits of drinking lemongrass tea.
Also, Lemongrass is apparently a diuretic which further helps the body to flush out toxins by making us pee more. (R)
I could say a lot more too about some of the other ingredients Garcinia Cambogia and Panax Ginseng is very popular in weight loss formulas. Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory. Peppermint is great for oral health and is a very good digestion aid. Liquorice Root, Cinnamon Bark and Natural Honey are good for blood sugar.
Fennel Fruit is good for the skin, and heart health and may also help boost metabolism to help lose weight. (R)
Is All Day Slimming Tea a Scam?
I would say it is not. There is no doubt in my mind that if you order this product unless something happens in transit you will definitely receive the All Day Slimming Tea supplement.
In that respect no it is not a scam. I would also expect that if you are looking to claim a refund as long as it is within 60 days of your order date you should get your money back.
Although, this to me I think is a bit dodgy. Like, say it takes 3 weeks for your order to be received and then you find out that after 50 days you are not happy with your results – you might think you can claim back on their guarantee but really as it is 60 days from order date and not 60 days from the date your order is received you could be left pretty disappointed.
It actually happens with a lot of dietary supplements and although I wouldn’t say All Day Slimming Tea is definitely a scam I do think a lot of companies run scams based on this concept. Like they will sell a crappy product which people will buy because the guarantee makes it seem worth their time but by the time they realise it’s crap the guarantee has passed, and it is too late to get their money back.
It is so dodgy would be OK for just one month’s supply of something maybe but based on the idea it is usually recommended to take a supplement for more than 1 month to see if it works this does kind of fall flat.
So Is All Day Slimming Tea Legit?
Does it really work? Of course, many people will wonder. With so many different products actually available it is important to see that there is some substance to the claims made online but I will be straight up here. Even though I’ve called this post All Day Slimming Tea Reviews it’s a bit silly really because I can’t actually find any good reviews ANYWHERE.
Some on Amazon but just a handful and those aren’t exactly positive.
I will maybe put this down to the product being new but for me, I think the ingredients look good and the packaging, but seriously who is this company All Slimming Herbs? The website barely tells you anything. Who are the owners? When did this company begin trading? Do they sell any other products?
I mean it is probably a good thing they haven’t attached some fake persona to this product but this lack of background information does kind of bother me.
I’m not saying All Day Slimming Tea will not actually make a difference to someone’s health but honestly, I can recommend other products that come from much more trustworthy sources.
If you like skip to the end to find out about my other recommended weight loss supplements.
You can try this All Day Slimming Tea by all means but if it doesn’t work don’t say I didn’t warn you.
How Much Does All Day Slimming Tea Cost?
This is the other thing All Day Slimming Tea is not cheap! To be fair it is priced similar to quite a lot of weight loss supplements I’ve come across over the past year. Although I think this is another problem with this product.
See prices in the screenshot below;
So you can get discounts if you buy more. You will also get free shipping and free bonuses if you buy a 3 or 6 month supply but how about this?
Is All Day Slimming Tea Really Worth It?
I would say maybe if you can afford it. It isn’t really any trouble taking this supplement. All you need to do is put a teabag in a cup, boil the kettle, brew your tea, let it cool and drink. Considering a situation where you want to take something to help you lose weight, feel more energetic, and more healthy this is the kind of simple, easy to do kind of thing you really want.
I will say though if you don’t have $69.00 + shipping, $177 or $294 you should probably not risk losing what you can’t afford to pay. Especially given that this fat burner supplement isn’t guaranteed to work.
It looks good to me. I’m a big tea drinker – kind of a tea connoisseur and I can tell you I think this is something I would drink. It isn’t like any others at the supermarket either. You would have to buy several different types of tea bags to get everything that is in the All Day Slimming Teabags.
I think you would either have to drink several cups a day more or try and infuse your teabags together. Not really practical when you can get all this readymade.
So the price is a little too high definitely but if you can afford it then maybe you could try this out. It’s really up to you but I would say maybe worst-case scenario if you don’t lose the weight at least you still might enjoy the drinks.
I know you are probably most likely reading this because you want to lose weight. Fair enough I can give you some advice on this.
I am not finished with this review yet but if you want to check out my page here for all my weight loss tips and my free bonuses for my readers. Hopefully, this should be worth your time.
Now, let’s continue…
Does All Day Slimming Tea Have a Refund Policy?
I’m sure I have discussed this already but YES – if you purchase All Day Slimming Tea and you do not get the results that you expect from this product then you can claim back a refund within 60 days of making your purchase.
You should be aware of the actual deal here though. According to the refund page, you can only receive a refund for the tea bags that are returned – either used or unused. Quite strange if you ask me so basically if you want to be prepared in the event that All Day Slimming Tea doesn’t work for you – you have to save all your dirty unused teabags ?
Kind of a bit dodgy if you ask me but maybe you will enjoy the tea. It is kind of strange how they have so many hoops to jump through before you can actually get your money back if need be but anyhow…
What Do You Get With All Day Slimming Tea?
I’ve definitely already covered this but yes with a one month supply of all-day slimming tea you will get 2 packages of 30 tea bags. 30 x of the Morning Energy Blend Tea Bags and 30 x of The Evening Detox Teabags.
And if you order either a 3 or 6 month supply you will also receive the following bonuses.
So these include 4 bonus digital products;
- Slim Over 55 – Reach Your Ideal Weight Fast
- 57 Secrets To Reverse Ageing
- Healthy Fat Loss Desserts Cook Book
- Healthy Fat Loss Dessert Cooking Videos
Seems like these are more geared towards the older audience but not bad for free I guess if you are willing to give All Day Slimming Tea a try.
Maybe this might be the deal-breaker for some people but seriously if free digital products are your thing I have a few of my own. Check out my free offer below…
Now, so I am not wholly convinced by what is actually on offer with All Day Slimming Tea but I will let you make your own mind up.
Who Is All Day Slimming Tea For?
Please don’t shoot the messenger here but according to its creators, All Day Slimming tea (both blends) can potentially help with several areas for better health. I can not 100% back this up but anyhow…
i.) Weight Loss
As the name suggests All Day Slimming Tea is highly effective for helping the body to burn extra calories. Through its extra powerful organic ingredients, it helps to reduce accumulative fat storage and helps to lower triglyceride levels.
ii.) Speeds Up The Metabolism
Another way All Day Slimming Tea works is by helping to activate the body’s natural fat burners which in turn helps to increase the metabolic rate. Meaning that fewer fats and sugars are effectively stored as unwanted fat.
iii.) Helps To Decrease The Ageing Process
I know this probably might sound like nonsense but yes by detoxing and cleansing the digestive tract and the liver the body can absorb more nutrients which can help it to become more alive and functional. Grey hair and wrinkled skin are mostly the effects of depleted vitamins and minerals over time starting to show their physical effects.
iv.) Healthier Digestion and Less Food Cravings
Gut inflammation is quite common for us that are overweight. When this occurs it has many negative knock-on effects. It is actually surprising how much this can help the body once this is resolved. Healthier digestion is probably the main thing and with this, we are able to absorb more nutrients and have better control of our hormones.
Leptin resistance is just one example of this and with this, under control, it is much easier to control the food cravings that are so destructive to our body weight and overall health.
V.) Elevated Energy Levels
As All Day Slimming Tea and its powerful antioxidant ingredients help to increase the amounts of stored fat that is turned into energy – energy levels, as a result, are elevated. Plus as these same organic ingredients can help rejuvenate the cells’ mitochondria, this too can lead to a significant increase in the production of energy from fat, protein and carbs.
Vi.) Can Help You Sleep Better
From the effects of better digestion, nutrient absorption and better hormonal balance melatonin production can increase as well as HGH (the human growth hormone) which itself is pivotal for optimal bodily functions.
Getting a better night’s sleep is pretty much helped along by the body’s ability to fluctuate between sleep stages. Key to this is the body’s natural ability to produce melatonin. This is the result itself of adequate absorption of electrolytes such as zinc and magnesium. Being deficient either because of poor diet or low absorption is often a prime cause of sleeplessness.
Vii.) Anti-Allergic Properties
So another thing about All Day Slimming Tea apparently is that some of its ingredients work as anti-histamine. If you have allergies such as hayfever All Day Slimming Tea supposedly is great for helping to manage this condition.
Viii.) May Help Skin and Hair Look Better
Again more absorption of vitamins and minerals can help in a number of ways. Green Tea is known especially for its antioxidant properties. Other ingredients in the 2 blends also have antioxidant properties of their own. By helping to combat oxidative stress this can benefit both the hair and skin by again allowing the human body to function better.
Ix.) Cholesterol Control
Cholesterol is another name for lipoprotein which is another name for fat. As All Day Slimming Tea can in effect help to increase the metabolic rate and burn more fat this can help the body get rid of unhealthy LDL cholesterol.
X.) Improved Focus and Concentration
Healthy gut, healthy mind.- this is a popular saying and actually working in ways to improve digestive health and flush out toxins and unhealthy bacteria can directly impact our brain function. This is because our gut actually has its own central nervous system and nurturing this organ it can definitely help with focus, clarity and concentration.
>>>Find Out More About All Day Slimming Tea Here<<
All Day Slimming Tea Overview
What All Day Slimming Tea really is – is an all in one blend of several different types of tea. This is by no means any guarantee of weight loss or a solution for any other health problems for that matter but you can definitely do your own research and see that more or less each of them is known in some way to have nutritional benefits.
You could effectively just spend $69.00 at the supermarket instead of buying this product and get a basket full of different teas. You may even find a couple with ingredients not found in this formula but saying that opting for All Day Slimming Tea is a lot more convenient. Plus it is not really any trouble to make this tea – it’s the same as normal tea really.
However, I definitely do not fully trust this product. I like to know about the owner, where the ingredients are sourced from and I like to see a proper website put together for the company.
Perhaps this will be taken care of in the next year or so but for now, I would definitely shop around first before deciding to buy this product. I mean you can get this if you want but don’t say I didn’t warn you if it doesn’t work…
My #1 Recommendation
So if somebody asked me about losing weight and what they could do to help this along I actually doubt I would recommend All Day Slimming Tea. I would actually like to drink this myself I think but seriously if you are willing to spend on a supplement to help with weight loss I would instead recommend either;
- BurnXT
- PhenQ
- HFL Lean Optimizer or
- HFL CHEATmeals
HFL CHEATmeals I’ve just updated my review for. Lean Optimizer looks like another good product from this brand. You can try both with a whole 1-year satisfaction guarantee and actually if you take them and you don’t lose weight you can contact HFL Solutions who will first consult with you to help find the root of your body weight issues and if they can’t help they will fully refund you for your original purchase.
Read my HFL CHEATmeals review HERE<<<
Final Word
I would say whether you are sold on the idea of weight loss tea or not you should definitely not pass up on at least trying out a few different types of herbal tea. Even as something nice to drink because some of these teas actually do taste good.
Green tea especially you should try to see whether you like it or not. You could then try peppermint tea, rooibos, Pu’er and ginger tea. I don’t actually like Ginger tea unless I make it myself but the list goes on – if you think of Tea as just your typical Earl Grey or PG Tipps you are definitely missing out.
After all, tea is basically a drink that can be made with any plant. Medicine at its very core is based on what we do with plants. Sure you can mess around with lab equipment making your own pills and powders but just putting some leaves, stems or roots (of any plant) in hot water and then drinking the water once it’s cooled is really quite easy.
Although, you really can’t knock some of these readymade tea products. Even All Day Slimming Tea I think looks very good it is just that the pricing (to me at least) seems to be a bit high, and I think there may be better products available elsewhere for cheaper. If you can afford it fair enough but if not you should be able to find a cheaper alternative.
FAQ About All Day Slimming Tea
“how long does it take slimming tea to work?”
According to the All Day Slimming Tea website, you should notice some of the effects of drinking this after the first time. Including improvements to your digestion, metabolism and energy levels. They also claim after 1-2 weeks of first drinking this tea every day this should be enough to convince you of this product’s abilities.
However, for best results, it is recommended you either buy a 3 or 6 month supply and drink every day.
“is it okay to drink slimming tea every day?”
Yes, this is how you are supposed to drink it. In fact, you should try your best to make sure that no days are missed.
“how many cups of slimming tea per day”
As instructed by All Day Slimming Tea you should drink one cup in the morning and one cup in the evening. If you like there probably isn’t too much harm in drinking more. After all, it is just herbal tea but for cost-effectiveness, it probably is smart to drink another more affordable herbal tea from the supermarket.
“How does slimming tea really work?”
Slimming Tea works in a number of different ways but chiefly it works by providing your body with antioxidants and antiinflammatories. These help to repair and rebuild new cells. Basically reducing inflammation and combatting oxidate stress helps the body to start working how it is supposed to work.
The slimming part happens because once certain biological processes are triggered this helps to burn more calories and stored fat. As a result, this releases more energy which itself helps burn even more fat because your body is more active.
“How effective Is 28 days Slimming Tea?”
This part is certainly debatable. The All-Day Slimming Tea reviews on their website say all sorts like;
- “I Dropped 2 Dress Sizes and lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks”,
- “In 9 weeks I dropped 39 pounds & 5 dress sizes”,
- “When I started drinking the All Day Slimming tea, 3 weeks ago, everything changed.”
- “I already dropped 14 pounds and still going strong after one month”
- “I am so happy I got it because after I lost 4 pounds in the first week and my husband lost 3”
I actually can not verify these claims so take them with a pinch of salt but these are apparently all happy customers.
“Is the All Day Slimming Tea really 100% natural?”
So All Day Slimming Tea is both FDA Approved and manufactured in a GMP approved facility. It only contains 100% natural ingredients and is third-party tested to ensure its ingredients that are used are of the highest purity and potency!
“What if the All Day Slimming Tea doesn’t work for you?”
If you find that you are unsatisfied with the results of drinking All Day Slimming Tea be sure to contact the company All Slimming Herbs within 60 Days after your order date and you can claim back a refund for all of your used and unused tea bags. Message them anytime at –
Your Feedback
On a final note would did you think of today’s All Day Slimming Tea Review? Is this something you would personally try? Or have you tried this or anything else similar already? Did this help you to lose weight?
Maybe you have found something better? If so please let us know along with your thoughts, feedback and any questions you have in the comments section below.
It would be great to hear from you and if you know anyone that might find this content helpful please consider giving this a share. Any way you can help support this website is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks and hopefully see you again some other time.
#BeHealthy and #StayDynamic
Best Wishes from
Alex B Chivers
Contact Us at
Plus Find Out More about All Day Slimming Tea (If You’re interested) In the link below;
Also, one last thing to share…
I love tea, it’s my favourite drink
tea is so soothing, it’s like a soak in the sink
tea makes me happy and calm inside
nothing tastes better than when it’s time to take a sip
of a delicious cup of tea, especially when its
flavoured with chamomile or mint, both so mild
but All Day Slimming Tea sounds simply amazing,
I need to start losing weight
and this just might be the answer!
Hi Julia, Thanks for the comment I appreciate it. I am quite a tea connoisseur myself. Have a whole cupboard filled with different kinds – I know most people would rather just stick to the usual PG Tipps or Tetleys but herbal tea is great and definitely can help with weight loss if you get the right type.